Lawl. Imagine if she was real and people tried to fight over her. That's not going to be pretty.
Darky is much better. :3
You can say what you want about her, I don't mind. xD But honestly, she is gorgeous. If only someone could cosplay as her correctly. Or if she was real. A boy can dream, a boy can dream.
I am a Larxene fanboy. Yes, I am.
Holy crap, Repliku. You did a fascinating job with your profile. I got a good read, yes I did. And you did a good job as well, TDGW.
Ever heard of ZeroLinkForever? He's a freakin' machine when it comes to After Effects. Complete expert, mind you. And his partner, Ryko, has similar, amazing talents with that program.
Whenever I feel like it, because I love to interview people. Probably expect two a week.
Adobe After Effects, and Premiere 7.0. After messing around with Photoshop for years, these two programs are simple to work with.
Thanks, DA. You know, I might actually just go with you for the second interview.
Right members? I'm sorry, but that seemed rather offensive. The next person will probably be Darky or Darkandroid.
Well, I'll give you a brief explanation of the interview session I started. Listen, this isn't like the Question Time series. This is actually when I go on MSN or PM, and I interview our most intellectual, exciting, and straight out hilarious members of our community. And I sure as hell bring you the honor of presenting our first interview with Laplace, or as you know, Chaser. So, how about we get straight to the interview, no? KHV: Interview #1 With Laplace Skyler: Hello and welcome to KHV: Photoshop. Let's start off by asking, how are you doing? Laplace: I am good, thanks for asking. Skyler: Glad to hear. Now then, what made you interested in Photoshop? Laplace: To put it in the simplest way, all started over a year, I was bored to wait for a database error to end, and I tried making something. Of course it sucked, so I decided to start working harder and improving and pretty much that's it. Skyler: Seems like you've improved greatly over the past years. Do you remember when you first made a "masterpiece" in Photoshop? Laplace: (Thinks.) If I remember correctly, the first "decent" thing was the first thing I made in Photoshop. Ironically, because I used to work with GIMP, before I got Photoshop. Then, my first "favorite" work was near the end of the past year. Skyler: Damn, must've taken a long time to get used to the system. Is there anything in particular you love to work with? Graphic wise. Laplace: Yes, liquify. It's honestly one of my favorite filters. Also, I like to work with both colorful and BW things. Skyler: It's always the best choice, you know. Does it let you open up to your choices in colors, backgrounds, the flow of the picture, etc.? Laplace: Yeah, it's very useful for the background and flow, if you know how to use it. Mostly, I use it along with smudging. Skyler: And the result will always be amazing. Now, here's a personal question that's been bugging me for a while. What would be your favorite color scheme for a work? Laplace: Hm, that's a hard one. I mostly like the rainbowish/colorful scheme. If not, I try to pull warm colors or something else. To be honest, it all depends on what colors match the stock. Skyler: I hope you don't mind if I ask questions upon your interests. Laplace: Nope, I don't mind. Skyler: Who would be your favorite singer? Band? Laplace: That's a hard one. To be honest, I mostly like instrumental things. Skyler: Wouldn't blame you. Now, when you say instrumental, do you also mean orchestral? Laplace: Yep. Skyler: Any composers you usually listen to? Laplace: I don't really have any favorites. I listen to whatever sounds good to me. Skyler: Hell yeah. Ever been obsessed with a band, or possibly a soundtrack? Laplace: Yes. Megaman Zero remix soundtracks, I just love those. Skyler: Remixes always get you pumped up, so I agree with you. Changing the subject of question, do you have a favorite color? Laplace: Yeah. I mostly like either dark blue, or something yellow with a slight tone of orange. Skyler: Wow, I'm pressed by the fact that your interests and your works of Photoshop aren't the only things creative. So, how about we wrap this up with one last question. Is there anything special to expect from you in the future? Laplace: Not much actually. (Laughs.) I'll just continue working with Photoshop, and when I when I finish school, I'll see what to do. Skyler: Thanks for talking with me on KHV: Photoshop. Hope you have a great day and time with Photoshop. Glad to have you on the interview. Creator's Notes I loved this interview, and it was great, for a first time. Chaser gave me excellent answers, and was rather enthusiastic about the interview. Holarious when he asked to please let him stop talking with parenthesis and brackets. I thank you, Chaser, for helping in such a great interview.
Fixed. AkuRoku with Roxas x Axel, a KH couple. On August 13th, which is their Org. numbers, we celebrate our fanboyish and girlish imagination and fantasies for the couple. DeviantArt is always spammed with drawings every year. Especially 2006. Oh, and the Aku + Roku is the romanization of the characters names in Japanese. When they say the names in the game, they sound differently, and are romanized to tell you "this is how the Japanese say it, compared to the Americans."
Miele already made a topic about this, but oh well. Anyways, happy AkuRoku day. I might possibly draw some fanart.
Asphyxiate Melancholy Finding levels and shelves, Each of them having an over stock of unimportant data. That input being irrelevant, and rather subordinant. Punching left to right, Memories of eminent grim sorrow. As much of a banality as it sounds, I find it to be true. However, I have a memoir. A diary of happiness. Last updated two years ago. I even ask myself, "Has it really been that long?" Has it really been that long, Since I've at least felt the smallest of remote happiness? Time to pull out the dusty notebook, And write down upon the tan pages, That I've finally found my arising. You, as my love, may had just run into my life. But I also bumped into you, And sure enough without warning, My heart began warming. Never, will I be able to explain. How much you have surprised me, With the passion that you caress me with ever so remarkably. So, now, I end this song. However, this song will never end. Same with my love for you. So, no, I finish off, saying the truth, That you asphyxiate my melancholy!
WTF? Why do the crows always have beef with our beef?
Whole point of the video.
I shouldn't have to answer that since it seems pretty obvious. But I might as well anyways. It's called curiosity.
Namine. She's kindhearted, sweet to Roxas, and adorable at that. There's nothing wrong with Namine, other than the fact there was only, like, two scenes that inspired R x N.
To make another pointless reaction video. You may know in my previous videos that I made a reaction video to the damned Pain Olympics video. Well, now, I breeze upon the bandwagons, which I do hate, and watch one of the most disgusting videos by far in life. The description on the video will explain the rest. Hope you get a couple of laughs. I guess. xD Bleh bleh yah.
@ Beezygee: Oh my, I must say you are very, very pretty. And plus, the hat seriously rocks. If only my hair could be as straight as yours. Unfortunately, straighteners are gay to me. >: But anyways, as I've said before, you are beautiful. :3