need help on floor five
what is number 3 i need some help people
listen to some loud music
u no we can have 1 of those private chats
hey love *kiss* so u just made a "i bored" post?
lucky star are still better dancer
yay i have some people that pity me and do u have a XL for those jackets? but seriously does anyone have a anime i can watch? i can even do drama anime (even though i hate drama right now damn u english class -_-)
avatar 5/10 sig 6/10
so who want to b friends with me? no one? :( y do i always 2 post things like this? by the way did someone have any anime 2 watch? im bored
who ever love/seen that anime? it's about a guy who was about to marry a alien and then more aliens came and then more aliens then more aliens then more aliens who would like this show?
i tried posting as many as i can but it didn't raise my post count up in fact i think it just went down some what is going on?
man i got a long way to go to 300 post to change my name and it's about to b the end of the world man u guy r lucky :(
hey welcome back i guess even though i don't think we meet before im master
1) it has to be 30 seconds or longer that's it!!!!!!!!!!!! I go first update: sorry but i didn't know what people were using transformation i didn't mean so here is some updated rules: 1) the transformation has to be 30 seconds or longer 2) fight scenes does not count 3) power ups does not count 4) you can't use the same person with a different transformation 5) summons does not count sorry i have to make it more challenging but i wanna see who can do this
nice to meet u guff my name is master08996 lets b friends
no i like japanese girls the most.
good for now