PS3 KHV nick: master08996 username: mario08996 online games to play: COD black op 2 i need more online games
pokemon games: up to two weeks kingdom heart games: a week mario games: a day(when i don't have nothing else to do) ect..: up to a month so yea im losing a life XD
hey i have up to 5 lives
just here to say hey. i am your master and i say follow the rules and post whatever you wanna post
i had watched a lot of anime. and now i am bored. i hate to say it but do anyone recommend any drama anime?
yay i have two pins:)
bye misty say hi to mickey oh and take a picture with simba
name: Miguel Gomez username: mario08996 availability and time zone: fridays and saturdays 5:00-8:00PM (central time) email:
Punches (why are you guys taking about me)
i mean like knowing that there is a past and a future that are saperated by time there is a possibility of traviling to time if anyone would know what past and future.
i say it's possible because if there is time then there can be a time travel
then yfvytcftyvyujgujgb
hey i like to join in
and fhxdfrcxgcfgfgc hjf
but i want another one
i need another one (why do i have to keep typing up to 20 characters)
with hfvkhyfejfvbjdbfjd
more like not even there
welcome to the site that you'll never get off of. i am your master and i say read the rules and post whatever u fell like posting.