xros war or something
i though they were gonna make goku win but boy was i wrong
i never though that anime would be popular
yes yes maybe maybe maybe only the wii(not sure about wii u) any more question
don't you guys want some anime like one piece or naruto or bleach to be in the game?
its alright to worry but if you worry too much you will have a emotional crash down (true story it happen to me) plus your grandparents are inside you so you have nothing to worry about
hey umm can you give me a sig of this i want the size to be 500X281 and can you change the background into outer space please and thank you.
ok well thanks for telling me that
is it possible to marry a different game?
can you give a sig of this i want the size to be 500X281 and i want the background to be in space please and thank you.
the new anime coming out... digimon pokemon beyblade power ranger sailor moon naruto(maybe) old anime but new seasons
i haven't even play sly cooper 1-3 but i am willing to get this game.
that mana bar always keep making me lose to sephiroth i have to buy a lot of eithers and stuff
Clannad: After Story almost made me cry and i have never cried
welp now im really glade i got a 3ds still i think the hoeen remake should come out first
they all have amnesia
i don't know she might did something inappropriate things
your pics are awesome i hope you can teach me to draw.
well what did you use to record games? some recorders can freeze your computer when i try to record some games my screen went all flashing green on me