Ok see ya later
so how long have you've been in KH-Vids???
Is this right????????????????????????
Hello!!!!!! keybladewarrioroflegend
YAY!!! go Sora and Kairi. By the way I'm new
I really need help I've tried to defeat Sephiroth in the Olympus Coliseum hundreds of times but I keep on losing and even if I try to hit him it doesn't affect him. Sometimes I don't even get enough time to heal myself and it is really annoying the hell out of me. Do you think you could help me out here??? P.S. Can you also give a few hint for the Hades cup it's also annoying the heck out of me?
I don't really know much about KH Birth by Sleep so I was wondering if you could tell me eveything you know about it because I don't and I would really like to know more about it.