Hey Janson, you're like one of the older members I know who doesn't have a nickname or username stuck to them. Welcome back, enjoy the hearts.
21. Still alive and kicking. It doesn't sound like legality has stopped you before. We all go through it, nothing to be defensive about, honestly.
Yes, outside of our societies and our daily lives, which is why the quality of life today is extremely better in on our terms than in the past, when we were like many other modern foreign nations. The blessings of the west as it were. The statement itself is not exactly close minded, it's quite complex depending on context. But I'm guessing the type of context you're putting it in is the kind of derogatory observation of change, and seeing certain new change as negative compared to what they viewed in the past. I don't think it's close minded, exactly, I think it's more a traditional view versus more liberal views of the modern era. Not all open minded people think changes are good, only want they want to see changed.
I'm actually really glad i'm getting this for the PS4 now, one of the things I loved about AC3 was the feeling of being a predator in the wild, and with these new weathers and water dynamics will make the stalking of animals and people alike more satisfying and natural. You know, the original announcement of this title made me REALLY sceptical of this just being another AC3 game with the way it was being marketed, being set in the same place and the same era, which it basically is but with a greater world to play in with more things to do, which I love in open worlds. I'm really looking forward to it now, come on!
My mother has been pushing me away for the last 20 years then.
Don't be rude now, few people can pull off the hair.
Purty sounds infectious.
I said most, not all of them, I thought it obvious that a few companies would be bucking the market trend. Like libre says, most of the larger publishers are having a bad time, especially when compared to the boom they experienced in the late 90s early 00s, it use to be the Japanese market being superior last gen, but this and likely next are and will be western dominant. The fact is Square are afloat thanks to their western acquired Eidos and other branches outside of their console developed games, whilst Nintendo's development of games is appalling for their consoles. They use to be able to rely on third party stuff keeping their console software line up at least noticeable and maybe desirable, but now that the WiiU's bigger, more desirable titles are being made by Nintendo and Ubisoft almost exclusively, their weaknesses are starting to show. The 3DS market is the only thing keeping them afloat. From what I've seen in a lot of Japanese companies is the inability to manage and reduce the costs of a studio, a lot of time they'll spend money into projects that take years (FFXV being the greatest example) or they'll finance a game they expect to sell more than is realistically possible with their marketing of it. There are just trends from a business stand point, and Capcom follows some of these. Small gaming niche companies that libre mentioned don't incur some of the same inefficiency in cost management and generally do better from being a smaller company.
I've wondered myself, I've just thought it was the older, harsher rule system in place that meant more bans.
I so damned well want this thing, gah, damn it American exclusives!
Not to mention, a lot of us weren't staff when some of these members were banned. Staff has changed a lot.
Have you met my parents? I'm 21 and still, apparently, unable to have a valid opinion in my house, because i'm 'nerdy' and use over complicated words. Age, in my experience, rarely establishes diminishing influences from your childhood towards parental figures. You can't escape them, honestly, they're going to linger in your whole life in some fashion aware or not. Then any form of human interaction is going to be a problem, parental included, because restrictions are a part of any social humans life, because we each have different views and desires.
Difference is the failing Japanese console market in general, whilst Final Fantasy was the beginning of the Japanese gaming market expanding. And it won't be the end of Megaman, they intellectual properties will be sold off to other companies, likely, and that will mean some other company will make a Megaman game and any other IP that gets sold off. But that's not what's happening here, just a possibility.
This is a mark on America's history. It is symbolical, and as significant as the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the abolishment of the slave trade, the Great Depression, and all other major events in its short history. 9/11 saw the deaths of thousands, and the humanity of the citizens after such a tragedy, the willingness to help and work together to save each other. It shows America it is weaker than it believed it was, that even an enemy they looked down upon could hurt them so. It is a lesson in humiliation, at the cost of many. It has affected the America on a core level, so it isn't something to forget or be shelved, and it will influence American lives for decades to come, and even us abroad, some more than others.
Without going into so much depth, basically the majority of Japanese gaming industries have taken a nose dive and are tried throwing money at the problem to solve it, with Capcom spending a lot on underwhelming and underselling games, and relying on established franchises to keep them afloat. It's not totally surprising, with most every Capcom game being co worked with the related consoles company, like with Sony or Nintendo. It's their last attempt before doing a THQ or turn into another sort of gaming company. Maybe it'll work maybe won't, depends on how well they market and make their games.
I guess my only worry is if there is a limitation on the number of family members, and if those family members have to be in a 'family unit'. I can see the benefit of it in single player games for sure, obviously you can't play with your friend's copy with them, but a lovely step in the right direction.
I'm saying that dissent and revolution is not put forward as a few people discussing ideas. Intellectuals, as much as I believe them to be influential and enlightened on the most part, are not the people who have, in history, changed things on a social or political level. Usually, the barbarians and wildmen kill the weak intellectuals, and their long term goals die with them. Genghis Khan, when invading China, began by killing and imprisoning politicians and scholars of high rank, he used force to out think, to influence. Force is much more decisive in some instances, and more passionate. Revolutions occur because of emotions, of passion, of belief in the people, not from debate. It's the state of humanity in the classic saying, actions speak louder than words. It's also a falsehood to believe all influence of your word is good. It could be you're spreading bad influence, that you're dissuading people to your cause because of its flaws and other such things. The thing is, I believe my way of living is better than yours and you believe yours are better than mine. But what is a better life for me and you are two different things. I don't try to spread my beliefs on people, just inform them, because I don't think I could handle the responsibility of all those people thinking a certain way because I have told them how. It's why i'm not a great fan of missionaries, converters and preachers. Intention is nice, but forcing someone to find answers is a difficult thing to do. What ya talkign bout? I can fly, dmmit, I swear! But I meant, you can tell your parents to piss off, but their socialisation of you is never going away. You know life events sort of influence, I was only using gravity as an example since, to me it's equivalent to the influence of parents, friends and other people in our lives.
Just to say, I dislike this game of comparing two unrelated subjects to make our arguments sound convincingly true, since it's an old political debate technique, but if that's the rules of this game... It doesn't matter whether you agree with a system you are in, you are subject to it. Just because I don't like the laws of gravity and its influence over me doesn't mean I can simply deny its influence on me, or more down to earth, the influence of my parents, friends, society, and so on, I have no choice on the place I am born into. You're born into a political system you don't like, that's fine. But trying not to make the best of your situation by releasing all responsibility and saying you're not agreeing with it doesn't help your situation at all. You're not actively opposing the government through protest or action by not voting, your passive protesting, which has almost null influence on the government you hate. You're saying you don't like the system, but you're not doing anything about it. Even actively opposing the government through action is more beneficial than just sitting and complaining about it.
That's only if you believe causality is the responsibility of any one human being, when in actual fact through action and reaction, I could blame any human being for it. I could blame Henry V for the current state of government as it stands, even though he's been dead for over half a millennia. You are equally responsible to the vote, since you had the power to influence the outcome yet did not try. Apathetic voting is a vote not to vote, it's still a conscious decision that affects the outcome. I complain about apathetic voters all the time, because it is their unused vote that could change the course of an election. As long as you have the availability to vote, whether you choose to or not, then you are part of the gears turning the machine.