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  1. Peace and War
    Waiting for the massive Misty post.

    Though in all honesty, movies would be the lesser of two evils.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Peace and War
    I know it. Never really played it, I didn't get it when I was younger.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Peace and War
    Republican is conservatism. Conservatism inherently believes and promotes capitalist policies, which is rounded up in the simple statement 'Rich stay rich, poor stay poor.'

    Quick American History lesson...
    Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President, allowed the emergence of Republican ideals into figures like Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, J.P. Morgan and Ford, all industrialist and all considered some of the wealthiest men in history. They exploited their monopoly, the lack of competition from other businesses and their lack of worker's rights or healthcare that allowed them to incur minor costs and exploit business agreements, letting them build up such sums of money. It led to Unionisation and worker's fight against exploitation and safety in the workplace, and they voted for Democratic parties because they offered the more liberal, 'communist' policies of helping the downtrodden, which the Republicans also eventually pushed for when their votes were lagging behind. The two parties have been at opposite ends of the political scale since then.

    In essence, Republicans have rarely looked out for their fellow man, unless it's a middle class man earning $50,000+ with a devoted, stay at home wife who can afford it. Their policies are centred around big business and making more money for the select few who can instead of for the country as a whole.

    Government healthcare is the 21st century for the developed world, America is very backwards in this way, where even countries less developed or with less GDP on average still give their people access to free healthcare of some kind. Obama is not wrong to push this forward, and has every right to be appalled at the rich Republicans of America thinking they can shut down the government when they want to. It's disrespectful, and not to mention and exploitation of power against its own citizens to ransom the country till they get their way.

    Quick UK history lesson.... really quick...
    Over here in the UK, mining was in decline and the industry across the country protested constantly for pay rises and stopped mining coal to power Britain basically until their demands were met, much like what the Republicans have done. Difference was, over here, the strike lasted YEAR not a day. Our economy ****ed right up because we had almost no power for weeks or even months in some areas, because we had no coal to power anything, my parents were living by candlelight for like a week and this was in 1984 (hmm, wonder if Orwell propaganda caused further anti-government ideals). Anyway, our Prime Minister at the time, Margaret Thatcher, instead of giving in, imported coal from abroad and closed coal mines down to cut the costs they were incurring the government. In the end, the coal miners couldn't live on earning nothing and gave up, submitting to government pressure and effectively ending the coal mining business. They killed themselves. If an entire government body does this in America.... **** get the guns and into the fallout shelter, riots on the streets.

    So spam zone. Penis. Ahh the tension has lessened.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Peace and War
    It turns into Harry Potter?
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Peace and War
    After debating with myself, I've decided to vote for Styx.

    I like debating with GS, he's not too serious or hypercritical, I feel more relaxed debating with him. But he, like many others on this list, rarely debate from what i've seen. Fair enough, I only really see debates in Discussion comparatively to the rest of the site, but I do find it the best place to see people's reasoning and ability to debate because that's where they have the room to do it and express themselves the best.
    Styx is a constant poster there, almost always has something new to include in a discussion and does seem to grasp other's points and views relatively well, and so is able to counter them.
    Out of everyone here, I remember a long back and forth with him in the last year, and in the end after frustration about trying to get my point across and understood, I ended with an understanding of where we stood on each others points. Which is madly satisfying.

    Oh and he voted for me so I have to vote for him. : p

    I can personally attest to having many of them, indeed. I don't try to sound perfect, the sloppiness of some of my arguments should show this. But I wouldn't expect any one of us to be able to debate and have answers that no one can challenge, I want to challenge and welcome a challenge. Only way to improve on the flaws.

    And there's my downfall, ha. Then again you're still voting for me so I suppose it doesn't matter.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 1, 2013 in forum: 2013
  6. Peace and War
    The problem with this is the mentality of health insurance and its place in all this. Insurance shouldn't be a requirement for healthcare in a country, sure it promotes the concept of capitalism, but it also cause massive wage gaps, furthers inequality and creates a private industry in between the public and the government. Blegh, madness. Just raise taxes applicable to per capita costs, then you'll only have to deal with tax dodgers instead of insurance dodgers on top of that. It's maddening to see European economies using these methods and, thanks to America's reliance on insurance, makes them halt using better methods to deal with this.

    No one should be scoffing at free healthcare. It means FREE healthcare, free is not a bad thing if you can get it, and private healthcare will have to seem as good or, more likely, better to warrant the price for private healthcare. And, of course, you now have a choice of what healthcare you want. Choice is not a problem.

    So we have a choice between Obamacare or AHCA? I'm going with the latter because I don't want the former becoming a trend.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Peace and War
    Damned staff members always gotta be srious, yo. This ain't srs business!
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 29, 2013 in forum: 2013
  8. Peace and War
    If a grown arse man has to step away from the keyboard and regain himself after the announcement of a KH game, he deserves this.
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 29, 2013 in forum: 2013
  9. Peace and War
    That's why he threw his shirt off. It's hot there.
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 29, 2013 in forum: 2013
  10. Peace and War
    I suppose I should debate for my vote, even if it's been decided already by most. That and Makaze apparently debated better/more/greater/whatever, in one month than the rest of the members of the site in a year, ha.

    Styx, I am humbled. I didn't expect your vote at all, nor any for that matter, a great surprise, sir.

    I don't really 'debate' outside of the section. And if I do, I rarely take it seriously, that's likely the source of it all, the lack of caring to do well probably does affect my arguments, admittedly. I'll easily admit I am bad at conveying my thoughts and points across, and wish I could do so better. Unfortunately, that usually takes a lot of time to reply to something to result in that. Time which I don't want to spend writing paragraph after paragraph for maybe ten people to ever look at and rarely respond to.

    Ha you should see me in real life, my mother hates my sarcasm. But I try not to insult people. Believe me if I wanted to insult someone they'd know it. Subtlety is play, directness is work.
    And I'm not sure if I miss the 'point' of someone's argument, if I don't, I usually ask them to be clearer with me, it's mainly I don't perhaps address it that much but try to make counter points. And of this is based off of my not-discussion-section stuff then it's probably me being lazy about the argument.

    Oh I have convictions at heart, but many find the heart's convictions to be weak or wrong, especially here. Not to mention personal and many times seen as closed minded. So I keep them to myself, mainly, and rarely show devotion to one argument. I find no one's argument to be truly good enough to stay loyal enough to any of them, even my own changes hands plenty enough.
    And I feel the need to fill the void for the lack of emotion in arguments presented here, too often arguments and discussions seem to be so cold and dry, fact ridden but without any spice and feeling incorporated into them. I feel that niche in this part of the internet, and so balance is maintained.
    I like the use of the word malleable, at least, instead of something like whimsical. Thank you for that.

    ANYWAY, i'm still unsure who to vote for, so i'll reserve judgement till later.
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 29, 2013 in forum: 2013
  11. Peace and War
    So much swine, so little time.... and votes.
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 29, 2013 in forum: 2013
  12. Peace and War


    I meant your second point. And I assumed you knew. These assumptions are dangerous to conversations, it seems.
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Peace and War


    It wasn't implied at all, huh?
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Peace and War


    But it only makes you more susceptible to illness. Cold water creating cold temperatures with contact on the skin doesn't make you ill, otherwise we'd all melt and die every time it came along.
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Peace and War
  16. Peace and War
    Sure, let's spread the love, people. The love AND the pizza.
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Peace and War
  18. Peace and War
    Profile Post Comment

    Hey man, what's the haps?

    Hey man, what's the haps?
    Profile Post Comment by Peace and War, Sep 27, 2013
  19. Peace and War
    I'm saying 5 announcement, as much of a cliché as it may seem, but since 2011 it's been confirmed to be in development and in just June Persona 5 website domain was registered. I think it must be linked to that. Also, if it's a PS3 game still, they'd need to try and get it out within this next year before the PS3 effectively becomes irrelevant.
    However after the parent company acquisition, I have no clue what's going on.

    It's not till late November anyway so more hint at what this could be may sprout before then
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 26, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  20. Peace and War
    I like to think of it as 'sensuality'.
    Post by: Peace and War, Sep 25, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone