Rap is all about rhythm, and the beat accompanied with the lyrics. Sure, you have rhythmic poetry that stand up poetry people do, but it's not the same with the beat behind it. Rap, to me, is all about levels of complexity and good rap is, someone who can combine good lyrics, good rhythm, good layers of sound with complexity and the ability to mix it into a balance is just great to hear. Good rap songs are songs you can listen back to and pick up something new about it. Though you do have a lot of **** rap to go through, or sell out rap where the fame, money and pure success is better than the music itself. Sam for Pop, or Rock or any other popular genre. I'm also not too sure about the rapper 'voice' you're talking about. I've heard a lot of different rapping voices, I don't really hear much familiarity between them. Beats and rhythm are consistent across the genre though.
Yeah but we're talking about The Ballad of Gay Tony DLC, the best DLC ever! Oh I highly disagree, it's one of the best overarching narratives in video game storytelling, and the DLC is some of the best representation of a game's original vision that is expanded on. It also is a classic, Great American story that highlights the rule of money, liberty, freedom, inequality of wealth and the concept of what the American Dream is. In terms of story themes, narrative arch and being an in-depth and satirical look at America, it beats GTAV for sure.
I've 90% the game, and nope so far. Or if there is I totally missed it. And I forgot about that in GTAIV, didn't even remember.
Rap isn't painful. Bagpipes are.
Hello Kasey, not talked much but seen you about. You must have been away a long time for that to be the size of your avatar!
That sig gif is creeping on my childhood.
Not including gifs is a good start, as well as giving a bit more information on your thoughts, feelings and why it's a serious issue for you. You can try to make another thread in Help With Life having those improvements and I'm sure you'd get a more positive response.
And yet to me has been the least... explicit and controversial game. This game has had maybe.... 3 total required missions that have been based around killing a target, that's a lot less than in the past. Just under 15, I believe.
Pretty nice spec range, if this is to predict the line up of the final products. Now to see if they all work cleanly of SteamOS and at an affordable price
Yeah, to be fair, your arguments still make sense without watching videos, just an observation on your habits. I mean, I won't watch all of them for too long, I have **** to do, mate, but it is well appreciated, ha.
I would hope people use common manners and decency in polite conversation when it came to gay, if not, then judge the user accordingly to what you believe them to be for using it as such. I doubt very much literally will have it's meaning replaced by this, as long as we have official rules such as legalese and other such strict use of language in certain situations, then most words won't change in such a way to popular linguistic shifts. And we have plenty of English words that have double meanings, and we get on alright as a society.
Pat, can you make a point without linking to YouTube? XD
Jokes usually highlight some foolery about the subject or the speaker. Try using more exaggeration, maybe.
Depends on the game and many older games have this design problem. Thankfully, modern game design incoporates this incredibly more than past games, which is why I don't like going back to older games anymore, even the 'classics' so yeah. Maybe? I honestly think it was before the Dreamcast, because the console I was playing only ever played 2D or sprite games. And it may not have been a Megadrive, but i think i use to call all old videogamer consoles Megadrives, because I didn't know any better. I think it sounds a lot like the arts and pretentious indie games of today, but just old. It may appeal, but I like games with great atmosphere or story or characters or gameplay or something that's just really unique and experimental from mainstream games that works. Ecco might fit into that, but I doubt i'll ever have the inclination to go back to it. Most of the best storytelling games these days have easy difficulty, or 'Tell me a story' mode like in Deus Ex, Mass Effect, Bioshock and so on. And in all honesty, I like video games a lot for that sense of accomplishment and being rewarded for it with story, character development, etc. so unlike other genres of storytelling, you feel more involved and get more reaction from it. That's my feeling anyway.
I'm taking a module for the history, theories and performance of stand up comedy. I'm on the history stage and will progress to the performance stage later this year. So, some tips from someone who has basically not learnt anything about stand up routines yet but knows a bit of its history! - Cut down on the overly long/complex/scientific words, for example, take away the sexual in 'sexual euphemisms'. Your audience will understand their sexual, you don't need to tell them that part. - Add in jokes in the middle of the overarching joke, for example 'Who's "the other team?" Al-Qaeda?' But yeah, good work, just keep at it.
It sounds incredibly customisable, which is a great thing, and it sounds like you could basically use it in whatever method you want to, whether it's touch based or more traditionally button based. I'm not too bothered about it but I like its innovations to say the least when it comes to touch controllers, an almost non existent concept. And the complaint of it being bulky... i'm not bothered at all. I've got big hands, and wrapping them around tiny controllers is an annoyance more often then not, so to have something that fits more comfortably is a nice thing. The original Xbox controllers were just a bit too big for me, slightly, for what I wanted, this seems to be a good medium at least.
That more than likely comes from America's continual use of biblical language within an official capacity until a few changes some decades ago. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V_sign http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_finger The middle and the index finger are, on average, the strongest fingers on the hand and can hold the most tension and pressure with ease. Archers were trained to use both those fingers when operating a bow, using the ring and little finger would be terrible, since their very different heights make equalising the pressure of pulling back a bowstring hard, not to mention they are fairly weak and it would take a long time before you could use them to wield a bow, and it wouldn't be wielded very effectively either. And you can't switch hands, since the main two fingers which allow an archer to steady a bow, rest and arrow and aim with are gone, you just couldn't hold it properly. If both index and middle on either hand is lost, you're looking at basically a maimed soldier, in theory.
70s - 80s, I think, not aure.
It's neither, it's simply a shift across a scale of positive and negative . Wicked use to mean terrible (or equivalent) and now is used more as fantastic (or equivalent). Or the word sick being the action of vomiting which is slang for something good, it's all a shift from one side to the other. Evolution of language is more like the term gay turning from happy to meaning homosexual, then again that started as a shift since it can be used as an insult, but I can't think of any others off the top of my head. Degradation of language would be more using it's more ancient and archaic meaning, there by reverting the word into a past state, a reversal, like using Shakespearian language these days in a official capacity. If you value communication you'd be trying to maximise the efficiency of it. So you'd be using text talk in writing since the abbreviations allow for quicker information transfer by using less words and in shorter length, and missing out compound word in order to minimise our wasted use of connective words and use the shortest descriptive words, like instead of saying 'wonderful' anymore you simply say 'good'. As long as we talk, our language culture won't die, no matter if we're speaking in Shakespearian or Klingon. Honestly, people have been complaining about language change for centuries, and it's only going to change how it does and not by sticking our noses up to it. It's just an annoyance to keep up with it, admittedly.
I actually don't remember. I think I played this on a Megadrive which is going back till when I was around five years of age, and that's all pretty much a blur at this point. Don't know if it was my console, don't think it was mine game, now I'm somehow remembering it being on the PS1? I remember not understanding what to do though I kept swimming everywhere, and never left the first bit of water. Learnt in the last few years you had to jump over a rock above the water, I believe? Stick me with a complex narrative game centred around character progression and themes affecting our current lives any day. Makes more sense than a mad, wild Dolphin that we somehow know is named Ecco.