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  1. Mexony
    That was really good! I felt kinda bad for Alex thought, but as always from here it was good:) I'm looking forward to what your going to put in next.
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. Mexony
    Ah, similar to my beginning. Althought it's a good beginning, the blue comets I can imagine that. Keep going with this, it's really interesting, keeping me happy:) Also the title sounds awesome, when I saw it I got excited:D
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  3. Mexony
    That was very exciting. For sure I was kinda smiling my whole way through. (Always happens when ever I read) Anyways, good job:) Can't wait for your next chapter!
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  4. Mexony
    This story sounds very interesting to read.:)
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  5. Mexony
    I drew a comic a year ago, with starring Vexen and Luxord. So I drew and coloured. (Not good at colouring stuff)

    Yeah...Vexen trying to make a new juice until Luxord comes in.
    Tell me what you think please.:)
    Thread by: Mexony, Mar 16, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Mexony
    Sure thing:) I'll add you in.

    Thanks everyone for commenting. I feel grateful:) At the moment I'm recording some data of this story. To let in a little hint in Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth. Each chapter will have tiny information from the next KHCtE I'm doing:)

    Information: Note when the new story comes out, Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth 2, there will be
    something interesting. I'm now allowing Earth and the other worlds connecting.
    Example: Pride Lands, Twilight Town and more:). To get there...we take the Gummi Ship
    Or a portal:) Also, it's really interesting, if you want you can Private message me for a request of a world, a made up world or another world, say a made up world the candy world or something. But let's not hury here hehe. This new story doesn't come out until my first one is finished:)

    I now have the date when this story ends. It's March now. Probably between April or May it should be over. Then in June I start the new one. But If I catch up with my work and type up the new chapters it could be closer and sooner:D
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: Archives
  7. Mexony
    Thanks:) I'll get the new chapter somewhere next week or sooner:)
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: Archives
  8. Mexony
    Sure I'll add you! I'll add anyone right before chapter 45 (It's the last chapter)

    The new chapter will come up randomly, due to my messiness, I missed 2 weeks of typing up the new chapter.

    Note: To KHCtE characters.

    For missing weeks and not typing up the new chapter, I'm keeping track of the characters. Since more has joined (which I don't mind) it's been kinda hard. I'm recording some data of your characters in my note book. I'm also recording on what's happening so far in each chapter, so I remember, instead of opening a new window all the time. But I'm sure, as soon as I'm done catching up and recording, I'll get the new chapter us. Also I have plans on KHCtE_2. With the visiting other worlds, stuff but that information will come in the next month or two.

    So please give me some time, while I record the whole story. I hope you understand that, don't worry if you have registered a week ago don't worry I'll add them in. As I promise I always will add more characters. Also...if you have an update or want to add a new character you have in mind, reply on here and I'll make sure that'll happen:)

    Post by: Mexony, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: Archives
  9. Mexony
    Very well done Rexmildd. I knew you were watching over my shoulder, not knowing I was sometimes laughing, hehe. Anyways overall it was a good chapter, but- there are some side effects. Please do not feel offended by this but, you need to add capitals on a persons name (noun). It's okay if you forget :) Anyways funny chapter, I liked it when Zexion came in with the "hey" :D
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 13, 2008 in forum: Archives
  10. Mexony
    Welcome to! Hope you have fun here! Make good friends, try not to get banned*wink*
    Spam only in the Spam Zone! And if you need any help, ask the mods/admins anytime or some members!:)
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 12, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  11. Mexony

    Wow, that's a big family. (Wish i had one like that) Well life must be hard or easy. Either way:)
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 10, 2008 in forum: Archives
  12. Mexony
    Hello, I drew a new sketch of Axel, once again. He does have some negative sides, like the hands and lower body and his organization coat. The cookie was um...kinda good I think? Overall I like his smile and face, I think there should be some more shades in there, then the neck. Tell me what you think:D
    Thread by: Mexony, Mar 10, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Mexony
    Thankyou very much. Anyways, it has been a long time since I typed up the last chapter. Well let's see how you like this chapter. Decided to put my font colour, change it alittle:)

    The Story of Braig

    Chapter 3

    As me and Ienzo climbed the stairs up, yeap. I can sense things were getting worse. I mean, Ienzo is putting his life though a horrible example. Never know what happens to this guy. Anyways, as I carried my new friend Ienzo up the stairs, a bouncy huge ball came flying down the stairs. Haunt of the ball, I say. "Look out Braig!" Ienzo pointed to the bouncing ball, coming towards them. I looked up, seeing a ball three stair steps away from me. "Oh dear god." I sighed. "Hold on Ienzo, things are gonna get jumpy!" I said. Running down the stairs, I turned with a duck and jumped onto the rails.

    I'm very talented, after all, my cousin Eddy teached me how to do this! I thank him so much, I didn't expect this to, usefull! I grabbed tight to the rail and began to climb up, seeing a bright light thingy hanging on the cieling center, I stood up on the rail. It was slippery, but I tried to hold on tight. Ienzo's finger nails pressured on around me, sounds like this guy was scared! So, I ran upwards and jumped straight to the big huge light thing! Whatever it was, I didn't have that in my place...I might have, I don't really pay attention to my mansion.

    "What are you doing?" Ienzo scaredly said. "Watch Ienzo, this is the Braig-ster!" I came up automatically. Ienzo cocked his head and snickered. "Hold tighter! Things are gonna get um...swingy!" I came up with...again. I reached my hands out to the huge lights, grabbing on. I was really lucky... last time I did this I flew right on my Aunt on my first try. I broke my arm, but my Aunt, she had a few broken ribbs, broken leg, bloody nose. Yeap, asking? I was grounded for two years.

    "Braig...I'm slipping!" Ienzo cried. I looked down, HOLY! If this Ienzo dropped down, he would have to replace his leg! Not letting that happen, I just met this guy today! Reaching my hands out, I grabbed him tight and pulled him up. Looking down, I came see a butler walking with a soft matress, probably moving the stuff in. Well duh! They're unpacking things out to set it in their awesome mansion! "Will your leg hurt if we land on the matress?" I asked, making sure. Ienzo looked at me, "If I'm on your back, then no." Ienzo said looking down. " 'Kay."

    Jumping down, Ienzo was on my back, trying not to fall. I was going to land obn my feet, but that was just a vibration to my feet, like I'm a drumb or that triangle intsrument! Falling down I yelled out to the butler "Look out!" The butler noticed with his eyes widened. "Ienzo!" is what his first words were. "..." was what I said. Nothing, but focusing on the matress, we were lucky. We actually landing on the matress, with Ienzo on my back, he wasn't hurt. That was good. "You okay dude!?" I asked, worried. Ienzo nodded and laughed. " That was fun!" he said. Wow...didn't expect that, mostly when i ask that they respond, "What the hell was that? You almost fricken' injured my precious body!" they complain. But Ienzo just laughed. I rubbed my neck laughing alittle. The butler came over and looked at Ienzo.

    "Ienzo, Are you alright? You msut come with me at once to check up on you!" The butler said. I sighed, looking at Ienzo. "Well...I'll see you tomorrow." I said. Ienzo looked at me, "Promise? I had fun today, Braig. I'll come visit you, dude." he said. I smiled and shook his hand. " Feel better! Also, I'll be waiting!" I said smiling. Ienzo nodded and waved, I nodded and turned back around walking out the mansion. That was nice, meeting Ienzo, I bet we're like um gonna be pals. As I walked out the mansion, I can see the trucks still there, with people carrying furniture inside. This was a fun day.

    ~Braig's Home~

    I was in my room, with my barefeet, shorts and a white t-shirt. I took a bath. My hair was still drying from the water, but...least I smell good and fresh! Looking over, the sun was going down, it was getting darker. It's really fun having a cool friend, espically when the friend is close to you. An interruption came in. It was mom. "Braig sweety, you haven't said a word since you came home from that place." she said. I looked at her and grinned. " I was just thinking of what to do next, I mean... he's cool and all but, he has like two sisters and three brothers!" I said. My mom nodded and sat on my bed patting on the bed for me to sit next to her.

    I nodded and ran over, jumping on the bed. " Well sweety, it's hard to have a brother and sister. They're all the same, no matter what." she cheered. I looked at her, that's not what i meant. I looked at her and held her hand. Tose soft motherly hands, the lotion she puts on, the work she puts on them. They're nice. "Mom, that's not what I meant...I meant..I want to have a brother or sister. Ienzo's like one to me, he's cool and fun but-" My mom picked me up on her legs. " I know sweety, it's lonely not having one, but you'll have friends, if Ienzo is like a brother to you then you can tell him that. But..onto to something else sweety. What are you going to do tomorrow?" she asked changing the subject.

    I looked at her. "I invited Ienzo over to our place. Let him visit my place!" I grinned. My mom nodded and kissed my forehead. " Your such a sweety. I'll prepare supper okay? If you need I'll be in the kitchen." she said smiling. I nodded and layed on my bed alone. I was alone now, but I decided to look out the window. I can see Ienzo's place. Seems like there was a moving party. I can see his family but...where's Ienzo? I looked closer with my eyes, there he was. He was being pushed in a triangle by his three brothers. That's low. I ran over to my cupboard, and took out a thing I adore. My slingshot. I ran over and grabbed a rock pebble. I had a collection. Putting on pebble in my slingshot, I focued carefully on the first bro.

    "Just stand right there and laugh Ienzo's bro. Your coming in for a but-a-thon!" I whispered to myself. Letting going it became like a pinball. Hitting the three bro's. Booy-yah Braig-o! You scored! I grinned, the bro's just rubbed they're pretty buts and ran off scared. I can see Ienzo he looked right straight to my window. He saw me. I waved, and I see Ienzo turned around giving thumbs up. Damn, I'm so proud!

    ~Next Day~

    "Sweety wake up, it's 1:04 p.m.!" My mom called out from down the hall. I was lazy, alot. I'm a heavy sleeper. "Ughm. I'm coming, just um... million days more." I mumbled, under my covers. "Million days over? But you won't be alive probably." said a voice. Ienzo! I lifted up and looked at Ienzo rubbing my eyes. "Dude! What are you doing here." I said smiling. Ienzo laughed alittle, "You invited me over remember?" Ienzo said. I nodded, " Oh yeah...wait dude let me change, wait downstairs or stay in my room or watch me. I'll be changing, you can play with my toys if you'd like." I said jumping out my bed. Ienzo nodded, " 'kay."

    End of Chapter 3.

    Well hoped you liked it:D Sorry or grammar and mistakes, please comment if you'd like:D
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 10, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. Mexony
    Good chapter! As well your doing good. I can't wait for further more of this phenomenon story!:)
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 10, 2008 in forum: Archives
  15. Mexony


    Welcome sister! Have fun here, don't go and get in trouble okay? Need any help, ask the members,read the rules or ask me:D Enjoy!True...cookies..good.
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 10, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. Mexony
    I laughed at the purse thingy:) Great job sister:) Remember if you need any help ask anyone:D *huggles*
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. Mexony
    Well my friend Kathy likes Anime and my other friend Ashley in gr.7. My best friend Muxene likes friend Steve likes Naruto. and My china friend lily likes Naruto:D Sweetish...though the others...they don't like.
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 9, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  18. Mexony
    Ah the zero chapter:D Very interesting, must I say this all inspired me. I drawn me to read more of this!:) Xaale you are doing a great job!
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  19. Mexony
    Your brother? That's a suprise. Well let's see what happens in this story. I have alot going on , too many work in my hands. :) Your lucky you have a brother Xaale. I myself only have sisters.It's good but yeah.
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  20. Mexony
    This is really interesting! Fire everywhere for him, must be a pain. I like it alot.:)
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 9, 2008 in forum: Archives