Thanks everyone for the comments, I really appreciate it! By going on cycle, all characters won't be in every single chapter, sometimes they will, due to the excitement and stuff. Following what I'm reading it'll be quite a hand, with a bunch of characters- which I don't mind, I think people who joins everytime deserve to be in this story. After forgot hehe... Anyways, carrying on I shall post up a new note on Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth 2 KHCtE2 Note: It'll be exciting but, every character shall be in the proulouge as a flashback to what happened in the previous story. Following the first chapter, shall begin with no character in it, but the person who re-wished this. (It's not going to be me this time, it'll be a KH Character. Chapter 2 shall start off with all the kh characters running to each character on Earth. It'll be a random fall of kh characters landing in your home. With that, Gummi Ships will appear, for you to visit the worlds. Now that you have access to a created world that you pm'd me or a kh world. As one I got I made a new world. Magnet World. That's all the information I have for now. But, be aware that this kh is close to ending, 12 or 14 chapters to go. Giving me a break for a month, I will be setting up the new chapter. Also, for the last chapter (which is chapter 45) It will take me 2 weeks to finish it. ( Needing to add all the characters in the last one) If I forget one...please inform me and I will edit the chapter. But please That's all and now..I shall stop typing, wait for Friday:D Excitement goes round, remember that!
I haven't commented on this yet! After reading this, it's really interesting, drawing me to read it! It's really good and long (Which is good) :D Keep the good work up:)
It is short, but it's a good chapter. I like the thing with Namine and Roxas living together thingy;D Keep up the work, looking forward to the other chapters.
I guess that promise thing was a bummer. Um anyways, after cleaning the whole house I'm now ready to type up the new chapter:) Please read and comment. KHCtE 2 Note: Having more characters could be a struggle, but I want anyone to particapate if they feel like it. If you have a new character you want to join in KHCTE or KHCTE 2, just say so:D Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 28: Bad luck After fighting heavy heartless' Luke, Valerie and Tybic were resting somewhere hidden. Behind a building was there place, they needed to rest. " So...if we find the guys, everything... will be alright?" Tybic quiestioned. Luke shrugged, " Not sure, the three just vanished in liquid, so it will take some time.Alot." Luke answered. Valerie stood up , " Well I think we'll find them, if we believe in ourselves we'll find' em!" Valerie grinned. Luke and Tybic nodded giving thumbs up. Back to where it was. It was silent. Listening carefully, there was roar. " Heartless?" Valerie asked, gasping. " Yeah..." Luke said. Tybic jumped up and looked at both of them, " Well what are you two waiting for, we got to defeat the heartless." he walked away with his weapon in his hand. Valerie nodded along with Luke. Both stood up. " Ya'know. isn't a heartless." Valerie said. " It could be someone...we know?" The two were confused. Until an explosion boomed. "Okay..that's a heartless." Tybic said. Luke shook his head. " Wait... let's see it first before we charge." he said. Valerie nodded, " That's right. We got to see the size of this thing!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` "You can't keep on running!" Daisuke yelled laughing. Kirsty and Xigbar was sprinting now, both their legs were tired now. After running for hours. " We should stop, Kirsty." Xigbar suggested. Kirsty shook her head, "No! If we stop he'll catch us and execute us!" Kirsty said. He nodded, " Your right but...we will stop eventually." Xigbar said. Kirsty nodded, and held his hand abit tighter. " Let's try our best" Kirsty winked. Xigbar nodded and ran abit faster, running explosions were right behind them " Hey guys! Give up and it'll all be over!" Daisuke sighed, the sound of him, he was getting all stressed out. With a bigger explosion the wind pushed Xigbar and Kirsty far. "AHHH!" they both yelled, hoping nothing bad will happen. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Valerie, Tybic and Luke were listening very carefully. With the noise getting closer they could hearing yelling. "What the-WOAH!" Tybic dodged quick seeing two people fast them knocking right into the bushes. Valerie walked over to the bush, there was nothing but a girl sticking there. " Oooh. That hurts." she said rubbing her forehead. '' Your telling me, hitting a damn bush, ruins my coat." he said. " Wait a sec..I know that guy voice." Luke mumbled. " Xigbar!?" Tybic ran over. Seeing Xigbar stick his head out with a girl he cocked his head. " Who the hell are you?" he questioned. "Also..who is she?" Valerie asked. Xigbar picked up the girl and placed her on the hard surface to get out the bush. "Thanks, Xigbar." she said. Looking over she looked at Valerie, Tybic and Luke. " Sorry, I'm Kirsty." Kirsty said. ******************************************************************************* Jack layed down on the hammock he made himself out of leaves. " No one to fight." he said. Looking over he saw some people walking with a Mohawk dude, blondy girl and a emo. "Perfect." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I new it! walking, we meet up with this group!" Larxene sighed. Demyx looked over and stuck his tongue out. " Well atleast we're all together!" Lynn nodded and turned around. She sensed there was something. "Guys...there's someone with us..someone unknown." she said. They all turned around, seeing nothing but trees. Hearing a voice they listened closely. " I must say your smart girl. But let's hear this. I'll use my clone magic to get all you people!" Running out was Jack with mutiples of him. He grinned. "It's you!" Xaale pointed. Running forward she jumped grabbing some sticks, throwing them at him. "Everyone..fight!" Amber said jumping forward kicking eighty-nine times. Eden did a backflip and a highjump grabbing five Jack's attacking. The real Jack was fighting Xaale. No one could tell which was one was the real one. Walking forward is was different... Demyx was confused. " Don't just stand there! Fight!" Angel said. Demyx nodded. All the girls gathered together. " Who's the real one?" Xaale questioned. " Not sure but...yeah, not sure." Angel said. " Use real sight magic." Eden said. "True.." Lynn said. " I can throw cookies around as a distraction, clones don't eat them, only one." she grinned. They nodded. "break." Lynn laughed. ************************************************************************** The figure laughed at Keath. " Try and get out!" he laughed some more. Keath looked around and went through his pockets to find some magic bombs. Which explode through metal, leaf, fire,water and earth. " Oh really?" Keath grinned. He knew he would injure himself, but he had to get out. Throwing the magic bomb it landed neer the metal bars. Keath ran to the other corner taking out his Cloud sword, slashing it through. " COME ON!" The figure said. The bomb exploded making fire rise really high, exploding alot of stuff. "AH!" Keath covered him self. The fire was on him, luckily he quickly said water and then said cure. The figure scoffed and left. Keath stood up and looked around. No longer there was nothing until someone made a noise behind. "Ow, Ow." she said. " I knew it! I should've never done portal! I need to work on that!' she whined. "Who're you!" Keath said, pointing hs sword out. She looked up and looked away. " I'm...I'm...Mexony." she ducked hiding her head, so she wouldn't get hit, incase he alreayd knew who made the wish. " Mexony?" he cocked his head. To be continued Abit of a twist but worth it:D Hope you liked it, please comment if you'd like.Sorry if I made mistakes in there. Anyways, I'll be um..drawing the title page. New version but it'll take longy:D
That was an awesome chapter! Beautiful I said, I was really excited reading it all. This is a great story:D Keep up the good work:)
Reading this makes me giggles through the way") ( That's the sign of liking this story!) I love the characters and the title you put up:D
I drew comic with Zexion explaining the inicident showing the scenes of Roxas and Axel. There are some things I still need to work on but yeah, I'm not good at colouring, still I don't have photoshop ( I'm not aloud to) yeah. So tell me what you think of this comic.
Well everybody, I'm sure this week was interesting, hehe...(yeah..not good a jokes alot) Well anyways here's the next chapter, there will be a cycle of characters, so it'll be hard keeping track of all characters, please do not feel bad that your not in this chapter, I'm trying to have all characters in and hey guess what, On Sunday or Saturday I might add in two chapter, so keep a close eye on this thread if you'd like. If there's anything you would like to discuss with me about this story, preview slide show, picture title, or anything Private Message me or email me. Well enough of my chit chat , let's read this chapter!:D Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth 2-Note: When we go to other worlds by a Gummi Ship, some of the worlds, should contain costumes, like you know when Sora was turned to little lion in Pride Lands:D Tell me what'd you like to wear in a world so I don't make a mistake:) Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 27: Turns. Maleficant laughed at Marcus. "Don't be silly, together...I will help you." Maleficant stuck her hand out, waiting for Marcus' hand to hold hers. "Shut-up!" Marcus yelled. Her face changed " You refuse to let me help?" she glared. Marcus nodded and took some more steps back. "Rexmildd, you were controling her! You used her!" he said quietly enough for him and Maleficant to hear. Maleficant scoffed, " SO! What are you going to do about it!? Tell her sister, the imbecile Mexony who doesn't even care for her cute little sister!" she said. "I would but she's not here... but I'll save Rexmildd, I can feel that you used her abit too much!" Marcus charged jumping on Maleficant, knocking her down to the dirty dirt. "Imbecile! Do you know who I am!?" Maleficant struggled, standing up. " Ptff yeah. You the woman who will die in a few minutes!" Marcus yelled, he jumped over doing some flips kicking her across the face. "Take that!Errrr-AAA!" he attacked. Maleficant rubbed her cheek, and took out her staff. " You tough, but can you take this?" she grinned. Marcus panted, from the adrenaline. " Mirror!" she yelled out, striking her hand out. With a thunder bolt of light, there were two Maleficant's. "Who's the real one, Marcus?" they both said. Marcus glanced at bothed of them. " I-I." he couldn't finish, Marcus wasn't really sure who was which. "Well, I'll answer that for you sweety." she laughed. They both ran over to Marcus, the one behind Marcus, charged. Quickly he whipped around punching in, but the mirror shattered, making blood on his knuckles bleed. The real Maleficant grabbed Marcus, and with a fast hand she put the metal band on his wrist. " Ha Hahaha!" Maleficant laughed, for victory. " I got you!" she smiled. Marcus looked at the metal band. " No you do- AHH!" with a shock on in, electrifying his body and making him lose his HP. " Say that again, Marcus." she chuckled. ************************************************************************************* Rinn awoke, on the sandy beach. Nothing was there, it appeared that she was under some wooden shelter. " What...happened?" she wondered. Looking around she saw a girl sitting on the sandy beach with a wooden stick, drawing all over the sand with it. Rinn stood up, "Who's she?" she whispered to herself. With one step, Rinn dropped to the sand, she was weak. Appearantly that guy had some kinda of power. "Oi! Hey, you over there!" Rinn called out she get her attention. The girl turned and saw her calling her. She dropped the stick and crawled over to her, grabbing the sand and pulled. "Yeah?" she asked. Rinn looked at her and snapped out, " Um...where am I?" she asked. The girl cross her arms and looked at her, " At the beach, not any normal beach, Gravexin put traps and troops of heartless' around this place. For you and me...not leave, but he just left. When you were about to awake..." she looked around. " I'm really not aloud to tell you this but--- Hey, I'm Muxene." she waved. Rinn waved, " I'm Rinn. " she said. Muxene looked around once more, and faced Rinn. " Can you remember anything?" she asked. Rinn shooked her had, but remembered only one thing. "I know who wished this." Rinn spoke. Muxene nodded, " Mexony, I know. She's my friend." she said. Rinn's eyes widened, " Seriously!? Mexony is your friend?" Rinn gasped. Muxene nodded , " I'm going now, to where I was, Gravexin might give me a lecture." Muxene tsked. She crawled back over to where she was taking the stick in her hand. Now...the two were distance. Rinn looked and felt something uncomftorable in her shoes. She took off her shoes seeing a crunched up paper there. Unfolding the paper, she read it. Dear Rinn. Suprised are you? Rinn, Rinn, Rinn. For the truth, I know you talking to Muxene, and you already know my name. I'm not happy. Anyways, I'll be back with some handcuff's. I'm going to treat you and Muxene like a slave. Oh but don't try to run, if you do, you'll die. Also, already do you know that you can't walk. That's my special magic I made. It's called, sleep. You know, like when your feet sleep when it doesn't move for a while. But this one if different, and difficult. Now please, rest for now. I'll be back by say 8:00 p.m. with some food for you two lovely ladies. Now, rest. I'll be back Rinn. *kiss blow* Kiss blow!? Yuck... Rinn sighed and just layed there, closing her eyes she can hear the ocean waves moving and her breathing, with a heart beat. ********************* To be continued. I'm sorry for not showing some more characters, you see, that was my plan. Until a family member asked to come on. But I hope you liked it. Expect my Tomorrow which is Saturday and Sunday that I will have some new chapters up. Two. Exicting yes, anyways sorry I had to type this story so short. I didn't even get an hour... Note: That's my limit on the computer. Please forgive me, with a present I'll have two new chapters by tomorrow, I computer swear with carrots:D Please comment.
oooh sounds interesting! And yeah um...Can I be Xigbar the Xiggy Man dude patch guy xiggy:D Please?
They were all beautiful:) I really liked the 13th and twilight one! The last one Somnnus, is beatiful, the instruments behind were so awesome!
Yeah:D Well I put your name up there:)
Oh really, well um, who's your character? I'll add her in the list if you tell me:) Sorry I didn't put yourperson in *hugs* forgive me.
Oh yeah...few minute I just finished the character list:D Note: I'm still excepting joiners, all the way to chapter 45 (Note: Chapter 45= last chapter) Also, in KHCtE 2 I'm still going to except:) Looky! All the character that joined! SOrry if I missed anyone, I was going through the pages in a quicky to see who joined it ( I went through the very first page:) ) 1.Mexony: Character-Mexony 2. rexmildd15: Character- Rexmildd 3. thedarknessgrowswithin: Character- Jack Skell 4. Way_2_The_Dawn: Character- Luke 5. Firekeyblade: Character- Angel 6. Destined: Character- Tybic 7. AnimeGirl104: Character- Valerie 8. sora is cute: Character- Eden 9. Paladin12345678: Character- Marcus 10. Sorikai: Character- Kirsty 11.~Amber~: Character- Amber 12. Xaale: Character- Xaale 13. Thalassa_Shells: Character- Rinn 14. BamaSebastian: Character- Sebax 15. Soranspartanti: Character- Keath 16. Wisdom Form Guy: Character- Austin 17. Ampex: Character- Ampex 18. ~Sasumi~: Character- Zoe 19. JorrellVsRoxas: Character- Jorrell 20.yosha-the female warrior_ :Character- Jessica 21. Random Angel: Character- Lynn
Now that you mentioned's true. Don't worry I'll make it come true!:) *winks* This Friday you should expect your character to fight and defend!:) Oh note. KHCtE 2 Note: When it comes out, you should private message me of what update you want on your character. Also, when it begins the prolouge shall come first and then the first chapter, everyone will have a short scene to their character due to the amount of characters I have. (Which is awesome!)
This is getting exciting! I can't wait to see what'll happen to Myxa when Roxas comes in! Keep the good work Xaale:D
That was beautiful! *rolls* I loved the two chapter that you posted up, me and Roxanne fighting, alot of adrenaline there! I can't wait to see what'l happen in the next chapter!:) Truly your story is great, keep up the great work!:)
I drew Marluxia. Kinda good, not my best but it's good. Postive: I finally drew Marluxia, I like his hair, it stands out (in my opinion) Negatives: The colouring it slobby, plenty more are negative but yeah. Overall I think this was a good drawing of Marluxia. Tell me what you think please:)
Well after catching some stuff up, I'm starting the new chapter with the new characters joining in this parade:D Say hi! *waves* Anyways hopefully you all we like this chapter. Note: KHCtE 2 should have atleast two chapters per week, at Monday and Friday from 4-8 p.m.:) Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 26: New. Austin walked over behind a wall panting. He looked over to his watch and saw the time, 5:04 p.m! "Damn! It's been three hours from running and still! Those heartless never get tired of me!" Austin hissed. He looked around, hearing the streets and they horns of the cars. He looked around once more out the sidewalks to make sure there weren't any more heartless'. "Good, now's my chance to ru-AH!" Autsin screeched, a heartless was right on his back scratching him deeply. He turned his left arm calling out "Fire!" coming out was a streak of fire hitting the heartless off his back. Quickly Austin stood up and looked at the garbage cans that were left out. He jumped on one to climbed the hanging ladder that was attached to the wall. "If I make this jump, I can get away." he whispered to himself. Austin took a deep breath and made a high jump to the ladder, grabbing on to the dirty metal bars he put his other hands onto the bar. "Whoo!" Austin cheered.The heartless looked back and jumped grabbing onto Austins hand, pulling him down. "Oh cra_!" Austin looked down and tried shaking his leg to make the heartless let go."Let...go!" he yelled, hanging onto the bar his took his other foot and put it down his leg to his shoe shaking his shoe off. It worked, not only was the heartless gone off his foot but, his shoe was left. His nice shoes. Austin looked up and grabbed the other bar of the ladder and climbed up until he reached to the roof of the wall or building store thingy. ************************************************************************************ Ampex sat in the woods, trying to cure his cut that he recieved from the heartless test out. He was bruised badly. "Darn heartless." he said wiping his cut with alcohol tissue. Grabbing the bandage he ripped it open. It was strange for Ampex. Being a nobody and all, weird. But being in the After putting the bandage on Ampex stood up and looked around the woods. "Organization XIII's hut." he whispered. With a wind blow, Ampex put his hood over his head. His ears were getting cold. Dumb night was coming. He took a step forward and before he knew it, 58 heartless bursted out. Ampex stuck his hands out releasing, 10 of his nobodies to charge at some heartless, he looked at his spells written in his hand for luck he whispered out " Rain rain go away, but the make the thunder come back again!" a struck of lightning bolted down, exploding some dirt and some heartless. He did a back flip to dodge the heartless and point his figner out, releasing a strike of lightning on three heartless' forming a triangle. "This is fun." he laughed. Ampex looked straight at the heartless, from his eyes lightning came out striking it right on the face! Pretty cool taking lightning out eyes. His nobodies were attacking quite good, Ampex smiled wiping the little sweat off his forehead. " Shocking...isn't it?" Ampex grinned and pointing out. "Thunder!" ************************************************************************************** Zoe fell down the hill, rolling down the long hill. She had some cuts and bleeds on her, but she knew she would make it out alive. With some dusks following and attacking her, she knew there'd be no end to this. Finally down the hill, she stood up looking at the dusks swiveling over. "Guess I have no other choice." she puffed. Pulling out her two pistols she jumped with a double shooting at the dusks. Effectively three were gone. Just a few more and she was done her mission on eliminating the dusks. "Haha!" she laughed. Zoe grabbed her curly brown hair pushing it back, so it wasn't in the way incase she had to fight again harder. Directing her pistol she shot the dusks, in a perfect way. Doing a double flips, she released a bullet tornadoe! "That's what I'm talking about." she grinned. Her black boots kicked some of the bullets to make it look, "entertaining". Finally finished, all the dusks were gone. SHe rolled her pistols and put them away, disappearing. She then reached for her pocket in her mini skirt. Pulling out a photo, a quick tear ran down her cheek. "Bianca...I miss you so much." she whispered. Hugging the photo of her sister she glared with a mean face. She looked up to the dark sky. "I'll find you, and pay for what they have done!" Zoe began to run on forward to search for her sister. Good friend. ************************************************************************************* Jorrell chuckled at the wall, writing the words "Jorrell was here." he put the marker away and walked off, until a heartless came in the way. " You guys again? Boy, don't you give humans a break for once?" Jorrell sarcasticly said. His form turned away again, turning to a vampire nobody. "Fear me buddies, cause we're gonna get some action of Jorrell." he whispered. Running towards them he kicked the heartless and gave it an electrical vampire wave. "Take that!" he laughed. The heartless flew off disappearing in to ashes. Looking around Jorrell ran down the streets until a dusk attacked his right wrist.Painfully, it began to bleed, but there were no worries. Jorrell looked at the dusks, with a force magnet grabbing it, he threw it off making in to ashes. "Fire." he said. A ball of fire jumping on attacking hard. The dusks screeched, with more coming. " Give me a break." he sighed. Dusks ran on top surrounding him. "Want it that way?....Fine." he finished. Jumping up he stuck his hands out with some good hands sharp. Twisiting with jump. His hands grabbed all dusks, letting go, they disappeared. Really good hands in use. Though still his wrist was bleeding. "It'll heal." he said. ************************************************************************************ Two keyblades that looked like Roxas's slashed 74 heartless' all together. All the heartless disappeared. She looked up with glare-grin. " That's perfect." coldly she said. Jessica sighed, " No more heartless to fight." looking up she saw weird heartless' throwing fire. Jessica jumped to dodge but the fire following hitting her feet. With a burn Jessica dropped to the ground but quickly grinned. "Cure." she smiled. With blossoms flowing they cured her. Jessica rised up with her keyblades ready. She focused with a stare. The heartless threw fire, Jessica took one keyblade out flipping it up and down. With the way she flipped one her other keyblade was thrown to the heartless. The keyblades protected her. Reflecting the fire back to a big fire ball. "Take that!" she laughed. Doing a high jump like Sora, the fire exploded big time, flowing up into the air. Jessica yelled out her keyblades forming a shield tp protect her. "I love this adrenaline." she smiled. With taking out her cellphone she pressed camera. Clicking on the camera it took a picture of her with two keyblades and a firey backgroud. "Good background." she whispered. To be continued. I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry if I misspelled anything or bad grammar. Please comment if you'd like. Now, things are getting heavy here. I hoped you enjoyed this, more chapters will come (I';m catching up on the story:D) Mexony.
Good chapter! With all the heartless popping out it was action and more action!:D
Sure thing I'll add you in!:) Just let me put you in the KHCtE member notebook:D