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  1. Mexony
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Mexony
    That was a good chapter Destined! Seeing the tease of Sora and the luggages were funny, couldn't stop myself from laughing.:)
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  3. Mexony
    During French class, on my free time after finishing unscrambling words...I drew this and also coloured it:D

    I name this character...Lollipop:D
    Thread by: Mexony, Apr 16, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Mexony

    Ah your lucky! Your older than me..I don't turn 13 until August 16th *sits on chair*
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Mexony
    That was very good, the last few sentences brought me to excitement:)
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  6. Mexony
    Hi again, for the..third time I guess? Hows the books treating you?
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 14, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Mexony
    I voted yes. For the age of me, I love to write stories. At the moment I'm working on one, I want to become a recognizable author for my work, probably when I'm twenty I'll have three books to publish. I'm planning on making books.
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 14, 2008 in forum: Literature
  8. Mexony
    Well from here, my favourite manga's are.

    1. Kingdom Hearts (All volumes)
    2. Death Note ( Only one volume...13)
    3. Ouran High School Host Club.

    I'm thinking of getting more, that's unless I have money.
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 14, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Mexony
    Well there was nothing bad about this. The title caught my eyes attention, when reading this I can imagine all this happening. The was surely a good prolouge.:) I'm looking forward to read more of this story.
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 14, 2008 in forum: Archives
  10. Mexony

    Crystal Heart

    Something me and my little sister play when we're bored.

    Aikur ran down the city streets as fast as she can. Aikur had dark-brown hair that was wavy in the end, she had white eyes, she wore a black top, along with ripped skinny blue jeans, her feet were bare. Aikur's skin was abit dirtied up, it used to be peach until it gotten darker. "Hey come back here!" the men from behind called out to Aikur.

    Aikur took one glance at the men in blacks suits, they were still after her. After escaping the deadly prison for execution, Aikur was able to escape with one attack. A man in a black suit from behind pulled out a heavy gun out, aiming it while running was hard. With a click, the bullet flew out, heading straight for Aikur's spine. "Watch out!" yelled out a teenager. Jumping over the teenager pulled Aikur to the alley, giving a quick pull. "Damnit! I missed, because of that dumb kid!" he cursed.

    Aikur breathed heavily, to catch for some air. Looking up she saw a boy with dark-red hair that had curls at the end, he had a bandage across his nose, his skin was tan-ish to peach. His eyes were dark-brown, with a tiny blue dot in the middle, which was an odd thing. He wore a skeleton t-**** with baggy black shorts. He wore a running shoes, with white lines running across from each side. She looked away and then back to the strange boy. "Thankyou." she shyly said.

    The boy's cheeks turned abit red, but then changed back he looked at her and gave a weak smile. " No problem. Not to be rude or anything, but the hell were you doing!?" he asked with his hands crunched. Aikur looked at him and pointed to her heart. " I'm a crystal heart." she admitted. The boy was shocked and took a few steps back. " You must be the girl, people were talking about! Where you..murdered more than thiry people!" he bursted. Aikur looked at him and glared she raised her fist up, " They were asking for it." she coldly said. " Weren't you suppposed to...die?" he squeeked.

    "I was, but I escaped. Killing a crystal heart is one of the things you shouldn't do." Aikur walked forward to him. " You have a crystal heart." she said calmy. The boy was amazed on how she knew. " How'd you know?" he questioned, with his eyes narrowing. " I can feel the presence of the crystal." she closed her eyes. He sighed and stuck his hand out, " He told me not to names Dan." he introduced. Aikur took his hands and shook it slightly. " Hi Dan, so your crystal must be Nad." she laughed. Dan nodded.

    " Can I meet this...Nad?" she chuckled, with an evil smile.
    Thread by: Mexony, Apr 13, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Mexony
    It's a really good Destined. The title sounds interesting and attractive for some reason.
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Mexony
    This story is very good, repeating the beginning and give a message from King Mickey, the message made me smile. :) Destined, this story is good, with the title it sounds a very attractive thing to read.
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 13, 2008 in forum: Archives
  13. Mexony

    This writing reminds me of the The Day of Silence page in my newsletter. Yay middle school. Finding some mistakes..Not bad but this should should work, after reading it was an inspiration to me. ( In my opinion)
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Mexony
    It was short, but very well described:D I liked the way you pictured the girl. In my head , she's pretty:D Good job, if your continuing, I'm looking forward to it:D
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 13, 2008 in forum: Archives
  15. Mexony

    Yay:) I guess. Can't wait for the postage:D
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Mexony
    Hi people! Once again...hows the writing? With the homework I have I'll never get time for stuff I want to do:). With science in the way( which is my worst subject) I'll be on the road that will never end. Also, ever heard of the book Chasing Yesterdays? ( Just curious in mind)
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Mexony
    This chapter was alittle more better. The way you described Kairi from standing alone with tears, I really liked that part alot. Keep up the good work:)
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 13, 2008 in forum: Archives
  18. Mexony
    I made a Xigbar Bookmark, just hours ago. I think my colouring needs some improvement..and some parts on the drawing. I like the way I drew Xigbar, he looks nice to me:D
    Thread by: Mexony, Apr 12, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Mexony
    Hi everyone:) How's the writing going ?:D
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Mexony
    Well today is Saturday and for the supports I got from all you viewers, I'm happy:) I may need to get some glasses for the screens. Anyways, enjoy this chapter. Typing all this is exciting and also weird for me, not usual I have ever done this, writing and typing at the age of 12. Hehe...let's read shall we?

    KHCtE2 Note: When the beginning comes, prolouge shall have all chapters repeated, (Not sure if thats even possible in here hehe?) To make a refresh of what happened. When you want a new world, just request it, if you want a weapon added just pm me or add me on my email. Anything you want to know, don't be shy, ask:) Before the new story comes up:) Also, I still except members to join.

    Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth
    Chapter 34: Morning rise.

    Maleficant just studdered and looked at Marcus. " Such power you have... you should die and be a Nobody like Rexmildd!" she pounded her fist in defeat. " No. Don't judge or control Maleficant. Your just like pie." Marcus whispered. Walking over, he leaned to Maleficant and glared at her. " I squashed pie." he chuckled. Maleficant knew he looked like evil. " How about a deal." Maleficant slowly stood up, as she stood still she looked at Marcus and laughed. " We trade." she said. Marcus looked at her confusingly. " What are you talking about Maleficant?" he put his arm around to his pockets.

    Both two were standing just looking in to each others eyes. Slowly came the sun. Already was the sun, it was morning. The sun rised at 7:42. Night was over morning was now in control. Marcus covered his eyes from the bright-ness. " Look at you. Imbecile you and the sun don't connect. Now...death control!" Maleficant stuck her hand out, throwing a sprinkle all over to Marcus. " Just enjoy yourself for one more day." she laughed. Fading away in disappearance, Marcus looked at his hands. It looked liked it was burnt by the stove. "What in the name did Maleficant...AH!" Marcus glanced around and pounded his fist to the nearest tree. " I need Namine." he panted.

    That guy is crazy... Rinn thought. Muxene just looked at him, walking down the dock on the beach. With a gleam of sun. Gravexin's mood stopped, he turned to Rinn pulling out a sharp small knife. " You should apologize." he glared. Muxene stood up, with the will grabbing a book of weapon of hers. She slowly walked over and called Gravexin out. " Hey! Gravexin! Look!" she shouted. Gravexin turned around and with a big thump, a book knocked his forehead knocking him out.

    Rinn just stared, amazed. Muxene snapped her fingers to get Rinn's attention. " Let's go!" Muxene began to run to the trees to escape. Rinn followed with a water surf board she road on it, to go over the mountain.

    Rinn coughed and so did Muxene. The place was bizarre. The more you got further the sick you get! " Prepare yourself Rinn. Gravexin said there would be a deadly match, before you came here." Muxene puffed. Rinn nodded and released her weapons out. From behind was a roar. Muxene turned around and saw a moving bull with horns with a sign of dusks. " Attack!" Rinn charged, and stabbed her weapon through it, with scratches only caused. Running forth, Muxene caught the eyes of monkey heartless hanging with gas bombs in there hands. " Watch out!" she yelled to warn.

    Sebax breathed in and out. Under a tree there he was. He couldn't believe he actually got away from Xaldin. Took forever yet... it was worth it. Breathing heavily, Sebax looked around, for a potion. He ran out already. The way Xaldin attack was very deadly then the game in Kingdom Hearts 2. " I will..make it." Sebax said to himself. Looking up, the shine of the sun was brightening everything. Over made a shadow for the tree.

    The wind began to blow. The breeze air felt so nice, it was relaxing. Though it was painfull. Whenever the wind blew hard, Sebax's scratches gave a sting. Looking around Sebax grabbed something in his pocket. It had some bandages, though it was ripped. It should work. Pulling up the sleeves laid a huge scratch from Xaldin's lances. Wrapping it around with a badage, it began to sting more. "I feel like...blob." he laughed to himself. Up in the air he saw a fade of Kingdom Hearts. "Kingdom Hearts...why are you here?" he asked. With an ask, the clouds turned to a face of the wisher. " Who is that?" he whispered. With words spready it was all jumbled up.

    "Don't get it." he scratched his head. With sweat running down, the temperature was getting heavy and hot. " I need to find a better tree." he said.

    To be continued.

    I hoped you liked it. It was trouble trying to type this, because there are so many characters I find not being in the chapters for the past three or four weeks. I feel awful about that. If you haven't seen yourself from the past 5 chapters please report me. Anyways forgive me for that and yes..tomorrow shall be a new chapter. I'm making schedules and reports slowly in my life to this story. This story is going to end sooner in May or this Month. Please comment.:)
    Post by: Mexony, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: Archives