Good luck on geography:) *Thumbs up*
Well, here is mine:) Won't end. Closing my eyes I see a new thing. Nothing original. Something from the mind. With the background showing and the character's talking. My dream won't end unless I re-open my eyes. With the imagination inside, the movements. It feels real, but it's just a dream. Keeping myself quiet to listen and watch. The funny moments in the story and also the sad. My dream won't end unless theres an interruption.. Remembering what's happening, I know when I wake up it will be forgotten. So when I close my eyes and dream. My dream will stay with me, with no ending. It sounded kinda weird in my opinion. There's my poem:)
I'm fine, just chattin with people on my msn along here:D
Hey VaKh:D *hugs* How are you?
Thanks Destined:D Everyone from our time differences I will put the new chapter on Friday, whenever I get the chance to use the computer. So if you need to ask any questions just ask:) Or if you want more information on my story KHCtE , add me.
I apologize for not posting up and new chapters, it seems that I've fallen behind and writing down data of each chapter, and looking at all profiles of each characters, I'm sorry. Please accept this dinner *Gives*
Hi everybody:D How are you doing with your eraser and pencil?
Another one I'm allergic to sun and medicene for my stomach, Ah I remember that day..wee-woo, wee-woo to the sick kids hospital...very interesting, well I have to go, my hour on the computer is up:) Bye guys *gives lollipop*
Oh ok * attaches to rock* Have a good time at work:) *gives lunch* I'm a hyper-loser at the moment.
*Shocks* What's going to..happen?
*Puts sunscreen on* It's hot weather here, worse for me, I'm allergic to the sun.
It was short, yet it was perfect! I loved it when every member took out something:D Keep up the good work.
Good afternoon everyone:D It's 1:20 p.m. here:) How are you doing:D
*Runs to chair* Hi everyone, how's the weather?
Well guys today is Friday, the day where I type our new chapter. Seeing that you enjoy it, credits goes to you:) Any question ask, any request ask by private message. Let's read! Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 35: Connect Daisuke dropped to the ground and looked up at them. " Quit attacking." he whispered. Opening a portal he crawled in it, Xigbar gasped and yelled " Your not getting away!" he ran in the portal also. " Xigbar!" Kirsty yelled. Xigbar ignored, and before they could get in the portal, the portal disappeared. " Damnit." Luke whispered. Tybic looked at all of them and gave thumbs up." Well all did a good job. We all ganged up together on that Daisuke guy." he grinned. Everyone looked up. Valerie nodded, " Your right, we did. Fighting together was really fun." she laughed. Luke nodded, " It was really fun." he smiled. Kirsty smiled but then put a question-y face. " I don't understand something..." she said to the three. The three looked up at Kirsty cocking their heads. " What?" Valerie asked. " He said, quit attacking. What was that supposed to mean?" she put her hand under her chin to think. Everyone nodded, " Suppose he meant not to attack him, or something else." Tybic answered. Luke looked at Tybic, then nodded. " Your right." he finally said. Valerie looked at them and began to walk, " Come'on guys, let's go get something to eat." she smiled. A grumble went through one stomach. " Hehe." Luke laughed. Kirsty looked at Tybic. " Wasn't me." he admitted. " It was me." Valerie laughed, continuing to walk. ************************************************************ The wave washed Jack out, getting all soaked up. " You guys are all imbeciles." Jack scoffed. Amber walked over, and pulled his collar. " Shut it, Jack." she threw him. Jack went flying hitting the tree. He looked at them and then looked away. " I'm done here, for good." he said. Xaale just looked at him and wiped her lips from what happened. " What do you mean your done!?" Angel called to him. Jack looked at her and gave a little chuckle. " Let's have a little seperate game." he gave thumbs up. " Why the thumbs?" Lynn asked, crossing her arms. Eden sighed, " Probably he's giving up." she said. Roxas shrugged. " I'm not sure." he said. Larxene made her kunai's disappear, Demyx panted and made his sitar go out. Zexion opened a portal and walked right through it. " Where you going Zexion?" Demyx asked. " Home." he answered, closing the portal, right after him. " I do not want to know.." Roxas surrendered. Jack opened up a ball and made it going on each person. " Hey!" Angel tripped in the ball. " Let's see you be seperate for once!" He laughed, throwing the fire in the way, the trees burned and blew off the guys and girls. " "Have a nice trip." he pointed out. **************************************************** The two both fell to the ground, they puffed and looked at eachother. "Your good." Mexony admitted. Keath wiped the sweat off from the rush. " So" saying it with a pant. Mexony made her weapon disappear. Keath put his sword away and looked at her. " What's with your look on relief? You know all this isn't over." Keath said. Mexony nodded, " I started it, that's why." she said. Keath's eyes grew. "How?" he asked. Mexony sighed, "Let's put it short, I wished and boom." she said making an explosion noise. Keath nodded, " So, you know the rules to here." he quietly sai.d Mexony shook her head, " That's a pyshic thing, I just wished it. Half the people already know what's going on and know who it is, but don't know my appearance." she giggled. Keath grinned, " Your okay, what?" he asked. Mexony shrugged, " Um.. well since sun is rising..we should head for quaters and stuff. Fight some more." she said. Keath nodded, " I guess?" ******************************************* Len was running, slashing heartless one by one with her keyblade. " Take that." she grinned. The heartless kept coming, because the keyblade was there, something was special about it. SLashing more heartless, Len stopped, and threw her keyblade like a ball. Throwing it off, the heartless stopped and went after the keyblade that went flying across. Len laughed, and began to run off without it. " I knew it would work." she encouraged herself. Sticking her hand out, her keyblade came out, with a shine. The heartless weren't there. The ran to far, following the keyblade. " Let's give you a break." she smiled. The keyblade disappeared,she put her hands through her pockets and looked around the alley she ended up in. " Free lemonade." said a sign. She smiled wider and walked forward to the stand and saw no one, but the stand. " Might as well take one." she sneeked. Grabbing a cup quickly, a rope came with a bi net, trapping her around. " What the?" she grabbed the nets, it seemed the ends had metal chains. "I got you!" said the voice. To be continued. Well there was an accident, I clicked the post by accident which posted it, so I had to press edit to type it all. It was hard for me to type in this certain way. Also welcome to our new character in the story. Not made up from me, but she asked to join in. I'll add her name in later in the list, due to my buisiness. Sorry if it was short, I had no idea what I was doing, my hands are cramping up. Please comment if you'd like and I hoped you liked it.
Not anymore:D Hiiii*waves*
Tomorrow is the new chapter. Friday is the day I type it all out. After is Saturday which means another one. We're getting close to the ending. If you have any questions to ask me, please ask on comment or private message or anything other way to want:)
That was really long:D I like long stuff:D Keep the good work there *saluts*
Hi everyone, just dropped by to say hi:D It's 8:31 am over here...I have school in 29 more mintues I think? *Grabs backpack* adios mi amiga's y amigo's ...I had no idea what I just said..
Not sure if I'm too late, because I'm just browsing through. So... I'd like to. *Raises hand* Hi...alittle question... I'm not sure...if your eyes are watery from the screen...should you get glasses? An eye check?