*Gives coca-cola* Enjoy my friend. *drinks rootbeer* the scent of minty something:D
Anybody want some coke or something? It's freeeeee:D
I really liked that chapter, seeing Riku was fun and the Rinn and Sora thing and all that pirate talking was cool:D Keep it up:D Oh yeah..awakening:D
That was an awesome chapter Destined!:D Keep up the great work:D
Afternoon family! How are you all doing:D
I'd like to join Destine:D Name: Mexony Age: 13 Appearance: Mahogany hair, bandage on cheek, skinny jeans, socks (doesn't wear shoes), tan skin, cape, red shirt and striped collar. History: Nothing really, but a bossy family:D Personality: Quiet, shy, sometimes rude when she is back-talked. Loves to fight, but when she it asked. Weapons and Abilities: Fist Hanger Biography: Hollow Bation Played by: Mexony :D Yay.
Evening family. How are you?
Hey Dmaster, how's life? Also everyone else, hi! I just posted up my new chapter:)
Well everybody, today's Friday. The day I type a new chapter, today we have a new character. Say hello to..*drumrolls* cloud_kairi333. Well, still this chapter goes by cycle, and we're almost to the end. Also, I got to say that everyone who joined, read and commented are awesome! Well enough of my rambles, let's read:D Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 37: Spirit. Both Marluxia and Rexmildd were walking together. "So, your sister... she wished for Kingdom Hearts?" Marluxia asked, trying to understand the plot. Rexmildd nodded and fixed her shoe before her next step. " Mexony does always love alot of stuff, but never gets them." she mumbled when she stood back up, straightening bodyself. Marluxia took one look at Rexmildd, seeing the vine tatoo on her cheek. " Where'd you get the tatoo?" Rexmildd looked at him and shrugged looking forward. " It came with it when I..transformed." she stated. With trees moving, dusks came out, surrounding there space. " Must they came when we betray?" Marluxia muttered, releasing out his scythe. Rexmildd, crossed her arms, appearing from her shoes came vines. Spikey, poison vines. " Let's fight." she giggled. Marluxia threw his scythe forth, attacking the dusks, making abit room, along with that Rexmildd attached her vines aroud the dusks, pulling as if it was a trick rope. The dusks disappeared one by one, but there were still more. Rexmildd backflipped, kicking the dusks to ashes. Marluxia opened wide his feet and pounded, making the leaves surrounded. The pink leaves went around and formed a scythe of it's own. "Now..we're equal." Marluxia grinned wide. ****************************************************************************** Rinn turned around quickly with a gas bomb hitting her. Rinn flew to the ground, the bomb exploded on her, spreading the gas around the atmosphere. Rinn coughed, her hand swished back in forth in front of her face to get rid of the stench. Her eyes then began to sting, from it's gas, something wasn't right. Muxene ran over to Rinn leaning down looking under her eyes. Rinn's eyes were tearing like cr azy, it's sting was very effective. It gave a blurry vision to the eye sight. "It's blurry..." Rinn whispered. Muxene cocked her head and then reached to her pocket, looking for some extra left of hi-potion or any other sort. "Damnit." she cursed. Rinn flipping over and kicked the gs bomb back at the monkey heartless'. " It's blurry but my ears are wide in this fight." she said with a tiny laugh. Muxene flipped over throwing a fire book over hitting a forest tree knocking down half of the heartless'. "Thankyou." Rinn said. Muxene nodded with sweat dripping down. After some more heartless cme, but all had bombs. Each were different bombs. Sight bombs, gas bombs, sting bombs and rare..poison bombs. The two both had to avoid the bombs, not to get injured. The bombs went flying forth, both of the two were stuck until a blue-eyed boy came blocking with reflect (magic). "Gravexin?" Muxene questioned herself. Gravexin it was, he turned his head around and put his head down. " I'm sorry. Now..go. Go get help or leave freely. Nothing matters to me anymore." he said releasing out his electric punchers. Rinn grinned and began to stand, running along with Muxene. Remember...the farther they got the sicker and challenged would get or be. *********************************************************************************** Sebax strolled around a park, he looked at how filled it was. "I guess Kingdom Hearts didn't get contact with this place." he huffed. Looking over he saw a big huge fountain filling it self with water and then splashing it to the air. " Wonderful..alittle water to cool me off." he snickered, jogging over to the watery cooled fountain. He ran over and then saw the fountain filled with water, it was flowing naturally. Sebax rolled up his sleeves rolling up his pants and taking his shoes off, just to get a little cooled off. After all, he's been running from Xaldin from quite a long time. Sebax stepped in the water, it was very cold but relaxing. He let out a relax sigh and dipped his head in the fountain. Sprinting back out his head, his hair was wet and cooled off. All the dirt was wasted in the nice water, his clothes were wet, but Sebax didn't mind at the moment. "Hey! You can't go in there!" a guard of the park yelled. Sebax sighed and stepped out. " Why? I was just cooling myself." he explained. The guard scoffed and nodded sarcastiliy. " Yeah right, listen here boy! The fountain isn't for galloping alright! Now get away from the fountain or get lost!'' he rudely yelled. Sebax glared at him and walked fast him, with a grin he stuck his finger out saying a magic spell. " Fire." he whispered. Fire came from his index finger, flying to the guard's but. It went on his butt with flying around. " Ah!" the man yelled, he ran and then jumped in the fountain to get the fire off his bum. The guard gave a sly relief smile and closed his eyes. " Thankgoodness." he said. Sebax walked over to him and pointed at him. " Now, go find something else in the park or get lost!" he laughed , taking his guard hat and badge. " I'll be needing those." he winked. ************************************************************************ Ginji jumped over the bench in the bus street stop and threw her keyblade at the heartless' that were following her. " Get away!" she asked laughing. Ginji jumped over the grass rolling down, very far. She held her nose with her left hand, and then closed her eye. She was heading straight for the lake. " Hope they don't follow me still!" she hoped. Rolling down all the way in the hill, she finally fell in the lake with a big splash. The heartless stopped and disappeared away. Ginji was under the lake water, she looked up not daring to go up. From the sight of underwater, she saw nothing but the hill. It's safe, Ginji thought. Swimming her way back up, her head was wet and so were her whole body, but that didn't mattter. Heartless were after her. Ginji swam over to the dock and held tight on it, pulling her self out. With then a man stood over her. " Axel!?" she was suprised. Axel took his chakrams out and jumped back, spinning them in between his fingers. " One step and your fired up, weilder." he grunted. Ginji jumped over Axel and took her keyblades out. Axel looked at her deeply. " I need answers." To be continued Well everyone, it was short but hope it was good. Sorry if there were any mistakes on my typing, I was typing fast during the whole session of typing this chapter. Please comment if you'd like, hope you enjoyed it!:D
Wow, that was really kinda not sure but reading was...wow. *Gives everybody water* :) Um..to make an announcement, I'm sorry for things I said and stuff I done or anything I offended. But..yeah, it came to me to start apologizing to alot of people. Um...well everyone..have some cookies:D *gives cookies*
Afternoon family. How was school or college or...stuff...I ran out of ideas.
Oh, I'm sorry. I'll just, keep my mouth shut and stop the short name huggings.
Hey V *hugs* You really like food Destined eh:) I think you should change your picture BS...not quite sure, I like Zexion alot:D Lunch. "Someone take the baskets." "Not me, I'm doing work." "I'm doing my homework." " I'm-" "Noemy, you do it. Please, your the only one." "Fine..but after can I use the computer plea-" "No." "Fine." *About to cry* it's hard to hold up my tears everyday lol:D
Ah I see, I'm always blamed for eating something I didn't, like the snacks for school. Sure sisters blame me, I do alot of things in my house, clean,brush,alot. "Noemy, wash the dishes." "But it's I-" "Just do it please." Scene 1..the snack stealer. "Ok, who ate the snacks?" "Not me," "Not me" "Not me." "Noemy..." "Oh my god, blame me." Lol, crazy for me:D
What they ate:) I'm alwaya told "Noemy, go make yourself something!" and I do or don't..but usually pizza and then put it in the mircowave to heat up..
Hey Dmaster:) *Waves* How are you?
Happy Birthday Saint * Gives cupcake* Anyone eat anything for lunch, I had chicken,rice and some little potatoes:D That was when I arrived from school.
By reading this, I'm truly excited to see this new fan-fiction! :)
Good Afternoon everybody, how you all doing?:)
Goodnight family, I'm off to bed:) *Jumps on bed* woo.