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  1. Mexony
    Interesting chapter! Wonder where Mexony was. Oh well that was interesting, kinda grinned my whole way. Probably inspiration:D
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. Mexony
    Sure thing:) I'll add anyone who wants to join in:D
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  3. Mexony
    Wow...thanks:) I feel very comforted heehee:D

    Well the sacrifice is made up of different stories up with the organization.:D

    Warning: Contains yaoi, funny i think and some random stuff i put in automatically.
    Enjoy this one!

    The Magical Book Hunt

    Roxas walked through the halls, something was up in his blurry mind. As he walked, he suddenly bumped into his buddy Axel. "Yo, watch it there Rox!" Axel pointed. Roxas looked up and apologized, then walking away. "Roxas! Sorry for saying that in a kind of mean way but-" "It's not you Axel. There's something on my mind, Xaldin told me a story of a magical book with whatever you draw it'll come true!" he said.

    Axel looked a Roxas. "Yeah your right...I heard that story before...probably when I took a wine...but..that doesn't matter!" Axel smiled. He put his arm around Roxas and with his free hand he stuck it out to the air. "Think about it Roxas! How' bout we go get that magical book? It'll be fun!" Axel nudge. Roxas grinned and nodded, "Yeah!" Axel smiled and opened a corridor of darkness. "Shall we?" he stuck his hand out, like those two were going to a prom together as dance partners.

    Xaldin's Room. 3:08 p.m.

    "What are we doing in front of Xaldin's room?" Roxas asked. Axel snickered, "Well Roxas, since Xaldin told the story, he might know where it is!" Axel explained. Roxas nodded, "Let's knock!" Axel closed his fist and knocked with a bit hard pressure.

    In Xaldin's Room 3:10 p.m.

    There was gasp a quiet one. "Xaldin! Someones knocking!" Hissed Lexaeus. Xaldin growled. "Aww damn. Well Lex, I guess parties over." Xaldin sighed. Lexaeus nodded and jumped off the large bed, running to get his Organization coat. "What should I say!?" Lexaeus studdered. Xaldin thought for a moment and looked at Lexaeus while he was putting on his Organization coat. "Just say...hey thanks for teaching me about what...sevenelevenfivenumberthriteenstomachgrowl is!" Xaldin said. Lexaeus cocked his head and nodded...alright.

    Lexaeus opened the door seeing Axel and Roxas, turning back he grinned at Xaldin waving. "Hey thanks Xaldin for teaching me about what sevenelevenfivenumberthirteenstomachgrowl is!" he laughed. Roxas and Axel stared at Lexaeus. "What the..." Axel covered his mouth. Roxas looked at Axel, "You aren't going to laugh are you?" Roxas sighed. Axel un covered, "'s just that..Xaldin isn't wearing his coat but his boxers! BWAHAHAHA!" Axel cried. Roxas looked at Xaldin through the dark room and saw Xaldin in his boxers.

    "Oh...that's disturbing." Roxas covered his eyes turning around. Xaldin looked down and realized that. Oh cra_. Xaldin thought. Axel kept on laughing, while Roxas was turned around. Xaldin's face got red but shaking his head he glared. "Need something?" he rised. Axel stopped and looked at Roxas. "Go on Roxas. Ask him." Axel laughed. Roxas turned around a gulped. "Um Xaldin...remember the story you told me earlier? About the magical book? Do you know...where it is?" Roxas shyly asked. Xaldin nodded.

    "I don't but you should ask the dumbest member here. Demyx. He knows abit." Xaldin said standing up. "Okay, thanks Xaldin might want to-" Roxas pointed out. Axel bursted out "SHAVE YOUR LEGS! AHAHAHA!" Axel laughed. Roxas had no choice but to act the mature one here. He stuck his finger out and pulled Axel's ear. "Let's go!"
    As they left, Xaldin looked at his legs..."They're right...shave my legs...but...i can''s apart of the manly family!" Xaldin put his hand over his chest, like he had a heart or something. ~_~

    Demyx's room 3:21 p.m.

    As Roxas and Axel arrived, they saw Demyx's room sign saying "Busy! Sorry erm..On a mistion!" "Mistion?" Axel cocked. Roxas looked at Axel. "I guess he means mission, but just incase...we should go in his room to Law and Order." Roxas smiled. Axel nodded and grabbed the door knob opening it with a turn and click. "We're in." he winked. Roxas walked in and saw that Demyx does take off his Organization boots when ever he enters his room. "Take off the boots." whispered Roxas.

    Axel nodded and pulled his boots off, but moving around while taking his boots off, knocked off Demyx's favourite candy vase. MADE OUT OF CANDY! "Oops." Axel struggled. Roxas sighed and walked in, he looked around and saw nothing, but Demyx's Organization coat lying on the floor. All of them. "Why are all he clothes splattered around his room?" Axel asked, browsing at his mission papers. Roxas then stopped and stomped on Axel's foot. "Wait...I hear something." Roxas quietly said. There was silence. But with a soft sound you could hear water splashing and some humming.

    "It's coming from Demyx's personal washroom'' Roxas whispered. Axel scoffed, "Well duh! Every member has they're own personal washroom!" As they walked slowly they walked in the washroom, pushing the door open. There they saw Demyx naked, in the tub. Luckily you could only see his chest and head..and the upper. Bubbles were around the bathtub. Water was on the whjite clear floor. A towel was hanging on the hanger on the door.

    "Oooh, baby baby! Don't leave me! Take me on your journey! Hee, hee!" Demyx singed. Roxas sighed, Axel secretly took out his fireflaming colour cellphone and click the record button. "This is beauty Rox." Axel blurted out. Demyx opened his eyes and looked at Axel and Roxas. There was silence. Abit too much silence. With stares. Axel and his cellphone, Roxas staring and Demyx nervously staring with the bubbles in his bubble bat tub.

    "OH DEAR HEARTS!" Demyx grabbed the bubbles and pulled them up to him. "How'd you get in here!? Can't you see I'm on a mission!?" Demyx yelled. Axel laughed, "Yeah a bubble bath mission!" he cried. Roxas sighed, "Demyx I need to ask you something. You know the magical book?" Roxas was stopped by Demyx. "Wait Roxy and Axey... I need to get out, I can't just talk in the tub, or else my body will turn to raisins!" Demyx stood up. Luckily the bubbles stuck to his bottom part, hiding the beauty stuff hahaha.

    Axel was pushed out by Roxas. "We'll wait." Roxas said. Axel stuck his cellphone out. "Wait Roxy! I need to record it still!" Axel laughed. Roxas sighed, "Come on! Let' get out to let Demyx dry up."

    Demyx's Room 3:57 p.m.

    Axel was asleep on Demyx's water bed. Filled with water in his matress, pretty sweet huh? Roxas saw Demyx come out with his pj's out. "Okay, I'm ready to talk, what about the mask book?" "Magical book." Roxas corrected. ''Right." Roxas looked at Demyx asking, "Where is the magical book?" Demyx scratched his head, "Well I know it's in here somewhere... in Zexion's room!' Demyx said. Roxas smiled. "Thanks:D"

    "Axel...come on. We're going to Zexions room." Roxas nudge Axel to wake up. Axel opened his eyes, "Are we going to strip Luxord?" Axel said half awakingly. Roxas sighed, "No, we're going to Zexions room to ask some questions about the magical book remember?" Roxas said. Axel woke up wide awake. "Oh yeah!"

    Zexions Room 4:02 p.m.

    Roxas sighed. Axel looked at Roxas. "What's wrong dude?" Axel asked. Roxas looked at his best friend Axel. "Well, it's been long and I really want to know about where the magical book is." Roxas said. Axel put his arms around him with a hug. "Aww dude, don't cry." Axel could tell because he can hear the struggles through his words. Zexion opened the door. "May I help you? I can smell you from outside." Zexion disturbed. Roxas looked at Zexion. "Um, do you know where the Magical book is?" Roxas asked.

    Zexion grinned, "Please...come in." Zexion said. Axel and Roxas walked in. Zexion shut the door with a multiple lock. " Well stand still, I'll make it appear." Zexion took out his lexicon. Roxas and Axel stood still looking at Zexion. "Well hope you'll be...satisfied...with a nobody chance sacrifice." Zexion grinned. He looked in the lexicon and read outloud.

    "May we strip, may we see what these fiens be!" Zexion fastly said. Roxas and Axel blurted out "STRIP!?" Right away they're clothes flew off, with them bare naked. "ZEXION!" Axel yelled. Zexion laughed alittle and took a camera shot at them. " we're BOTH equal." he walked off in the portal. Axel looked at Roxas whom was covering the bottom with his hands. "Hehe..that was some adventure, I mean, everywhere we when there was always some nudity...hehehe." Axel nudge.

    "Now that I think about it...your right." Roxas said. Axel laughed. "Hope you had fun, this is the magical book:D"


    Haha I laughed myself out.
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  4. Mexony

    The Sacrifice

    It's a story I came up with:D Enjoy!
    Note: I have not stolen the title... I've never noticed another title very close to this, it seemd as if I was too excited I never thought about the title *looks to one member* I'm truly sorry.

    Poison Fruit

    Zexion walked down the hall of the The World That Never Was Castle. Just the plain white hall. Zexion could hear his footsteps be heard. Walking slowly he heard slashing and curses from around the corner. Zexion stopped and brought his ear out to hear the scene.

    "Damn you!" said a drunk voice. Hm? Wait a minute...that's...Xigbar?

    Zexion ran over, looking a Xigbar with a bottle in his hands, and his freeshooter pistols spread. "Xigbar...what are you doing?" Zexion sighed, putting his hand over his face, ashamed. "What you think I'm doing? I'm having a drink! Come here buddy! Let me tell you something...something secret." Cockingly Xigbar said patting this white tile floor. Zexion sighed once more saying curses under his breath.

    Walking over he nealed down to Xigbar and looked at his face, covering his nose. "What are you drinking?" Xigbar looked at him. "Find out yourself lil'buddy!" Xigbar shoved the bottle into Zexions free hand. Zexion looked at the bottle, it has a apple juice colour with some blue stuff at the very bottom. "Beer?" Zexion questioned. Xigbar laughed and put his arm around Zexion. "Drink it, buddy."

    Xigbar grinned at Zexion and nudge him. "I dare you baby!" he laughed. Zexion sighed, "Can't believe I'm actually doing this..." he muttered. "What are you waiting for!" Xigbar scoffed. Zexion brought the bottle close to his mouth, pushing it against his mouth opened drinking the "beer". Letting go, Zexion was disgusted, his eyes were red from the drink and his tongue seemed spicey. "Ahck!" he chocked, "what is this!?" he patted himself. Xigbar crawled over and put his finger under his chin. "It's beer Zexy!" he smiled. Zexion shoved the drunk Xigbar off him and stood up. "I'm leaving you be. Carry on with your pathetic game." Zexion strictly said walking off.

    Xigbar waved at Zexion. "See you in the meeting Zexy!" Zexion studdered turning around. "Do not call me that, Number II."

    Meeting. 9:30 p.m.

    "Everyone here?" Xemnas asked looking around, to make sure every 12th member was sitting in their seats. "Can we just get on with this?" Axel sighed. Saix glared at the flaming boy. "Let the superior finish, red head." he muttered. Xemnas stopped and looked at the members. "Where's number six?" Xemnas said. Xigbar looked around and waved his hand around. "Perhaps superior, he took a dump in the toilet!" he laughed. The whole room filled with snickering. "Silence!" Xemnas stopped.

    With a portal, they can see the corridor opening to Zexion's seat. "Sorry I'm late Superior sir. I was in a traffic." Zexion put his hands over his stomach. Vexen looked at Zexion closely. He didn't drink my... is what Vexen thought. Xemnas looked around with a tiny grin. "Now that we're all here... I want to talk about the rules of..fighting heartless in the halls and inside the Castle." he glared at some of the members. "Wait...why are you looking at me!?" Axel whined.

    "I want to. Is there a problem number eight?" Xemnas nodded. Axel shook his head and put his head down. "Anyways...we all know that fighting in the castle can lead to damages...for instance the washrooms might've been broken and no males would've been able to use it for a while-" Xemnas was interrupted by a nocturne member.
    "You mean...we can't use our washrooms!?" Demyx shocked. Larxene threw a kunai at Demyx's chair, missing his beautiful hair. "He said for instance! Re-" "That's enough Larxene!" Xemnas called out.

    Larxene looke over and saw the Superior turn around, right at that moment she stuck her tongue out, with a violent stare no one would like.

    10:05 p.m.

    After the meeting had finished, Zexion looked around the room. It was getting blurry. " Superior...I can't quite see properly." he muttered. Xemnas turned around, seeing Zexion sitting there with his hands shivering. "Same here Mr.One." Xigbar dizzily said in his chair. Vexen looked at Xigbar and Zexion. "Idiots...they didn't..." he whispered. Xigbar laughed and stood up on his chair, doing a hand stand with one hand. "Hehe...look...I'm peter pan!" he laughed. Jumping off he flew right straight to the center of the throne room. "Oh..dear hearts.." Xemnas muttered. Zexion stopped and wiped his eyes, no vision was coming, but getting blurry . "Damn it." he said. Xigbar flew off and laughed his way down.

    "Ahahaha! Weee go mee...peter pan the great!" Xigbar smiled. As Axel walked in the center he could feel a wind blowing on his neck. "Huh?" Axel turned up and saw Xigbar right infront of him. "AH!!!" Axel yelled. With a crash on the floor and an echoe. It was "Number eight! Number two!" Xemnas called out. "Vexen get Zexion and Lexaeus!" he shouted. Vexen sighed, Not sure about Zexion....

    Zexion looked around, feeling a quizer in his stomach. Zexion couldn't help it but hurl. "You know..this beautiful hair is never going to stay beautiful if it doesn't get a change." Demyx grinned with his Sitar. A stuffy vomit came flying down, landing right on Demyx's hair. "Someone smells.." Demyx laughed. "Who ever that is, is...going to...faint. ah..." Demyx fell to the ground coldly. He fainted.

    Vexen looked around. "They did. Good the lab."
    Thread by: Mexony, Mar 8, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. Mexony
    I apologize for not posting Friday. Even if it was day, I was dizzyand sick..I had to get a ride home from my gym teacher...with my mothers permission. So then after, kh-vids wasn' working for me. I was mad for some reasons...I wanted to see some chapters, new stories and type up a new one. But I guess I let that all down. Please forgive me.

    In additional to add.

    Have a good March Break.
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 8, 2008 in forum: Archives
  6. Mexony
    Well I try to draw myself. I like my eyes in there...I can see some side effects but you tell me:) Can't put my mind to what it is:D

    Tell me what you think.:)
    Thread by: Mexony, Mar 4, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Mexony

    Haha:D Very alike. I love my sister*huggles* she rocks.
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Archives
  8. Mexony
    Nice chapter. This is getting more and more interesting:)
    Post by: Mexony, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Archives