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  1. Mexony
    Lol, thankyou:D
    Post by: Mexony, May 10, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. Mexony
    Well I got to log off, bye everyone *group hug* *leaves milk and cookies on table* enjoy:D
    Post by: Mexony, May 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Mexony

    Aww, *gives juice* well hope the weeks past fast. four B's is actually good.
    Post by: Mexony, May 9, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  4. Mexony

    Hello Saint:) What kind of project? *grabs the gluegun*
    Post by: Mexony, May 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Mexony
    I'm doing fine, just lurking around the website, searching what's new:)
    Post by: Mexony, May 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Mexony
    If we're doing chain of memories I want to be Zexion pretty please:)
    Post by: Mexony, May 9, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  7. Mexony
    Hi Family:)
    Post by: Mexony, May 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Mexony
    Well everybody, today's Friday! The day I type up my new chapter, well I did my cycle and today's turn'll see. We are getting closer and closer to the ending! Oh yeah, I thank everyone who'
    s been reading, joining and commenting, your all awesome:D Let's read the new chapter now, shall we?:)

    Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth.
    Chapter 38: Adrenaline

    Looking up, the four saw the sign store "Pizza Hut". Tybic rubbed his hands togethers with his tongue sticking out. " Pizza-" he happily sighed. Luke grinned crossing his arms, " It's about time we get something to eat!" Valerie and Kirsty both laughed at the two. They all walked in pushing open the window glass door. The inside had red walls with white stripes and over on the right side was a counter with the pizza menu over screen and the in the behind the counter there were voke machines and the kitchen, where all the pizza and others were cooked.

    "Let's order." Valerie said walking calmy but desperately over to the counter. Tybic and Luke were looking around, seeing the chairs and clean tables. But over on the corner was a burnt ash tray. " Somebody smoked here." Kirsty said pointing over to the black corner. Valerie leaned in the counter, but didn't see any people. It was deserted from behind. " There's no one?" Luke asked from behind, sniffing the aroma of pizza. Valerie turned her head and shook. " I'm not quite sure why." she answered. Tybic and Kirsty walked over to a table and both sat down, across from eachother.

    "So, where did you meet Xigbar?" Tybic asked, playing with the napkin holders. Kirsty looked at him, " I met him in Spain. He took me over to the woods...which is the Organization's hideout." Kirsty took a napkin, putting in her pocket . Over on the other side, Tybic looked around with an alert face. " What's wrong?" Kirsty asked. Tybic looked back at her and gulped. " I feel the presence of a heartless approaching straight to us." he stood up from his chair, knocking it down. Luke and Valerie turned around from the bang of the metal chair. " What happened?" Valerie asked. Tybic looked at Luke " Heartless is approaching!''

    Tybic let his keyblade appear, he held it steady. Kirsty took out her rainbow keyblade, with it's colour's flowing. Luke ran over, taking Valerie's hand to come along. Luke released his keyblade out and then stared straight to the wall. Valerie looked around and grabbed a napkin, with an amazing appearing, a nice white striped keyblade appeared. It looked like the ultima-keyblade, but only in different colours. "What now?" Luke stared. Tybic looked at the wall, " I can hear it coming-- listen! When it comes crashing through the wall, duck from the dust and rocks, and after..we fight." Tybic said. The three nodded and focusley looked at the wall. The floor began to rumble hard.

    The heartless was coming.

    Demyx had his head covered by his hands, he looked around and saw no one but Roxas and Zexion..along with Larxene. " Where are the others?" Roxas gasped, looking around. "Up here." they answered. Zexion and the others looked up and saw all of them, hanging on the trees with straps attached to they're backs. " We're stuck and straped." Eden sighed. Lynn took out her wooden knife and flipped her body over to cut the rope. Amber remained, taking out a cookie with a crunch. Xaale began moving her feet back and forth like a swing, to make the string collaspe from it's orginal. Angel, took out her weapon looking around to make a good release.

    "We're going to get down!-" Angel sighed, " Just as soon as we solve this mess." Lynn said, cutting her rope. Demyx nodded, "Zexion?" Zexion nodded opening his lexicon and with mumbles through his lips. A bag of leafs surrounded the whole area from where they were. " landing." Eden grinned. Taking out her weapon she cut her rope straight down. Eden closed her eyes, from the fall, landing safely..she was on the pile of leaves. "Sweet." she winked. Angel released her self falling straight in the leaves, making the leaves fly up from her marvelous landing. Lynn put the knife back into her pocket, and then made a swing, and after...landed on the leaves. After all the girls went down, Xaale's eyes widened.

    "That Jack tricked us!" she complained. "He said we'd be sperate." Amber crunched on a cookie. Everyone else nodded. " Trying to scare us?" Roxas guessed. Zexion shooked his head, " No..perhaps for death." "Death?" everyone asked. Zexion nodded, " We were very close to dying and so was he. Therefore is was Death. But he probably wants something from us or trying to get details of something."

    Demyx took out his Sitar. " Anyways..let's head out and find some food or something." Lynn shook her head. " No Demyx, we can't eat. If we do, who knows what'll come on us." Eden agreed and so did the others. " Eat on our way?" Demyx asked with a smile. Lynn nodded handing him a piece of bread. " Ya'know, we're so close to the end." Roxas said. Everyone cocked their heads looking at Roxas. " End?"

    "Yeah...I can feel it."

    Jack laughed, lunging a splash of water on his face. " Well that was wonderful!" he splashed more water.
    "Jack, you should think alittle harder. What do you want?" asked the voice. " The wisher, I mean he or she wished for it and started all this cursed mess! I mean, why did we have to suffer this all? I mean it was fun but it's important to think about before saying it."

    Jack grabbed his shirt, putting it back on and then turning around with a hershey kiss in his hand. " I got a new plan, and I thought about it." he grinned. "Oh?" Jack nodded, " Poison chocolate, like I did to that girl, giving her a sweet kiss--but that's a different story, I'll fool that group and make them die." Jack lingered. The person nodded and but his hand on Jack's shoulder filling black ashes onto him. "Well.."

    "Well?" Jack scoffed. " You'll need more power than you expect."

    Jack nodded and looked to his fist, he can feel the pumping on his heart rising faster. " More power means more fun." he clutched his fists. The person gave an evil smile and portaled away, leaving Jack all by himself.

    Jack looked over to the trees and opened a blue portal. " Let's try this again." he grinned. Jack walked slowly over to the portal, with a saying goodbye to himself and the nature.. Walking right in it was pitch black, but there was a sense of people nearby. "AH!" he grinned. " There they are." he scurffed through the bags of chocolate, bouncing them in his hands.

    As Keath and Mexony walked they saw dusk swivling around some innocence. " Think you got another wish." Keath nudge. Mexony nodded bringing out her weapon and so did Keath. " Let's-" "Fight." Keath finished. The two ran over but Mexony stopped just leaving Keath fighting the dusk himself. Keath jammed the dusks to water and ashes. He kept on grinning everytime he did a score. It felt like playing Kingdom Hearts the PS2 game but this was real. He was in the game!

    Mexony then took out her cellphone and pressed the camera button making a photo stop. " Evidence that Kingdom Hearts exist." she mumbled, saving it into her file. Keath then did a dodge roll, slanging the dusk to pieces and one another. Mexony then walked forward and pounded the ground with her fist hanger, making it rumble and sand (her element) rise up. " Sand, forth!" she ordered. The sand went around making a sand tornadoe for the dusks, along with Keath.

    The sand wrapped around. Sand kept flying all over the places, Keath covered his eyes and reached into his pocket's reaching for some goggles, he forgot to leave. Putting them on, it was clear to what was now happening, he kicked the dusks on the ground and then gave a great stabbing. "Score!" he cheered. Mexony was outside just watching with her eyes, seeing how incredible Keath was fighting. After ward Mexony stuck her hand out, sucking in the sand with her left hand. The dusk were sucked in to but melted.

    Keath breathed heavily and looked at Mexony. " That was fun."

    Len then slashed her keyblade against the chain, making a release. Len looked around panting and scared. " Ok...what the heck was that!?" she questioned. Sticking out she saw a heartless that was big, she saw it with it's mouth wide. " Your heart taste like sweets." the heartless' deep voice said. Len gasped, " You can t-t-talk!?" she struggled. The heartless nodded and stomped over to Len, with big steps, making the ground rumble.

    " Now, let me have your heart sweety." the heartless smiled. Len through her keyblade to the heartless, attacking it's side. The heartless roared in pain and then puffed straight at Len. Len grinned and stuck her hand out with her keyblade re-appearing. " Now, shall we dance?" she asked. The heartless' mouth opened sending out a blast of blizzaga. Len jumped over and cast out the magic. " Thundaga!" she demanded. With the thunder coming down, shocking the heartless big time. Len ran over to the wall, doing something- she climbed the wall on her feet running up. Afterwards she jumped backwards pointing her keyblade straight at the heartless.

    "Firaga!" she yelled. The blast of fire came out, knocking the heartless down on it's back.

    To be continued.

    Well that was fun typing, my hands are cold so I struggled my whole way on the fifth paragrapgh. Sorry if there are spelling mistakes or bad grammar. I hope you liked reading this chapter. Please comment if you'd like. Thankyou everyone for the supports:D

    Post by: Mexony, May 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  9. Mexony


    I hope it's not too late!:)

    Alias: "E" elano
    Race: Human
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: successor
    Biography: She's shy still even in the wammy's house, but she's smart and intelligent and become obnoxious and negative when something goes wrong.
    Likes: Books, icecream and pj's.
    Dislikes: Mean people, enemies.
    Additional Inforamtion: Is quiet, but will speak when theres a chance or a situation.
    Appearance: She wear's pj's anywhere, but not to public places, her pj pants are green with mixture blue, her sweater is white, her hair is navy blue to her shoulders, but always covered by her hood,, her eyes are deep purple, tan skin, white socks with the letter E, one black glove.
    Played By: Mexony
    Post by: Mexony, May 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Mexony
    .......*runs to room*
    Mom: No-?
    *hears laughing from room*
    ehehehehehee...sorry. Yes that is scary, Muppet's singing.:)

    I got one:D
    Post by: Mexony, May 8, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Mexony to the beach?
    Eto...well that's all I have.

    This summer I'm probably gonna be in my home...:D

    *puts plates on table* how many are there?
    Post by: Mexony, May 8, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Mexony
    Hi Destined! Yes you are jacksparrow.. *gives jacksparrow plushie* how ya doing?:D
    Post by: Mexony, May 8, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Mexony
    Lol, all the pictures are cute, L's my favourite:D
    Post by: Mexony, May 8, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Mexony
    Lol, hi everyone. Now that's alot of DeathNote pictures:)
    Post by: Mexony, May 8, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Mexony
    With the fact that in population, teenagers and under also kids are pregnant. To the teenagers decission with his/her couple. There's still a long way to go in life, instead of jumping ahead. To feel like an adult...not quite sure about that. With teenager's getting pregnant, it's life is ruined, unless you are ready to jump into stage 5.
    Post by: Mexony, May 7, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  16. Mexony
    Thankyou very much Destined!:D Well adding extra for everyone, Mothers Day is coming this Sunday, Saturday...I should be able to type up a new chapter, that is if I'm not out to places to get my mommy a special something:D
    Post by: Mexony, May 7, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. Mexony
    Well, I really liked the text. It was clear to read the whole thing. But I feel that it went to fast in time, (Sorry if I offended you? but overall this is very good by reading it. Keep up the good work;)
    Post by: Mexony, May 7, 2008 in forum: Archives
  18. Mexony
    Hello family, just dropped by the say hi that's all. So yeah, hi and now..bye. I'll see you all on kh-vids tomorrow:)
    Post by: Mexony, May 6, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Mexony
    Thankyou everyone for the comments. The new chapter shall be up, this Friday.:)
    Post by: Mexony, May 6, 2008 in forum: Archives
  20. Mexony
    Well I got to logg off. *Leaves the drinks behind* Drink it, love it and learn it:D Bye:D
    Post by: Mexony, May 6, 2008 in forum: Forum Families