I'm always up for an opportunity to piss off an Evahater.
Welcome back! It's good to see that you'readayad not banned anymore, though I still hold that you didn't deserve it in the first place. I'm KS, by the way. The only noteworthy thing I've done for this forum since you got banned was making this thread, and that was pretty recent. Sorry about the shameless plug. Anyway, welcome back, yadayadayada, we're done here. I hope you'll be back for a good long while.
I swear I must be addicted to sleeping or something. I do it for like ten hours every day. It's starting to get to the point where the only reason I do anything when I'm awake is so I can be extra tired sleep when it gets late. It's cutting into my job searching.
Yeah, I was just speaking in general. It's much easier to tell the context when your post in right there.
Has anybody been having trouble accessing this (or any) server lately? I've trying all day since I last logged off but I keep getting this error when I try to log in. I don't think I'm banned because I can't access any other servers either and they're giving me the same error, but I still want to be sure we're all on the same page here.
But sometimes it's necessary for others to know who and what you're replying to. Sometimes context clues simply aren't enough. Like where I was confused about who you thought was me.
All the stupid Kingdom Hearts kiiiiids Let's log on to Kaaaaaay H-Vids![DOUBLEPOST=1401597786][/DOUBLEPOST] Ah. You gotta start using the reply button. Also, congrats on being not banned anymore. I missed you.
Wait, who did y'all think was me? I gotta know!
Don't go pushing me over the edge.
I think the dub for Eden of the East gets the message across way better than the original with subs. The English dub of Spice and Wolf also feels a lot more natural. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya also gets special mention for bringing life to Kyon and Haruhi in really great a way that their original voice actors could have done, but failed at. I love Aya Hirano, but her Haruhi sounds just awful. Are you saying that you don't believe you have the power to make a difference? That's nonsense! For example: We could just become a full fledged dubbing studio. We'll start with fixing Kill la Kill by making @Mike voice every character. Oh my god, you're more stubborn than I am.
I liked Nui. She was like a sadistic and axe-crazy version of Mako.
I was, but now I'm saying it outright. Nonon is certainly the most unpleasantly annoying character, but Mako is the most annoying overall. Mako is annoying in a kind of charming way, though, so it doesn't affect her status as Best Character.
Not as horribly as they ruined Mako. How could they not even try to get Andrea Libman? Gamagoori is perfect, though. It sounds like they just flipped a switch from Japanese to English. Same with Nonon, but she's not quite so good because that super high pitched voice just doesn't work in English. It's not all cutesy like it is in Japanese. It's just annoying. I'll get used to Satsuki. Ryuko is as good as I expected. **** the new Sanageyama. Nope nope nope. But really, I didn't expect much from the Kill la Kill dub as it is. It's such a Japanese show that I rally can't imagine much of it translating very well into English without tons of footnotes.
Huh, I could've sworn it was you who said that. I remember somebody saying it, though.
You think everything from reddit is dumb, though.
This place should have shadowbanning like reddit does. They don't know they're banned and can keep posting but only they can see their posts. It would be a way better punishment than a normal ban.
It's very good beer, brewed by a small local company. You particularly like its flavour, which is why you woke up feeling so wretched this morning. You were at somebody's birthday party here in the Pub last night. You begin to relax and enjoy yourself, so when Ford mentions that he's from a small planet in the vicinity of Betelgeuse, not from Guildford as he usually claims, you take it in your stride, and say "Oh yes, which part?"
Ok. [Good thinking! You wouldn't want to get too drunk!]
Ford hurries after you. Ford buys lots of beer and offers half to you. "Muscle relaxant..." he say impenetrably. I don't know the word "dance".
Pub The Pub is pleasant and cheerful and full of pleasant and cheerful people who don't know they've got about twelve minutes to live and are therefore having a spot of lunch. Some music is playing on an old jukebox. The exit is east. There is a barman serving at the bar. Behind the bar is a shelf. It is full of the sort of items you find on shelves behind bars in pubs. [I suggest saving not now, but soon.]