Nice pants, Luxord.
Oh, that thing. You do realize that's not an actual Wii U hack, right? It's sandboxed inside the Wii emulator on the Wii U. It's just a Wii hack that was ported to the vWii. I mean yeah, it's a pretty big accomplishment, but only as big as the PSVita's VHBL, which isn't considered a proper Vita hack in its community.
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Ah damn, now I really gotta read 'em. Superior actually sounds like it could have potential now that you've explained it. I'm a sucker for super weird stuff, so maybe it'll appeal to me for the same reasons it doesn't appeal to you. As for reading the comics, I've got a Comixology account, but that was only because they were giving away the first compilation volume of the MLP Micro Series; I don't really like digital comic books, though I do see the appeal. There's just something that's really satisfying about turning an actual page. I'll be looking for physical copies, though. There's a great comic book store at my local con center and I stop by there at every con I go to, so I can check then.
That's what I thought. In that case, I'll be in the market for a Gamecube.[DOUBLEPOST=1401678476][/DOUBLEPOST] The Wii U hasn't been hacked yet.
Ah, yes. That must be it.
I've got a Wii U. Are they really backwards compatible that far? I thought they only supported Wii and Wii U games.
RADIO ADVENTURES ARE THE BEST ADVENTURES! Good luck on building your CV, which is called a resumé over here in the colonies. I'm not even at episode 20 yet. The last episode I watched was the one where they fought that brick thing. Wait, Gwen comes in? When?! I was just recently starting to wish they had used Gwen instead of MJ. And I'm actually not that into the comics (though I really gotta start reading them because of my new "always experience the original" policy), but really? Superior Spider-Man? Are they just making up adjectives to add to Spider-Man now? What's next? Fabulous Spider-Man?
It is really very pleasant stuff, with a very good dry, nutty flavour, some light froth on top, and a deep colour. It is at exactly room temperature. You reflect that the world cannot be all bad when there are such pleasures in it. Ford mentions that the world is going to end in about twelve minutes.
That sentence isn't one I recognise. [You just have to drink a certain number of times, then head home. There's not much of a puzzle here.]
Yeah, that's what I thought. Alright, I believe you. Still, you totally give off an old west vibe. Donno what it is, but you do.
Heyyy dude! I hope for many weeks of laughter and enjoyment until your being back starts just being normal again. I haven't been up to much. I started a thread in the Playground, though! I will shamelessly plug it in 3, 2, 1! It's been funn-ish even though nobody's posted anything for a few days. Oh, and I got into Ultimate Spiderman like you suggested oh so many years ago. You were right, I do love it! Oh, and Cat and Enzy are mods now. So yeah. There's that.
You have to remember that I'm a Statesian. The only reason I had that drink at 16 was that I was on vacation in the Netherlands. And really? I always figured you for the cowboy type. My first drink was a hard version of a drink they called "bitter lemon," and tasted just like lemonade. Why? Because I'm a lightweight, that's why.
Ah, so I'm kind of half right, then. Am I also right in assuming that "Damashii" mean the same as "Damacy" from "Katamari Damacy?"
Nah dude, it's totally your fault.
"Yankee" as in Northeasterners in the US? Or does that mean something else in Japanese?
I kinda want to go get a Gamecube from my local game shop now.
An indication that I might be getting back on the right track?
I keep reading the title as "Pooping in again" and get confused every time.