Understood. ABORT THE MISSION, EVERYONE. We're not going through with it!
I see, I see. I'll be looking, then.
Shall we likebomb the Makaze?
I thought it was reasonably clear that I was making fun of that SJW crowd. I gotta remember to make sarcasm and the like more clear in my posts. I shall stay classy. And I shall keep my eyes open. Until I have to sleep, anyway. I'm not gonna sleep with my eyes open.
That's exactly how I reacted. "Ah, this is gonna be stupid, but I better give it a shot anyway." "Oh my god this is great." Word of warning, though, they seriously bring the feels a few episodes. I almost cried at the end of Rick Potion #9 and Rixty Minutes.
I haven't seen anyone talk about it over here and that's weird because it seems like it's right up you guys' alley. Personally, I feel the best way to describe it is as the criminally insane biological daughter of Doctor Who and Futurama who was adopted by Adventure Time and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It's really well animated, funny like you'd expect it to be, touching in ways you'd never guess when it needs to be, and can get downright dark in a few scenes that are played 100% serious. It's got heart too. It's probably just me, but all of the characters have qualities about them that make me want to improve myself or turn out like them when I grow older. Seriously, can we get some love for this show up in here? Maybe a name fad or something? Ooh, we could Avatar/Siggy combos, or maybe even a serious discussion thread over in Movies and Media? Well, let's not get crazy here, but c'mon!
I knew there was a reason I missed you. Whenever I doubt myself, you grasp at exactly the right straws to make that doubt go away.
Yes, but I'm also a person who pays attention to the post part of your posts, not the sex part of your posts. Also, that's ableist.
Crimea river. Wait, wrong thing.
I don't pay attedntion to that stuff. Who do you think I am, Amaury?
You're a dude?
From what I read, it looks like it's great at what it's trying to do, but not so much as a game. It may have been better if it were presented as a simulation game in the same vein as Farming Simulator or Train Simulator. Of course, that's only based on reviews. I'll have to see for myself later.
That's Ramsey, right?
I would expect that young trees wouldn't really do much of anything.
Have you heard that popular kids in high schools aren't typically jerks to the less popular kids anymore? I don't know if I want to live in a world where I won't get to raise hell with some girl's parents because she spread an unsavory rumour about my daughter.
I'm aware that they're former members of Gainax, but they're still a new studio. Trigger itself has no history and shouldn't be judged by the histories of its members. Would you assume a church to be made up of homophobes if it were established by an ex-member of the Westboro Baptist Church?
Kill la Kill is Studio Trigger's first show.
The concept that more revealing clothing=greater strength is significant of the primary theme of the show, that feelings of shame make us weak and that the truly strong don't need to "dress themselves up" to get ahead. Ryuko didn't simply put on Senketsu, transform, and go fight. Before her true potential was able to shine through, she had to overcome the natural embarrassment that comes with the way Senketsu lends her his power. And if it helps, you get used to the skimpiness after a few episodes. It just stops being sexual. Or maybe that was just me, but still. It's not pure fanservice. There are actually some points where it seems more like fan disservice.
[KS opens his door to discover Cat, ready to crash his fake party, only to be shocked and mildly scared by all the cardboard cutouts of her in different party-esque poses. Apparently someone was fooled after all.]
[All the while, KS is blasting music and party sound effects from his house next to Nova's to make it sound like he's throwing the best party of all. He's even got cardboard cutouts to make it looks like there's people there to anyone looking through a window. Nobody's fooled, though. It would have been cheaper and easier to just throw a real party.]