My dad's been watching the dub on Toonami and his reaction when he saw that episode was great. Spoiler I've got him totally convinced that Eren's not coming back and that we'll only be seeing him in flashbacks and stuff.
I once had an English teacher who had to be well into his 60s who is occasionally talk about some spy show called Nikita, mainly to comment on how the main girl from it is "kinda hot."
So this was beautiful.
I'M BACK WITH THE PICTURES OF MY COLLECTION! Spoiler: LOTS OF IMAGES Front cover. I use this for things that don't fit in the card slots. It's all con passes right now. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8: Vertical cards Page 9: Other, mostly hotel keys, but I also have a con pass in there. Some of the hotel keys are pretty cool. I skipped ahead a bunch so I use this as an "Other" section, so I don't know what this page's number is. Page 10: Business cards
I vote he should debate you on whether or not Misty is hot.
You thought this was a good idea why?
Oh, don't be like that. I'm happy to sass a hoopy person like you.
The joke is that Google is the fish people.
Thank you so much. Am I pretty now?
Say what you want about Makaze, but you can't deny that he really knows where his towel is.
Of course they can. It's the sound they make.
But Google Maps is already pretty much done.
This post was enough to make me seriously consider taking up mapping as a hobby.
Can I be in charge of mechanics? I've got a cool idea that I'd love to try out.
I collect gift cards. I'll post pics when I'm not feeling lazy.
Nope. London is a city in England, a country which belongs to the United Kingdom which takes up most of the island of Great Britain, the inhabitants of which stereotypically reject their association with other European nations. In other words, I was making an ethnic joke.
I should also point out that it's downright insulting to call Britain a part of Europe. Lumping it in with the rest of that third world country. Feh! Geography be damned!
In English?