Is that idiot literally or literal literally?
Yes, but the most common one is ATK. c r i ☆ m i n was using "always" to mean "usually" in the same way that idiots use "literally" to mean "figuratively." Also, Defense is usually DEF.
Those senses don't "become better" when others are lost. It's just that when you have to rely on one sense more than a regular person would, you get better at using it. Blind people don't have better hearing, they just know how to use their hearing more effectively. Deaf people don't have better eyesight, they're just better at using their eyes to compensate for what their ears should be doing (more finely tuned peripheral vision, for instance).[DOUBLEPOST=1402368651][/DOUBLEPOST] +/u/dogetipbot /u/jackdaniel0 100 doge verify
I see, I see. So I just have to keep improving light armor until it's as strong as heavy armor? Good to know.
I keep reading that strategy and even thought of it myself before I looked it up, but I can't even make it to the stairs without dying. If that's your strategy, though, I guess I'll just need to try lighter armor or something.
I was but a humble knight. I had placed my summon sign and a message stating "Need humanity." Within moments, I was summoned. His name was Father_Manus. He had grey hair, some pants, and no shirt. Under his lack of a shirt he had abs like you've never seen. Together, we went forward and faced the Taurus Demon. I did my usual thing wherein I would take out the crossbow hollows and then proceed to distract the monster with arrows while my companion took advantage of its limited attention span. What did Father_Manus do? Father_Manus went up and punched out the ******* in three hits, tops. I swear to god that's exactly what happened. So we continued. When we came out into that area where we could open the gate to the Taurus Demon's area, it happened. A mesage popped up on the screen. You are being invaded by RAVELORD_NITO. He came out of the parish entrance and had a chicken leg or something on top of his head. Father_Manus beat on him for a few hits and then stopped, letting me have the final blow. The next miniboss was the same dealio as Taurus Demon. I distracted him and Father_Manus beat him to a pulp. Same with the wizard guy from up above. Then came the Gargoyles. At this point he had summoned another phantom whose name I can't remember. Long story short, we kicked ass, then I left. Seriously, I gotta put down my summon sign more often. If only I could beat that stupid Capra Demon. I've been at it for months.
That's totally wrong. It's a gritty cop show kind of deal. "Titan" is the street name for an illegal new form of steroid that's been all the rage lately. It's gotten so bad that all but the inner districts of the city are plagued by drug crazed lunatics (imagine whole gangs of Incredible Hulks) and their dealers, all of whom are so crazy and hopped up on Titan that they can smash through most materials with their bare hands, so the authorities have had to put up special kinds of walls that are all several meters thick. The military has also been called in, but they don't know how to deal with this new threat, so all they can do is wait in the inner districts for some kind of attack. The biggest problem is that the human body produces trace amounts of Titan on its own, making it hard to test for when people try to get through the gate. That's how a couple of unusually sane Titan addicts manage to get through security and wreak havoc in order to let all the other Titan addicts in. Yadayadayada, now the main character's parents are both dead and he's decided to join the police in order to get justice. It's really very good and I fully recommend it.
I mean, they're not that stupid. Maybe they were told to upload the episodes and misinterpreted the instructions as "put it on the website." Or something. I donno.
Would you mind providing links to these leaked episodes? Or, more likely, it was all uploaded already and someone erroneously hit the "Publish" button.
I don't negotiate with terrorists.
Hasn't Itachi died like six times already?
Yeah, I should have worded what I said better. I referring more to concepts that can be treated with either objectivity vs. subjectivity. Take the question "What is 2+2?" There is only one possible answer to that, 4, and there is absolutely no room for opinions to muddle the issue and that makes it an objective question. Contrast the question, "Does Elizabeth's behavior in Bioshock Infinite make sense, given the fact that she was sheltered from all human contact for most of her life?" Here, there are many facts from which a conclusion can be drawn, but all of those facts can be interpreted in different ways, resulting in a number of equally valid answers. This means that even the most common conclusion is not necessarily the correct one, making it a subjective question. I'm starting to think I misread the OP and that the point I'm arguing isn't as relevant as I thought.
Objectively speaking, majority rule alone does not make anything objective. There must be concrete facts and figures to support it. The majority of opinions can change over time, so anything to do with such opinions is, by nature, subjective. Basically, if I can count up all the "numbers" and then "do the math" to get results that are consistent with (though not necessarily the same as) yours every time no matter what, then your claim is objectively correct. Anything else is subjective. For example, it is an objective fact that the majority of people at a given point in time like Thing X. Whether or not Thing X is good, however, is and always will be subjective.
Post this in Discussion please.
Thank yooouuu. Seriously, I never would have expected something so simple from a someone as complex as Jayn.
Out of curiosity, would @Jayn or @SynK be willing to share the seed for the server's world? I'd kind of like to try it out in singleplayer.
This thread has become double plus ungood.
Ever notice how in FFVIII Selphie has a whole sidequest revolving around social media?