Well, Wii U is the sound a siren makes, and that's obviously symbolic of the inner scream that you're yearning to let out.
Since this thread will be popular for an hour or so, here's a plug for my other game thread that I kinda want people to play.
27th post gets it. *Credit Card required to activate
Why don't you just make a receiver? You can probably find blueprints and stuff pretty easily.
Hey, what if it's Tingle? Aonuma did say that he wants to make him more likable.
I love staying in the theater to watch the credits while everyone else leaves. It makes me feel like I'm better than them. When I went to see Frozen I even told a little girl that wanted to leave because the credits were rolling that sometimes there's an extra part of the movie after the credits and if she leaves, she'll miss it. That's just Ubisoft, though. For some reason Ubisoft feels the need to credit every single person in every single part of every single studio that develops for them even if they had nothing to do with it. Hell, sometimes even that's not enough. In Assassin's Creed Revelations there were credits for Metal Gear Solid IV: Guns of Patriots, a game that, without exaggeration, has absolutely nothing to do with them. Either I'm a really fast reader or you're a very slow reader. Most movie credits don't run much longer than five minutes. You're being exactly as dense as I was in the thread where I led you to believe that you had changed my mind about Let's Plays.
I kind of like the theory that we'll be playing as Aryll. Based on the landscape it couldn't possibly be Windwaker era, but I can always hope, right? We will play Splatoon together forever and ever.
I've never been a patient girl. That's probably because I've never been a girl. Spoiler: Thread Title *taken Took is past tense only. Taken is perfect past tense.
What did Kermit say at Jim Henson's funeral? Nothing. He was speechless.
I, for one, cannot wait for the Kingdom Hearts II.⁶₄ ĤÐ RëMÍX.
No, the sprinkler isn't related at all! It's a red herring, activated by the true culprit to throw you off!
Thank you! I am positive that it will be an innovative new experience that everybody can enjoy.
But seriously, you're looking at it the wrong way. The backpack is what was suspicious, not the action of the sprinkler spraying it. If you saw a random backpack in your front lawn, what would you do? Open it and risk it being something dangerous like a bomb (Yes, that happens sometimes. Gangs can be serious business.), or tell the police and let them handle it?
Hackers and leaked government docs and conspiracies and other stuff like that. There's also a couple chapters taking place at Burning Man in Black Rock City, Nevada. I listened to it at my old job and really loved it.
Keyblade Spirit's Nitpicks: On where the new Call of Duty takes place, it says very clearly at the beginning of the trailer that it takes place in South Korea. How did you miss comparing Assassin's Creed Unity to The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords? ICO is NOT pronounced "Eyeco." It's "Eeco." It's "Lar-ah," not "Laura." It's also "Croft," not "Craft." Phantom Dust is a remake of Phantom Dust on the Xbox 1. Do your research, dude.
I can send you an audiobook of Homeland, written by Cory Doctorow and read by Wil Wheaton. Lemme know if you're interested.
Seriously, though, send me your dogecoin address and I'll give you some free doge. I'm always happy to see a fellow shibe.