The one with the pink haired girl who has a crush on Ichigo and the pig that tries to kill him. Seriously though, Kubo writes comedy so well, why can't he just do that without the shounen?
Really, it'll work with any Harry without metalworking in his family's history. But Harry Osbourne would be great because Norman would probably actually send him.
Hagrid screws up and sends the owl to Harry Osbourn. Hilarity ensues.
This might be dumbest idea you've ever had.
I always thought that the only thing keeping Sazh from being the best character in XIII was the fact that he didn't get a lavish musical number.
I guess I'll try.
The joke is that the Code Vault barely exists anyway.
I guess I'll try to win. You just don't have enough doge. What's your dogecoin address? I'll send you a few.
Are you really trying to make sense of people who treat video games like TV shows?
My Mental Choices Are Completely Interfering With My School Romantic Comedy is pretty hilarious. I've heard good things about Captain Earth, but haven't seen it myself so I can't recommend it properly. I'm going to start watching it soon, though. I've also been pretty into Black Lagoon, but it's dubbed by now so you've probably seen it. If you watch just the first few episodes of the currently airing arc of Bleach, it's a pretty cute slice of life anime.
But I will admit that it is amazingly quotable.
No, the coolest was the fight against Xion.
When you're putting stuff on the internet for the express purpose of having it seen by other people, you'd be crazy to care about anything else.. Vimeo manged to get a better video player than Youtube's out.
Youtube is not the only video hosting site. It's the only one that matters, but why should that mean anything?
No, the greatest crime is that there were no fight scenes at all. They just cut from the intro scene to the next scene.
I'm keeping up with Korra for the same reason I'm still keeping up with Naruto: No matter how bad it gets, I always finish what I start. I'm sure the quality of Seasonn 3 will be consistent with the rest of the series.
Yes, but that doesn't make any sense. The proof of what is in the pudding? A murderer's identity? God's existence? Whether or not the pudding is actually pudding?
Thank you! I'll pick up the actual game on the way back from my rum run.[DOUBLEPOST=1403279975][/DOUBLEPOST] But it's not the game, just the patch.
No, no. He obviously means alcohol proof. Nova has to drink himself to his dreams. Also, the saying is "The proof of the pudding is in the eating."