I have had a theory since I saw the trailers and such with Xion. Well, me being unable to comprehend Japanese, went to the english subtitles. But as you watch, Namine and DiZ are around that egg thing, and Namine says "She" and so, I have a kind crazy idea. Kairi has a sister, and her sister gets caught up in the havok and now she's Xion. That would possibly conclude why she had a keyblade. Sorry, I'm very bad at this scientific theories. My other ones were that Roxas and Xion were dating (Like when the were just people, like Sora and Nio?) 'cause when Roxas sees Xion he says "I've been searching with Axel for you, want to get back together?" But that's just my theories. xD
Your computer should know the word "Xenia" because it's the ancient greek word for hosipality. Though it is used as a name. Thanks for liking it. And for all your other people who read this, please notice I'm allowing three-five comments between eachchapter. Thanks; LittleArtistNamine
Who here's watched Indiana Jones, any of the movies, at all?! Please. I'd like to discuss them. Now, I enjoy the Third movie, and I realized that most of them are based off of religion... But that's my prediction. So. Which movie do you like the best of Indiana Jones?
Welcome Mike, and Good Luck. And I have a suggestion for the group name. Hearsay Group 'Cause they are telling us the news, but it's not straight from them 'cause they obviously have to get the information from somewhere. ... I talk WAY to much. Sorry. Anyways. GOOD LUCK MIKE!
More Color...? Yeah. I'm one of those few people who like to see colors... Not that I hate the blue. But, I don't know if this is even possible, but if you could make a little thing where you could choose the color scheme for your forum... That would be cool... Then again, that might not be the same thing. Oh well.
1 OMG UNO!!! Or One for those who don't speak spanish... And isn't this like... Really easy for the staff to ruin this?
Hey. Thanks. My friend also told me that they were religious, but really I don't connect things that fast. So yeah. The list shall be very helpful to me. ... I still think Comatose is my favorite though.
Hi! I like welcoming new people. It gives me a chance to be nice. Try and post everywhere you can without breaking the rules and it helps. That's what I'm doing right now. xD GOOD LUCK!
Quiet possible. My friend's computer does that, but right when she logs on. I can't help you there. Sometimes though, the pictures aren't saved correctly or somethings wrong with the file. Such as a few days ago, I had a clip with Roxas in it. I was NOT able to download it. Don't know why. But sometimes, you just have to delete the picture then get it again. Sorry, I'm really not all that helpful.
I'd have to say Comatose... I know most of the songs. But I haven't heard the first one. I'll have to listen to that. So yeah. Comatose is my favorite, it's almost... Like religous or something. xD
Okay. Here you guys go... xD START CHAPTER; I narrowed my eyes at the guy restraining me from sitting up. I knew about Nobodies from rumors back in Twilight Town, and they used to haunt my nightmares as a child. So, if I was a Nobody, and he was a Nobody, then I was in the rumored Castle Oblivion. Which means…? That the people around me were part of the Organization, right? But why me? Why now? How come I had to be snatched off the streets and brought here? How come weird things always happened when I wanted to go get ice-cream? These questions will never be answered. "Okay, Red. Let go of me, before you break my shoulder," I knew I sounded demanding, and I heard a few snickers and comments from around me. Was the whole Organization in the room? "Red" (nice Nickname, huh?) let go of my shoulders and I rolled them, hearing them make a small popping noise. "Okay, Purple, since we seem to be calling eachother by hair color," Again, I heard a few laughs and more quick comments and I repositioned myself so I was sitting up quickly before he could stop me. "You're in Castle Oblivion, if you haven't already figured that out already." There was that stupid, smug grin again. I just wanted to deck him right now, but I figured that wouldn't be the best idea, eh? I gave him a disbelieving smile, me and purple hair? No way. I looked down, and what do yah know, a short curtain of purple hair shielded my face. It wasn't one of those oh-my-gosh purples; it was faint, lavender purple. Well slap me and call me stupid... Not really. "Aw. It's funny how stupid you think I am." I gave him a smile and looked around the room at the rest of the Organization. A small boy caught my eye. He was... Well, short comparedto everyone else. So I didn't feeling like I wasreally short.And, I'm usually not the girl to say things like this but, he was cute I guess you could say. He was a blonde, and his eyes were some of the deepest blue I’ve seen on a guy… Not that I’ve been paying attention to other guy’s eye colors. One thing I noticed about everyone in the room though… They were all wearing that outfit; I guess it was true that they did have black outfits. Then “Red†gave his stupid smug grin and leaned back against a wall. “No, I don’t think you’re stupid. I know you are,†He was just asking for me to stand up and deck him, wasn’t he? I felt a figure walk up behind me and I turn around to see a tallish girl come up behind me. “Just ignore Axel, he’s a moron,†She then walked back to the wall where she was standing. She was blonde also; with two bangs that hung back loosely standing like they were feelers. As I continued to look around the room, I realized she was the only girl. Note to Self; make friends with the girl if you don’t want to be surrounded by guys all the time. Unfortunately, my gaze kept landing on the blonde boy. He seemed vaguely familiar, like I was having déjà vu. Maybe later I could ask him if he was related to someone from Twilight Town or something. I was just about to look away when he started talking. “Um… Hello. I’m Roxas.†He seemed so shy, like he was out of reach from the others in the room. I nodded at him, a faint smiling playing at the edges of my lips. “And apparently, I’m Xenia. Nice to meet you,†He really wasn’t that bad, I think I could get to like him more and more. I tucked my lavender hair behind my ear repositioned myself on the couch. “So, is this what you guy’s do all day? Stand around in the room staring at a couch. Can we have some action here?†I stood, they were really making me feel uncomfortable and I wished that I could do that disappear thing and be out of the room. Then again, they might not have that power; I’d only heard that from the books I’ve read. “Exactly, everyone go back to the activity’s you were doing before Miss Xenia was brought up here by Zexion.†He waved his hand dismissively and disappears in a black egg-shaped swirl. So they could do that! Did that mean I could to? “Sorry, go lucky. But you can’t do that till you’re initiated.†It was that girl again, as I turned to respond she was gone, only the faint outline of the disappearing act was there. I would have to be quicker next time. I stood as the rest of the Organization disappeared, leaving me alone with that Roxas fella. Gosh, usually I was really good with words around other people, especially around guys though being alone with him just made my stomach clench. “So, you’re Roxas… Right?†I give myself ten points for that stupid question. He looked towards me, a soft look in his eyes. “Yes, and your Xenia, right?†Wow, how can one guy just make you want to kiss him? And again, he gave this small, weak smile that made me think I’ve seen him before. “I think I heard the other guy’s talking about you earlier. I know that your name’s really not Xenia, I mean seriously, you do not look like an ancient Greek,†I let out a soft laugh; maybe life here wouldn’t be so bad. I mean, there’s a cute guy who’s funny and is telling me things no one else wants to. How lucky can one girl get? “So, if my names not Xenia, what is it?†I was tired of being called such an awkward name, so knowing that it wasn’t my real name, but the name I have to assume in the Organization was better than being flat out clueless. He looked away, towards the window as if thinking. “I think they said your name was Anie. A nice name, but it’s spelled A, N, I, E, so that’s how they made Xenia. You’re going to have to get used to Xenia though, because that’s the only this they’re going to call you here.†Hey, so he’s smart and an eavesdropper. I could learn everything from him and it’d save me from having to learn everything from that girl and the boy the girl referred to as Axel. I stood from the couch, giving a small stretch session before I looked back at Roxas. Man, I was going to like it here. End Chapter; So, this is my longest chapter so far so enjoy it… If your smart, you probably are forming ideas about the next chapter. Good luck, I like to jump out with randomness. If you don't get the Ancient Greek comment, Xenia (The name) is Ancient Greek... Get it now? © Kingdom Heart Characters>>Square Enix Hope you guys enjoyed. xD
Sorry, dude/dudette. I searched also. It seems like an interesting font, and noise erased too. But I tried and I couldn't find it. See yah around. xD
'Kay. I have a list like thing of semi-lame but some how entertaining games. Please comment. Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg Animal Crossing Spongebob Squarepants Battle of Bikini Bottom Nacom Museam Monkey Ball 2 So yeah. If you've played those video games, or you have your own, please reply. This thread might not get that many responses, but... I'm trying. I'm still new here so I'm trying to get my name known in all the threads I can. Thanks All; LittleArtistNamine
Probably... Letters from Rifka from Karen Hesse. I usually don't have reading assignments and when I do, I find really good books. But this book was like illness, illness, no passage, evil natzi. It gets... Repetitive. ThoughI would recomend it to people who can read historical fictions. xD
Wow... Who knew that this conversations so popular now. I think, last time I checked, it was a hot topic. I should've done this earlier. Thanks to everybody who told me about the changed date. I shall notify my friends. Thank you all.
The answer to Famous is 'Yes' it is my first post in this section. But I read this really good fan-fiction on fanfiction.net (It's called Reverse) and that's what set me going. So, I actually have some background. On quizilla, I've made the story but I'm just posting the chapters here. Thanks for liking it... Should I post the next chapter as a reply or a new story?
Charlie walked knee-deep in the ocean water, randomly bending to pick up shells. Her parents had gone out to who-knows-where, and she now had free reign. She briskly came out of the water, placing her shells in a gourd like container strapped to her back. She continued up a small winding path, but stopping. Her ears perked at the sounds of good-bye, and her expression instantly brightened. Good-byes usually meant more people, and less adult supervision. Should she go and introduce herself? She came up without an idea, and pretended to be interested in the trees, trying to make up her mind.
Name: Charleen 'Charlie' Lynn Bentencourt Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Other: Visiting the island with her family, single, very explorative, wizard, parents humans.
I say you should do it. I mean, seriously, I'd read it. Just make sure to think through about what your gonna type, before you actually start going. I started a fan-fiction, and I knew what I wanted to do and when. But then I did this one scene too soon and it ruined my dramatix climax. SO just make sure to think about when and what before you do it. Good Luck. xD
Hey. So, I made this story on Quizilla, but I decided to see what responses I'd get from an (almost) all KH site. Please, tell me what you think. And I'll leave the link to the story at the bottom of the page if you want to read the whole story, plus the new story. This takes place in ReCOM... I think. I never really took the complete time to figure out when it takes place. This is about a girl, who is kidnapped into the Organization. Hope you guys enjoy. xD START CHAPTER I closed my eyes to the searing pain. I just wished the fools around me would realize I was in pain and figure out that it's time to stop. I could feel the presence of a person leaning over me, his hushed whispers filling my ears. First of all, I didn't know where I was. I remember walking down the street going to get an icecream. Innocent, right? And then, I felt something grap me and pull. I felt as if I were falling down into an endless abyss. Then, I landed, feeling painful and drowsy. I was just starting to understand what was going on around me. I could feel my, I think it was consciousness, coming back to me. Then, I heard a yell and the presense about me moved quickly. "One more, I'm almost done," A voice pleaded, it was much closer so I assumed that it belonged to the presence that had always been near me. "...Going to kill her! Look at the vitals..." Everyone's voice was starting to fade now, in and out, and I heard a quickening beep from beside me. Was he saying to kill me, or saying that the man's going to kill me? "You don't know anything about vitals, she's fine..." Beep, beep, beep, beep. The sound was increasing in speed... Was that my heart rate? "Call it off, Vexen. You're going to..." I assumed the figure that had just walked in had authority over the other one the way her was yelling. "... Going to happen, Zexion, I have a plan "B" if she fades..." Now, the voices were becoming blurry, and I realized something. I was dying, and they were arguing about killing me. How stupid can you get? "... Her? One of us?" Like she could survive that..." Oh, so now they were calling me weak. How low can you get? "And now, I was falling. Falling though open space again. I couldn't hear the yelling voices above me anymore, and I felt... Peaceful. I smiled as I saw Heaven Gate's coming to me. I felt a jerking sensation as the picture perfect moment flew away. But this time, I wasn't falling, I was fly. Upwards, and the I felt a soft couch-like thing beneath me and I let out a groan. So, the arguing duo decided to help me. Thanks, but no thanks, let me go back to the quiet please! But, something felt different. Something was changed about me, but I didn't know what it was. I couldn't remember a lot about what happened before this. Maybe, that's what I lost, what felt like I dropped something, it was my memory. "... Vexen did WHAT?!" I heard an angry voice yell, and I let out another groan. Just what I needed, more aruging. "He made sure she didn't die, Xemnas... And now that Vexen ran off, she could take his place,' Who are these crazy people? And why were they saying all these crazy things? I mean, what kind of name is Vexen, Zexion, or Xemnas? Seriously, where was I? "I guess if her form can make it that far, though I highly doubtit, she could." The man referred to as Xemnas had this strange voice. It frightened me, and I automatically asummed he was the leader of where ever I was. I opened my eyes, my vision slowly coming into focus. I tried to sit up, but I felt to hands push my shoulders back down. "Hey, what's the big idea! Let me up!" I tried to pull away, but the form held me in an iron grip. "Calm down, Xenia. You're fine." I couldn't recognize the voice, but my vision could make out some spikey red hair. I wonder who he made his hair stay like that? And anyways, my name wasn't Xenia... Was it? Maybe I should take back the comments about everyone else's name, huh? "No, I'm not fine. Where am I? And I have a strong feeling my name isn't Xenia!" I probably sounded really funny saying that, though I tried to sound menacing. "Should I tell her Xemnas? Or should we reveal it to her in due time?" He had this stupid, smug grin on his face and I had an urging feeling he was urging to break something to me. "Go ahead and tell her, I really don't care." The man I thought was Xemnas leafed through a few pages, but didn't sound as if he really cared about what this guy was goingto say or not. "Okay, then." The was the smug grin again. "Okay, Xenia..." He paused. Gosh, why did he have to be so dramatic? "Welcome to the World of Nobodies." End Chapter; Okay, so I know I'm cliff hanging but I'm writing the second chapter as we speak. Okay? So don't get your britches in a knot. (c) Kingdom Hearts Characters are Copyright of Square Enix. Complete Story; http://www.quizilla.com/stories/7630214/a-teenage-nobody Tell me how you guys liked it, and I might continue putting up the other chapters here also. xD