Search Results

  1. LittleArtistNamine
    Wow... You guys have a lot against Hannah. It is kinda funny though. If he was in the Org., I'd probably just play the game to her boss battle... And then continue on, 'cause I like Kingdom Hearts. xD
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. LittleArtistNamine
    Thanks all. Wow... 1,000 posts... I'll have to keep typing then. Thanks again;
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: Technology
  3. LittleArtistNamine
    Okay. So I've been looking around at the site, and some people have different words above the avy. What level do you have to be to change it, or is there some code or something? Please help;
    Thread by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 30, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Technology
  4. LittleArtistNamine

    Omg! Whoo!
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. LittleArtistNamine
    OMG! Glad you like it. You might have to shrink it though... I could make a more shrinked version if you like.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  6. LittleArtistNamine
    I like it. 'Tis very good. I'm guessing your a natural artist?
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. LittleArtistNamine


    I like fiction books. xD
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  8. LittleArtistNamine
    Yes, yes she would. And your assumtion is simular to our guess. When she comes, every starts attacking her and then she has to share a room with someone who absoulutely hates her. xD
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. LittleArtistNamine

    Hiya everybody, just adding a number before I head off for school.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. LittleArtistNamine
    I'll try and make one. It won't be the best you could have, but I will try my best. Hope you like it.

    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  11. LittleArtistNamine
    What would be your opinion if Hannah Montana joined the Organization? My friend and I concluded that if she joined, that she'd be Xemnas's daughter. Anybody have some opinions?
    Thread by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 30, 2008, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. LittleArtistNamine
    I think just Mar-Lux-Ia is my favorite, just because that's how English people would sound it out. My friend, on the other hand, pronounces it the Japanese way and it gets very confusing... But now I prounounce Zexion, Zex-sion. xD
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. LittleArtistNamine
    Your welcome. And I have made those changes. Here is your semi-final product.


    Any other edits needed? xD


    And as Wabba said, make sure you don't set your self up for being sued. xD
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  14. LittleArtistNamine
    So, do you like the picture? xD
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  15. LittleArtistNamine
    Okay. I have created one, though it's a little amatuer.

    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  16. LittleArtistNamine
    I like them all. My favorite though is Re:COM because I like the Org. I don't own the books, but I borrowed them from a friend. KH1&2 were good, I just don't like Sora all that much. xD
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. LittleArtistNamine
    Final Fantasy VIII. You can play as Squall Leonhart, Rinoa Heartilly (Girl), Quistis Trepe (Girl), Zell Dincht, Selphie Tilmitt (Girl), and Irvine Kinneas, Playable supporting characters include Laguna Loire, Kiros Seagill and Ward Zabac, who appear in "flashback" sequences; and antagonists Seifer Almasy and Edea Kramer.

    In order to play these characters, I think you need to get farther in the game. I own this one, but I'm only a level 5 or something like that. But I scanned my search engines and that's a list of playable characters. Hope I helped some.

    Information from;
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  18. LittleArtistNamine
    I'd vote for Obama. Mostly because I found a magazine about interviews with the candidates about the war. My father's a veteran so I was concerned. I flipped to the page. The reason that I want Obama is because he's plannin gon taking the soldiers out of Iraq, which would be good, since my family going out to war has caused some difficulties. McCain wants to stay in war, and win. But, the war's is NOT going to end. If we keep going out to war, the US is going to start becoming and empire, and all empires die off.

    I wouldn't mind if we had Obama for president and McCain as vice. Since then we'd be able to have someone to help us in time of war, and someone to help the lower and middle class in time of peace. Only one thing is going to stop Obama and that's racism. And almost everybody in my class says that if Obama wins the election, he's going to be shot. That's a possiblity, but I give the people of America more credit than that.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  19. LittleArtistNamine
    I've read Breaking Dawn. Great Book. Just a few things to watch out for if your younger. Get ready for surprise, 'cause it's jumpy. I shall say no more, since I accidently ruined the book for one of my friends because she wanted me to read pg.344 for her and then she went to my OTHER friends house and spilled coke on the page. So. No more. But you will intensely enjoy the book. Good luck! xD
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Literature
  20. LittleArtistNamine
    I think it's pretty good... Compared to what I can do. Give me and hour or two and I could do something good, but then I have to scan it to the computer 'cause if I try to do it on teh computer it sucks.

    All and all, I'd like to give you your first Congrats. CONGRATS!!! xD
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Oct 28, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics