No, he was not. Because he ganged up on each member on a three to one battle, so it was not right for him to win in the end. The Org. would've won...
Wow. That's like... Amazing. My friend says that it's completely impossible and that his hands aren't moving fast enough. Sure, she's a drummer, but what does she know?! IT"S AMAZING!
Name: Xylia Gender: Female Age: 15 Image; Personality: Xylia is a very outdoorsy person. She enjoys wandering, though she doesn't get the chance to often. She's ready to rise to the challenge that can at anytime present itself, and she's capable to handle most problems. She can be very short tempered though she hardly is, but when presented with a problem that must have an answer at that very second, she can explode. Otherwise, Xylia is a well-rounded person, who can get along with many of the other members. Element: Ice. Weapon: Sword.
If it's supposed to be musical, then something like "Trying to find that musical place"... Though that's kind of lame. Or I could think up...
Some text would look quiet nice. xD
Wow... That's beautiful. xD
HI! I'm so BORED, so I just messaged you with this handy little thing. Well... Bye!
Nothing much, just listening to CaramellDansen, and typing with PyroLover. You?
Hiyah, ♥.[sumi-chan].♥
It's funny though 'cause my other friend agreed. She's a girl. xD
It was a guy, and they just say things like that. Actually, it's number three. I'm rocking out. xD
I was supposed to be a mummy, but since I was GOING to wear fishnet leggings and boots, a friend of mine said I looked like a hooker, and we were...
Hey. I finally figured out how to do this. And, three days later, I figured out what LAN was... I'm slow, I really am. PyroLover helped me. So....
Wow... Now I'm curious what would happen if I looked MY username up. But yeah, it'd be cool to use that. xD
Okay, so Halloween has come and passed. And here's a little thing to reflect on. What's more scary, Hippies or Pirates? I vote with Hippies, because they say "Fight the Man" and then they say "Power to the Man" so are they against the man or with the man? Also, they have afros, and I can't see passed them, and they are so... Big, it's unnatural. Pirates on the other hand, have like... Dreadlocks, and cool hats.
I had to learn piano by ear, since piano lessons are so expensive. But last year, as a project, this one lady gave me free lessons, but it's to hard to play looking at words. I can play the Veggie-Tale theme song by ear, and if I had enough time, I could probably learn more. Good job to all you people who can play those really long and hard songs. xD
If you've moved an image or something to another folder, it won't show in your movie. You should start by making sure you have no clips with red "x"'s on them, which you can do by zooming in using the magnifying glass on the left. When you do that, if your finished, go to the tasks. As you see, there will be one that says finish. Click on the one that says "Save to Computer". If that doesn't work, try saving it to the web. Also, if you have a finish product, you should see a freeze of the scene, or a blank black screen. If the problem persists, you might want to contact Microsoft, or check out the "Trouble Shooters," which can be done by pressing the F1 button. This will lead you to the Topic Help, and just follow the correct links to what your exact problem is. Hope I helped a bit; LAN
I agree. Japan would be quiet cool. Though it would be very crowded, though I LOVe sushi, so... I'd be okay with that. I'd just worry about finding an actual place to live there. xD
Just a question. Okay, so you want a banner, yes? Has someone already made it, or do you still need it? And I'll be glad to help, though the picture might be a little mediocre.
I would've loved to see them get in a fight. It would've made me absoulutly speachless. It just kind of cut short at the end, and I wish that she made an epilouge or something. D: