Through the front door of a house. In South Carolina. Isn't that sad?
That's cool. I was supposed to be a mummy, but I changed so I was like an Ungly Betty wanna-be. Did you hear about the boy who was shot?
I liked baked and mashed potatoes. I did go Trick-Or-Treating. What were you for Halloween?
Okay. Then I don't know you. That's good. 'Cause if I knew you, then you'd find out who the heck I am and make fun of me. xDD So... Do you...
Zack? Okay. Is the last initial of your name "L"? Just trying to see if I actually know you, just we don't know. xD
You may call me LAN. And I was kidding, I do that to most people. What should I call you?
Depends... I don't think i live in your time zone... And if your a stalker you could use that information to pin-point my location. Jk.
Okay. Thanks. But you won't have to worry about that though, 'cause I don't talk a whole lot about guys... Unless they're fictional. Then I will....
I totally want to be friends. I mean seriously, I need more friends. And don't freak on me, I'm not a girly-girl kind of girl, so you won't have...
Are you talking about Famous? 'Cause it makes perfect sense. I met ICSP through a friends friend's list. xD
Nothing much. I see you have became my friend. How'd you find me? xD
Hiyah. 'Tis LAN. xD
I was a mummy, but with my tights and boots a friend of mine said a very insulting comment and I changed so I was my friend's twin sister. We...
What? I don't get it. xDD
I get a Halloween costume but never wear that outfit trick-or-treating. xD
(\_/) (+.+) (")(") That's a bunny. xD
I actually haven't paid much attention to after the fights, 'cause I don't like watching DemDem die. D: But I believe you. And the randomly off...
Sora's a danger to all people's health. He's the 'cause of this turmoil, and why people go randomly disappearing off the streets. xD
Both of the above. And I agree. The more he faught them, it did end up worse. And he's just a kid. He's not supposed to be saving lives yet. xD
But he would've never gotten to Xemnas unless her gained up on everybody else. ] ... Have you ever heard of RPG?