Number one post. Whoo. I feel special. If an admin/mod comes and there's already a group like this, PLEASE tell me. xD
Hey. I got bored. So I decided to post a vistor message for you...
If you give me a few days, because I get really busy, I could have all of them in a pretty good state. Kirby is probably going to be easy. Do you want them in any particular position?
I'm pretty good, thanks for asking. How are you?
I'd like to join. I really enjoy Photography, so... Yeah. Photography/P1000118.jpg Photography/P1000227.jpg Photography/SD530399.jpg Photography/SD530559.jpg The first and last one I took while we were driving, so they didn't end up to well. CnC Please.
I can't tell you. But you could guess, or look at my conversation with HigherBeing. Do you know anybody in Washington/California?
Since I'm a girl, I think I can reply to this. Girls envy the snobbish ones, mostly because those type of girls are popular, and pretty and stuff. I used to envy this one girl because she had nice clothes... But that was when I was eight. I don't anymore, or I do absentmindedly. My friends and I have given up on trying to be like the populars and we've moved on. xD
Oregon's awesome. Been there like three times. On here? About 12, at school? Um... LOTS. Very much. Do you like Basketball?
Straight A's. What state do you live in? (Don't answer if to personal)
When people randomly burst into flames. What would you say the grade your at academically?
Yes. I've got a million. Do you believe in Human Spontaneous Combustion?
No, but I wish. Do you live in the Americas?
Darn. Yes, I am. Have you ever been to Texas?! O_O
NOPE! But you'd think we were. Do you have pokemon sheets, and a sister?
Mine do. xDDD JK. Sunny. Very sunny. xD Do you live on a mountain/hill?
I speak english, a little spanish, a little germag, a little japanese, very little french, and some of the alphebet in sign language. I have a...
Very little. Are you bilingual?
I wish I lived in Japan. I really like Sushi. Are you a complete KH/Anime Fanatic?
I have two dogs, two cats, and a snake. xD Fouty-Two. -- That shall be my answer, since that is a little personal. Where do you wish you lived?
Nope. Read it on the AOL home page. Parents have AOL. Do you have any pets?