Indeed, now I must continue finding more rebels.[DOUBLEPOST=1360529110][/DOUBLEPOST] Y-y-y-y-y-you don't remember me? ;_;[DOUBLEPOST=1360529610][/DOUBLEPOST]
This image describes it better
I gave up my true self long ago when I made that promise
Tyrant Valvatorez, I like it, now the quest for sardines continues
One day he shall rise again.
"I hope you get ran over by a car and your guts sent to my house so I can Sh!t and piss all over them!" Or "How ****ing dare you make fun of my precious Flutter Shy I swear to god if I ever see you on the streets you're ****ing dead" Of course these are just threats on the internet and how many times do those happen in real life? Never took them seriously and never will.
Because they're all amazed at their lord and savior
Minato died for our sins [DOUBLEPOST=1360456290][/DOUBLEPOST] Ahhhhh <3 I love these more pls
Lets make a change to that.
Thanks yous :3
So do I message you or Misty or do I post on the thread? Sorry again for being stupid :-P
Alot of reasons, besides the fact that I've been yelled at by most of my friends because I don't like the show and that I've been threatened. I question on why the show is even good in the first place, I've seen some episodes and to tell you the truth, it still seems like a show made for little girls. I'm fine with people liking the show I just can't stand that its almost EVERYWHERE I look, fine its popular but almost everywhere I go, every mall, convention, school almost everywhere it has to be there. I could list down more reasons why I hate the show and the fanbase but that would just start an argument, and having arguments on KHV always ends like this: No one wins.
Sorry for the ******ed question but how? I've looked under almost every setting I could.
I'm not going to enjoy these months I'm guessing. My only hope is for it to not wreck our relationship I've already lost friends because I don't like the show.
Psychonautsmaste r Goddamn it I've already reached 300 posts, why can't I change my name?
My girlfriend is watching My Little Pony She's now going to bug me with endless pony references I could have prevented this.
Why exactly are you uploading something from 2011?
It's actually pretty fun, the only race that's loli like is the Elin (see pic)
Why are you not playing Tera? Or should I say lolicon the MMO? It went Free to play, get it now!