Goddamn it Laira, you ruined my thread with your babble.
Anyone can be in close contact with me. It's called private messages for a reason.
What makes you think I'm negative?
What makes you think she's an exception?
You heard me.
Game looks and plays like crap.
A terrible movie based off a terrible cartoon series. Movies suck these days.
This better be false. I paid full money for MvsC3 and I don't want to use up any more for the same game with extra content. If this is real, this should have been the true game all alone.
This thread itself is pretty terrible. I would vote for this thread if I could.
Underneath the souls of your feet? What grade are you in? It's soles. You freakin idiot.
You're a lizard, Jerry.
Movie is only 69 minutes long. And you're going to use up the same amount of money you use to watch a two hour movie. Have fun.
I'm in New York. I'm in the middle of Time Square. See? I can lie too.
Right now, I am playing Dragon Age: Origins. The platinum is taking way longer than I thought. A little bit of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood from time to time And I will also start a playthrough of Mafia II later.
There's a last movie? So there are two final movies? Which is the real one?
Old. I saw this movie four weeks ago. The ending was terrible. Don't waste your money.
If you didn't understand my Post, then I won't waste My time explaining it.
That's because you don't know how to use them properly. It's like hating a video game because you don't know how to play it.
You know what to do.