Isn't she adorable? [video=youtube;3y8fYZ0AQMM][/video]
You guys aren't even talking about Rebecca Black's hotness or new single. Post somewhere else or let this thread die already.
The lyrics belong to a hentai doujin of a guy who gets along quite well with his girlfriend and her mom.
Yeah, vomiting and hangovers are so much fun. Please, don't even bother.
People who get drunk only do it because there's nothing worthwhile in their lives. Must suck to be you.
It seems this rumor is true. It's called Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Below is a video of a couple of new characters. Here you go This link also leads to the rest of the characters revealed.
I bet your conversations with Akaz are so boring. You two probably play a game of who could type down the most random crap before the other goes tl;dr
There's a thread about Harry Potter in the Movies and Media section. Try there next time.
Mad haters in this thread. Either talk about how awesome the new song is or how awesome I am. No in-between or betwixt.
Bah gawd [video=youtube;2OxWD85Ngz4][/video]
No, because I'm not a loser who thinks about Kingdom Hearts when watching a movie.
None. Just give me death and leave me alone.
It's your fault in the first place. If you weren't such a loser or so lame, people wouldn't have picked on you. Simple fact.
Calm your nuts. KH Birth By Sleep Volume 2 will most likely be the last game before KH3.
Oh look, stupid idiots in this thread believing whatever a guy says. What else is new?
Mine is Special K. With or without chocolate pieces.
Have fun playing a boring game.
This is the worst thread on the first page.
Reported Aqua101 for trolling.
If it weren't for the fact that it was the final movie of a movie series, it'll be a a pretty bad film. The acting wasn't good, it dragged on too long, and they took out a lot of events from the book. It came out this week and it's already overrated.