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  1. Xendane

    Geo city is not what it was...

    The Geo turks died out along with the city's hero, Kajin, who turned evil out of his own reincarnated soul.

    But he left behind a small secret:

    His brother, Da Orzhingi, who goes by the name Doom, has come to the new Geo City, or as people now call it, the Mainlands. His main intention, along with the help of some of his most trusted underlings, is to destroy the world, one city at a time. Starting with the Mainlands.

    Semorashi, a long time swordsman, has heard of this threat and has decided to take up arms in the struggle. He, along with Ragnarok Dorma, Seto Ceta, Lucia Morgan, and Ifirna Joana, have decided to go up against Doom personally, but they are finding that increasingly hard as he has made numerous clones of himself that constantly get in the way. Semorashi and Ifirna were the first to go down, followed by Lucia and Seto, and finally, followed by Ragnarok.

    Ragnarok woke up in suspended animation, and soon found out that he was the only survivor of the two year struggle. Secretly vowing revenge on Doom, Ragnarok moved away from the Mainlands and has taken refuge in a small secluded town called the Forgotten Grounds. These lands has been hit by a strange meteor that was warped into human life through a collision with an alien and human space stratum. That meteor's explosion was so large, it covered all of the Forgotten Grounds and some of the Mainlands. This power was called Geo Negata, and it granted strange superhuman abilities to everybody that was originally hit by the meteor, though only 5% truly harnessed the power.

    Ragnarok was one of these 5%, his ability being the ability to automatically come back to life if he were ever to die. The person who had him in suspended animation told him that frankly, that was the only way Ragnarok could have survived such a horrible blow from Doom's most powerful attack, Armageddon. Armageddon didn't end the world as it was supposed to, however, because of a gauntlet on Ragnarok's right arm that took and drained the energy from the attack and shot Doom with it instead, causing an instant sacrifice of Ragnarok's life. And that is Ragnarok's other ability. The ability to take enemy abilities and use them against that enemy.

    Ragnarok took up a new name, the name being Droma Negata. He now lives in the Forgotten Grounds, helping to rebuild the once very active and peaceful city. But he knows quite well that soon the day will come when he has to fight again, so Ragnarok keeps himself ready, and in further preparation, he is training a group of Geo Negatas to be fighters. He teaches in each type of fighter class, as to equalize the force of the blow once they are ready to help him fight Doom.

    The classes are:

    Hunters are naturally gifted with the use of stealth and long ranged weaponry. The main strengths of a hunter are stealth and distraction, as a hunter can send a trusted pet into combat to keep the enemy distracted while the hunter himself keeps the constant flow of long range projectiles flying into the enemy. Hunters are swift and smart, knowing how to blend with their surroundings, and make excellent mercenaries when real mercenaries are not available. But the flaw with hunters is that all hunters have limited ammo and they have to keep their pets alive and happy. To top that off, hunters don't always keep their stealth when they are forced into close combat, and are somewhat weak in that.

    Magicians are very skilled in the mystical art of magic, though the wizards of old feared their power might one day end the world. Most magicians hid in the secluded town of Mysidia, but soon magic was forgotten. Now, they have come back. Magicians can cause extreme destruction or even extreme healing. Some Magicians can do both, and almost ALL Magicians are skilled in close range combat. Magicians can make endless things happen to the enemy, but the price is the overuse of magic causes a drain on their energy, quickly weakening them. This cost makes Magicians somewhat wary of using magic, and sparingly use it if ever. This makes them easy targets in battles.

    Rogues are your classic thieves. They can turn invisible just long enough to steal your wallet. And you would never notice. Unlike Hunters, Rogues are experts at close range combat and long range combat, making them very versatile. Though they seldom use it, Rogues also have a grasp on magic, but just barely. Rogues can move at incredible speeds, and their two hand wielding makes them more of an opponent than most classes, save Magicians and Scholars, who can mimic Rogue abilities by reading of them. Rogues can scale walls in mere seconds and can even knock you out without even giving themselves away. They are masters of disguise and distraction, and their only real weakness is getting caught. Rogues are seldom ever truthful at times, and can come off as a friend for about three seconds before they kill you and loot your dead body. Rogues have a weakness to long range, though they can definatelly dodge it, but since Magic is always changing and unreadable, Rogues are weak towards magic. Added to the fact Rogues only wear light armor and carry light and flimsy weapons, this makes them weak versus Knights and Assassins, who wear bulletproof armor.

    Scholars are bookworms and spend almost all of their lives searching for the meaning of life and copying abilities to see how they work and trying out new armors to see how strong they are and overall spend a lot of their times in libraries searching for answers to hard questions. Scholars can utilize any weapon to their abilities, and quite often you can find a scholar reading about their opponent in the midst of a heated battle. Scholars are very crazy at times, using new tactics when they are at the wrong moments, but that's what makes Scholars so powerful. This makes them with no weaknesses except if you were to rip up a page of their book.

    Assassins are sneaky and get the job done, wearing the best armor, if you were to fight an assassin, you would quite obviously lose to him because of assassin's natural use of poisons. This makes them compatible teammates with Alchemists the most. Assassins are much like Rogues in the ways of stealth and backstabbing, but they are more of spies. Hired thugs if you'd like. Assassins always make sure the target is dead by poisoning the body with a fatal spine snapping stab to the back. Assassins grasp magic, long range and close range combat to the fullest, and use the most lethal and direct ways of killing an enemy possible. Though assassins are commonly thought to be evil, they are more of the security watch for either your side or the enemy's side. Assassins are also very to the point and secretive when they choose to be, and their attacks prove to be deadly in every sense of the word. Their only weakness is being caught by any other class, and they have absolutely no use versus Scholars.

    Ninjas use the discreet cover of night as their main offense and are possibly the most lethal out of the thieves category. Ninjas use dark night colored weapons to get the job done, and their speed and sneakiness applies to their ability to move without making a single sound. This blows Rogues and Assassins right out of the water. Ninjas also can use the cover of night to blend with their surroundings perfectly, as to not be seen, which fails the Hunter by a long shot. Ninjas can be defined as Night Cats if you want, but a Ninja's true strength lies in their balance of power and weaknesses. This makes them with no weakness as well, so if they were to fight a Scholar, the fight would go on until one of the two sides gave in.

    Berserkers harness the power of injury as their main strength. They get injured, and therefore get stronger as their adrenaline and anger rises, eventually getting to the point where they go crazy with rage and annihilate the enemy. The only flaw with this is that this greatly damage the berserker in question, and eventually that anger has to die down, as is normal with all humans.

    Alchemists, as mentioned with Assassins, are most compatible with Assassins, as they make strong potions and poisons to fight the enemy. Alchemists are Scholars who study the periodic table of elements to the fullest, analyzing and creating new ways of fighting the enemy without weapons. Alchemists can create lethal poisons out of nothing but Carbon Monoxide and Bromine. If they wanted to, that is. Alchemists are more like Magicians in a way. Their only weakness is that unlike Magicians, Alchemists can not quickly conjure up a spell to use against the enemy, and their concoctions take a long time to make.

    Martial artists originated from Monks of old times, who were frequently attacked and needed a form of protection. Martial Artists believe in a type of fighting that balances control with power, subduing the enemy without fatally harming them. Though sometimes Martial Artists have to be lethal with their use of unarmed weaponry. As is common with Martial Arts, Martial Artists have a limit to the use of their powers, meaning there is a point where they will break if they keep pushing themselves. That just so happens to be their weakness, along with using themselves as a shield for absorbing damage.

    Ragnarok doesn't know, however, that the fight is about to start...


    OC FORM:



    Name: Ragnarok
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: Gauntlet
    Class: Martial Artist
    History: See story
    Other: He is a very energetic person.
    Appearance: Green tee-shirt, blue jeans, red shoes, golden claw like gauntlet, purple hair that covers left eye and goes to neck, green eyes. About 4'5", though his age clearly states him as taller.


    You didn't honestly believe that I was going to leave this without rules, did you? Here they are:


    There is NO GOD MODDING. This means you are not allowed to complete an action by saying something happened to somebody else's character that was caused by you.

    Example: Ray kicked Scott in the eye and knocked him out.

    If this happens in my thread, I will make you edit it.


    There is no Power playing. This implies that you are not allowed to be suddenly better than everybody when you want your character to be.

    Example: Ray kicked a hole in the wall using Scott's head as a target.

    I will not tolerate this in my thread, and I will make sure you edit it or delete that post.


    No Cussing. At all. You can say darn, but you can't say d*mn, you can say go away, but not f*ck off. It works just like that, if there is any cussing, even though I'm not a mod, I will give you a warning on that. Keep on doing it and you are no longer a part of the RP.


    No Superman like abilities, I think you can weed out Invincibility for yourself.


    If you want to be a certain class not listed, it's okay, but I would rather you stick with the classes provided.


    Please, no attachments. If there is a fight, you can use your own battle music without posting it in the RP. I don't mean to be a "fun sucker", I just don't have that much of a thing for attachments.


    Please make your posts at least 10 lines long. I don't want any two-word posts that make things seem boring and not needed.


    Have fun :D.

    Xendane: Ragnarok, Only Surviving warrior against Doom/Martial Artist. Apparent Geo Negata abilities include: Data Drain, and Auto Revival.

    XxRukiaKuchikixX: Shizuko, Martial Artist. Apparent Geo Negata abilities include: Healing by touch.
    Thread by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007, 68 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Xendane
    OOC: Don't mind at all, just so long as there's a reasonable explanation as to how he returned.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Xendane
    OOC: But, wait, Kadaj died and went back to the lifestream, how does he come back to life with a Materia?
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Xendane
    OOC: I'unno. Think of something.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Xendane
    OOC: Well, we just got into two fights, and TwilightBlader and I had a small argument over weapon names. Not much to talk of.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Xendane
    OOC: I must have read that wrong, because that was the walkthrough I was just reading. I'mma' dunce. ^_^;; Okay, so I messed up on the names, but I'll just say that my head isn't on straight, 'cause it really isn't.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Xendane
    OOC: Oops. Forgot to copy the link. Well, I'm not really sure at all if Gryphon is the machine gun or if Hydra is, but it just sounds right when Hydra is he machine gun. I mean, I had the game, but I gave it to my friend, so I was reading a game walkthrough and it said Gryphon was the rifle.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Xendane
    OOC: Nope. Just checked, it's definatelly Hydra that's the machine gun.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Xendane
    OOC: Nah, man. Hydra's the machine gun and Gryphon's the rifle, if you play DOC and look at the handbook, it oughta' tell you which weapon has which name.

    BIC: Vincent's face flashed as the bullets continued to fly.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Xendane
    Vincent eventually decided Cerberus wasn't doing much damage and pulled out Hydra instead(Hydra is the machine gun)and shot off millions of bullets at Chronos.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Xendane
    Vincent began shooting at Chronos.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Xendane
    Vincent grabbed his gun.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Xendane
    OOC: Oh. Well, no wonder!

    BIC: Vincent had a flashback of the Meteor incident.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Xendane
    OOC: Link doesn't work

    BIC: Vincent knew quite well who "He" and "You-Know-Who" were. They both referred to Sephiroth, the Nightmare.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Xendane
    "He's Zephyr." Vincent said.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Xendane
    "And this would be Zephyr." Vincent said.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Xendane
    Vincent's phone rang again, and it was Yuffie again. So he hung up and shut his phone off. "He just left town looking for you. There was some talk about Chronos and the destruction of Orone City, but all I was truly worried about was how this could relate to Sephiroth. Oh and by the way, I met Aerith's cousin, Arlene." Vincent said.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Xendane
    Vincent checked his phone. It was Yuffie. Again. Vincent rolled his eyes and hit the end button, knowing that three seconds later his phone would ring again.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Xendane
    OOC: It's m fault, I've suddenly adapted to it and I can't stop. -_-;;

    BIC: "Cloud, there's somebody looking for you. He just left the city. Somebody by the name of Zephyr..." Vincent said, just before his cell phone rang.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Xendane
    OOC: K, cool. Because I have NO clue how to. -_-;;
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home