Search Results

  1. Xendane
    OOC: Yes yes, please do.

    I'll be any characters that aren't taken then... Boy I have a big role...
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Xendane
    OOC: YAY! FINALLY somebody joins! Oh, and I think you meant to spell Sorcerer and Sword. Just helping out, lol :D
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Xendane
    Sen finally made it back to his house and pulled open the door. Turning on the light, a small bark was heard at his feet. Sen's dog, Densayu, named after Sen's brother Den, jumped on him. The black lab happily wagging his tail. Sen laughed and pet the dog as he went to sit down.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Xendane
    Sen walked slowly down the street to his house, the sudden dark forcing him to use his light to see his way. "Wow, talk about fast days..." Sen said.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Xendane
    OOC: KK, whatever

    BIC: "Sen! Didn't you hear me? I said you can go home now! Shift is over for today!" Sen hadn't stopped working since the day had began, and his boss was starting to get irritated that Sen was so eager to finish the job today. "Huh? Oh, sorry." Sen said, picking up his tools and putting them in the workers belt. Then, jumping with ease off the fifth floor of the currently under construction office building, Sen landed gracefully on his feet and walked down the street towards his home.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Xendane
    OOC: Sure, because I don't now where I'm at at all here...
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Xendane
    OOC: :D;; uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Xendane
    ooc: Yayz!
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Xendane
    name: Senatsu Haley(Sen Haley)
    age: 18
    picture: None, but I can easily describe him in words.
    light, dark, or emotional spector: Light
    personality: Calm, but never smiles, polite and friendly, if you somehow manage to get him talking to you...

    bio: Sen was originally the Light Bearer, but after his brother, the Darkness Bearer, died from being assassinated by Sen because of his evil intents, Sen dropped his life of Light Bearer and instead became a builder so that he might be able to see life through human eyes. But, just occasionally, when he feels like cheating with his work, he'll command the light to do it for him.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Xendane
    Name: Senamatsu Haley(Sen Haley)/Aries(Aries is his evil side)
    Age: 18/18
    Weapon: Magician's Sword(Hoping there are weapons allowed, this sword looks like a black blade with a shimmering glass like blue fire around it)

    Bio: Sen was the bearer of Light and his brother was the bearer of Darkness. Sen and his brother decided to create a weapon to unite both forces together, as to equally balance the universe. Unfortunately, Sen's brother decided to wrongly use the blade's powers to gain his revenge on those he hated. Sen eventually tracked down and killed his brother, and was so grieved by his brother's death that one of his tears struck the blade. it began to turn a light blueish color and Sen now carries that blade in memory of his brother.

    Appearance: Sen has shoulder length white hair that falls just above his eyes in the front and hangs over both shoulders. Sen wears a black T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans with a worker's belt around the waist carrying a jubilee of different tools he uses when making weaponry. He's a blacksmith nowadays. Sen wears black Isotoner gloves and has a green-black tattoo of a lion on his right arm. What stands out most about Sen however is that he doesn't like wearing shoes, so he goes without.

    PS: Yaoi is man/man making love, Yuri is the opposite sex making love. Just thought I'd give you a heads up there...
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Xendane
    Cloud8107 says yes.

    Cloud8107: I didn't say anything, now shut up before I run your ninja into the wall at full speed!
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Xendane
    Name: Jack Swade
    Age: 18
    Weapon: Throwing stars(Shurikens the size of your head in other words)
    Class: Ninja, dur!
    History: See story, also dur!
    Appearance: Find a picture of Zack Fair and put a ninja star on him and you've got the appearance there.
    Other: He's a real lady charmer and he doesn't know why.

    Xendane: Oh, and Cloudy, if you ever steal my ideas again, I'm going to put your head through the wall, got that?

    Cloud8107: Meep!
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Xendane
    "If something happens, then he's probably got what he needs to protect himself." King Markus said. "Pfft. Darn right I do! I could have taken out the poison myself if it weren't for the fact I was in so much pain." Rey said, folding his arms.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Xendane
    Ragnarok's mind had another one of it's "spazes" again. Ragnarok grabbed his head in pain as the memories of that day flooded his mind, and it brought him dangerously close to hurting a Hunter he was currently training, had the two Scholars and one Rogue held him back. The rogue kicked Ragnarok in the back. "Hey, calm down. We don't want you teaching pain to a student when he's only just started school, Teacher." Ragnarok calmed himself down. The spaz was over. Then he glared at the Scholars. "I am telling you for the last time, I don't like being called Teacher, so quit calling me that. Besides," Ragnarok said, picking up a book one of the Scholars had mindlessly dropped, "Shouldn't you kids be studying?" Ragnarok handed the book back to the crimson faced Scholar, who hung his head and walked away with the rest. Ragnarok sighed. Business as usual.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Xendane
    Vincent reappeared in the spot he had stopped to talk with Barret in. ~This isn't good...~ he thought solemnly.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Xendane
    King Markus held up a hand to stop Sir Walsh and Lady Katherine. "Did anybody else know Rey has been a thief for eight years? HE might be able to sneak in by himself. But I won't put my hopes into it..."
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Xendane
    The answer: Start anytime.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Xendane
    Name: Salem Katsu
    Age: 15
    Power: Earth Breaker
    Weapon: None, bare fists or stones. Big stones.
    Appearance: Brown-red neck length untidy hair, a full black and red pirate type outfit, covered with a light brown and white over robe and black boots. Standing at about 5'5" and deep green eyes.
    Bio: Salem originally came from the small forgotten town of Mej, about 100 miles away from the empire. He moved to he Empire and took up a position as Martial arts teacher. Of course, there were some problems with him being the youngest teacher, but they eventually got over it. Salem quit the teacher job and took up a life as a fisherman instead. Salem is currently deciding on whether to move back to Mej or not, as his brother, an Archer named Terra, called him home via letter.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Xendane
    OOC: I said MAYBE you missed something, I didn't say you did/didn't! :D
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Xendane
    Perfect, I'll add you right now.
    Post by: Xendane, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home