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  1. Xendane
    "Yeah, okay, whatever boss. Yes, I know it has to be done by the end of the week. Yes, I know. Okay, bye." Sen was relieved when he turned his phone off.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Xendane
    OOC: Nomad doesn't exist, he's an OC.

    BIC: "This is... I don't know..." Nomad said, referring to the person on the ground.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Xendane
    Nomad looked at the receipt and laughed, sticking the sword into the ground. "Fine then, take it back, I made extras of it anyhow."
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Xendane
    Nomad glanced at his broadsword. "Oh, this? I'm sorry, I thought YOU stole it from ME so I stole it back."
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Xendane
    Nomad looked around at Heiro. "No, but I believe I remember seeing your face on a milk carton wanted ad." Nomad said, laughing. He hadn't realized he dropped Sora by mistake.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Xendane
    OOC: Then I guess I'm Sora for now... Who is currently falling...

    BIC: Sora opened his eyes only to see the ground rushing to meet him. He stopped just mere centimeters from the ground when somebody grabbed his leg by the ankle. "Well, that was quite a ride you took there, buddy." Nomad said, sweating even though he was smiling through a red face.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Xendane
    "Who, Nomad?" Cloud asked, not really paying any attention to Heiro. Instead, he was watching Nomad dash through the streets after what seemed to be a falling person.

    "C'mon, c'mon!" Nomad said through gritted teeth, as he sprinted out into the middle of the street to where the falling person was headed towards.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Xendane
    Cloud in this case was sulking next to his bike. When he heard Heiro(Is the name right?)approach him, he rolled his eyes. Then, suddenly, a bright light appeared in the sky, and something was falling.

    Nomad too, saw the light, and went after the falling object in hopes of catching it. Sprinting as fast as he could, Nomad raced towards the falling object, as if to win a race against it.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Xendane
    Jason pushed the chip into his arm, and as soon as he had done so, he had gone ballistic and shot off into the air after the Death Lord.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Xendane
    OOC: Has anybody claimed Sora? If not, I'll play him until somebody claims him.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Xendane
    OOC: Er... hang on, I gotta' check, I forgot, lol.

    EDIT: Okay, yeah, I do.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Xendane
    "Okay, how exactly do you know he's a Death Lo- WHY ARE YOU LOADING THAT SILVER BULLET?!" Alana shouted, but Jason had already fired an explosively large shot from his pistol at the Death Lord, who dodged just in time. Jason pulled out a small token that was marked with a red face with white hot-looking eyes and two bloody fangs. Alana freaked when she saw Jason pull out his last Blood Frenzy token.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Xendane
    Suddenly, something shot out at Kairi, pulling Riku into the abyss.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Xendane
    Jason pulled out his Machete and took off his blindfold, revealing blood red eyes. "You're using you Vampire Vision on this wimp?" Alana said. "He's a Death Lord, I have to." Jason said.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Xendane
    OCC: Yes yes, the more the better!

    BIC: The dark portal warped into a human like form that closely resembled Riku when Riku impersonated an Organization XIII member. "Hmph. well, looks like we have ourselves a Keyblade Master..." The dark figure shot a dark bolt that grabbed Riku in a tight grip. "Hurk-!" Riku gasped, as he was puleld into the dark portal. The figure disappeared without a trace, laughing.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Xendane
    Alana saw the Vampire and sighed. "At least this guy's easy. Not like those damned-" "Krill?" Jason finished for her. "Er, yeah." Alana said, reverting to her Angel form.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Xendane
    OOC: Er, well you already joined, but... whatever...

    BIC: Riku nodded, not in the least surprised. "Well, if he's gone missing somewhere, we're going to be catching up with him soo- what was that?!" Riku said, pulling out his keyblade as a dark portal appeared.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Xendane
    OOC: *blushes, shifty eyes*

    BIC: Riku walked up to Kairi and sat down. "I haven't seen Sora in a while..." he said, reminiscing on the days when they never had to save the worlds.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Xendane
    OOC: Yay!


    OOC: oops...

    BIC: (there we go) Jason heard the noie of Alana running close behind him and slowed down a bit to let her catch up. Alana never got tired, so he didn't ever have to stop for her to catch her breath. "Well, what now?" Alana asked. "That's a stupid question." Jason said, pointing to the sky. A dark levitating figure was there.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Xendane
    OOC: It's good to know my OC's loved, lol

    BIC: Sen thought about Ano for a moment, but his cell phone began ringing. Checking the number, it was apparently his boss. "Ugh. What does that old fart want now?" Sen asked himself.
    Post by: Xendane, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home