Can I take Cid?
"Like I said, I probably don't know- but who do you mean?" Nomad asked.
OOC: Could be, do what you need.
Sora(I'm referring to his name now)glared at them both before brushing himself off. Then it came to him. "Hey, has anybody here seen Riku or Kairi?" he asked. Nomad gave him a sideways look. "Who? Never heard of a Riku or a Kairi, but I have heard of a Cloud Strife-" "Where's he then?" Sora asked. "I'unno." Nomad replied, shrugging and shaking his head.
OOC: S'Okay, we haven't done much of anything.
Jason kept driving, not even paying attention to the road.
Nomad looked around, then "gently" kicked the strange person's head to wake him up. "Ow! What was that for?" he yelled indignantly, a gigantic key materializing out of nowhere. Nomad laughed. "I don't want to know where the key came from..."
Jason drove far towards the south, where his old mansion ruins were. He figured he could set up a suitable base there. After a couple of seconds looking, however, he quickly changed his mind.
(I'm gonna' start my guy here because I'm late.) Kai sat trembling in the boat, just hoping that at least he would survive, if nobody else did. ~Besides, I'm not in this for them. I'm in this for my survival.~ Kai thought silently. After the wall had fallen, he had grabbed a wooden piece of whatever it used to be and stabbed a guard, killing him and stealing the guy's knife. He didn't take the sword, too much time wasted. Kai didn't care who he killed at this point, all he knew then was that he had to run or die. He had just barley made it to a boat, he almost had to jump in and swim for one because the blow that had hit the water had made it begin to leave. He was one of the lucky four in the boat with three others he didn't care to know, all he knew was that somehow somebody had given him another chance and he was alive.
OOC: Yeah, probably
BY: Xendane Name: Kai Age: 17 Weapon: (Since he just got out of jail)a machete and a wooden stake(Don't know WHERE he got the machete) Magic: Does invisibility count? Personality/story: Kai was originally a normal person who was just travelling around as a Nomad person with a happy go lucky attitude towards life. Then he got into criminal business and it wasn't long before he got arrested at age 15. He had currently gotten out two years later. And he has a somewhat murder to survive attitude. Apperance: White shoulder length untidy hair, and the normal jail outfit Other: He was a nomad and now he's a murderous rogue. oops, I didn't see the PM profiles rule... darn...
"WHERE IS MY BOOK?!" Jonas yelled as he frantically searched his bag.
Jonas finally got home. "Jona!" yelled a small four year old voice, using Jonas' nickname. Jonas smiled as he got tackled by his four year old brother, who closely resembled Jonas without the sudden changes(Jonas had gone to a hair salon and dyed his hair its normal color).
"Oh yeah, he's alive, just a bit... ASLEEP?!" Nomad said when he heard snoring.
OOC: Awww.... BIC: "Alana..." Jason said mysteriously. "Hmm?" Alana said, just as she sat down in the passenger seat of the car. "Maybe we should take a different road and keep the night alive by keeping up to snuff with the hunting. Call the others, we're moving the base again." Alana looked confused, but obeyed anyhow. What could she do, she was bound to Jason's will anyhow, so she HAD to listen. "But..." Jason added, "Don't tell Jasmine." Jason said. Alana's eyes nearly shot out of her head, but again did as she was told.
"Shouldn't we go to find her?" Alana asked, worriedly. "I'm sure she'll be fine." Jason replied. "As for us, we have jobs to do." Jason set down a torch on the dead body of the Death Lord and let the Holy Fire spread. "Right, so what about this bounty on-" Alana began. "I don't do bounties, remember?" Jason said, cutting her off. "So I don't care."
OOC: Just got back from visiting my grandma at the hospital, so I'll pick my part up right around here. BIC: "Um, Jason? Uh, where's Jasmine?" Alana asked, smiling nervously. "So, you knew too? No surprise. It doesn't matter where she is so long as she isn't hurting herself." Jason replied, at least attempting to smile meanly, though with a blindfold it was hard to tell if he was being mean or not.
Jason pulled his hand away from the Death Lord and watched the limp figure fall to the ground. Jason was wary of more danger, as Death Lords always put up more of a hassle.
OOC: Sure, go ahead and join! We're not that far in anyhow.... BIC: Jason had beaten the Vampire within an inch of his life. He struck his hand through the Vampire's chest for the final blow.
OOC: Meh, either one works.