Zephyr avoided a sharp blow from Pyro that was immediately taken by Abyss, who stumbled before absorbing himself into the ground and re-appearing behind Pyro, giving him a sharp punch to the head. OOC: I meant to put this in the rules. If you ARE going to God-mod, make sure the person you god mod has something good happen on their part and not bad, otherwise you'll get a reminder about the god modding. And we hate the reminders.
OOC: Cutting it a bit close here, we just got into a fight with Pyro. Next time, when you see something cool, just sign up early before we start. I'm not being mean, I'm just a bit annoyed that people come in late in the middle of important stuff.
"I'll fight when I'm damn good and ready, so shut up Nero, unless you want me to bang up your pretty car." Zephyr said getting up. At that exact moment, a fireball was hurled at the vehicles that each of the mutants had taken. Bender used his telekinesis to stop the fireball, but it had already taken out Zephyr's bike and broken Nero's windshield in the process. Zephyr smirked and patted Nero on the shoulder. "Good luck repairing that, bud." With that, Zephyr turned and ran at the source of the fireball.
Zephyr, for a couple of seconds, just lay there stunned, when he heard somebody ask if he was okay. He couldn't see because the force of the blow knocked his vision blurry. Wolverine was right when he said Pyro was going to be tough.
Zephyr looked up and saw a fireball headed right for Jasmine. "LOOK OUT!" he yelled, as he leapt at her and shoved her out of the way. In the process, however, Zephyr took the blow.
OOC-yay! z!
I have NEVER played God of War, but I have read up about it. Name: Katsuka Age: 25 Gender: Male Weapon: Amethyst Blade Appearance: Short white hair, white outfit, carries a jubilee of unused weapons, and a blood red scarf around his neck that grows deeper red whenever he kills somebody. Hey, that's my Avatar pic! Who you serve under: Kratos Do you want to help Kratos or kill him for not stopping Zeus?: Help him, duh!
OOC: Woah, MyBrainHurts? You really need to cut the god modding there. BIC: Zephyr rubbed his back and growled at Bender. Speeding up as well, Zephyr banked a turn so fast that he had to touch the ground to keep from falling off his bike.
Zephyr leaned over his bike and kicked the stand up. "Stop acting like you're the leader, Bender." he said grimly as he sped off down the road. He heard Bender and Abyss follow.
The mission will be given to us when damn Wolverine gets off his lazy ass and freakin' comes to tell us. Until then, shut up and wait." Zephyr said, not wanting to answer questions left and right.
OOC: They're meeting in front of the mansion where Zephyr's Abyss' and Bender's motorcycles are parked. You make the location up, I don't know where it'll be. BIC: Walking into the room, Zephyr saw Hugh. Looking at the list, he sighed. Last person. And since Zephyr had no grudges against Hugh whatsoever(though he wasn't sure if Hugh had a grudge), he decided to be nice about it. "Hey, Hugh? You got a call from Wolverine saying you need to get your suit on. You're heading out on a mission with my group. So let's hurry, huh?" With that, Zephyr walked off and caught Bender by the arm. "Told him already." Then walked outside to his bike where almost everybody else was waiting. Zephyr didn't look at any of them and Abyss looked at him oddly. "Didn't you pack?" Abyss said. "The need? None." Zephyr replied, turning on his bike and revving the engine, so as to block out any other questions. OOC: Sorry Max, I just God modded you there.
Zephyr heard Abyss grumbling and coughing at the same time and laughed. Then, with his temptation overwhelming him, he decided to go train.
Zephyr glared evilly at Abyss. "Put the damn soda back... NOW." Then, without so much as a glance at Abyss, Zephyr waked outside. OOC: Zephyr might join Hughe. In a few seconds, though.
Zephyr walked into the mansion with a sour look on his face, glaring at the people who were talking about him. He wished everybody would just shut up so he could think of where to find everybody, but then it would be too easy. So, he just glared at them until they stopped talking about him. As he walked down the hallway, he felt the sudden need to strangle Abyss because of what he said outside. Zephyr was pissed that Abyss was always so casual, never got angry, never got sad, never happy... it just made Zephyr want to beat the crap out of him with a brick. Zephyr growled and continued walking down the hall, brushing past Nero along the way. Zephyr stopped and looked at the list. Yep, Nero was on it. Zephyr whipped around and shouted, "Nero! I need to have a word with you, and no flaking out on it either! Wolverine's assigned you to my team for our next mission, so hurry up and get your damn suit on." Zephyr turned back around and continued stalking down the hallway like nothing happened. Zephyr knew that he was going to get a response, but he hoped it wouldn't be from Nero, the other person he just wanted to kill.
Zephyr looked at his list, then said directly to Wolverine "You have got to be shitting me. I have to be paired up with these weak little *******s for a mission?" Then, putting the list away again, Zephyr jumped into the air and landed on the roof of the academy, then ran off. OOC: By the way, to whoever mentioned they can do Wolverine, thanks, I'll let you take it from there.
OOC: Ah, okay. I was getting ready to tell you unless you made your own character that your weren't allowed to post. Sorry.
Zephyr wasn't surprised at this sudden reaction, though he wished he was berated more than having to go on a new mission already. He rolled his eyes at the thought of having to find Scott(the dude with laser eyes)even though Scott was quite obviously dead. Instead, Wolverine's assignment was "I have a feeling this new mission of yours will be harder than the last, and three of you definatelly won't be able to go through it with no trouble, so I'm assigning you three some new teammates. Keep in mind, you'll have to track them down yourself and tell them they're heading on a mission with you." Zephyr grimaced at the names. He could handle harsh weather with no form of protection for two years on end, so why did he have to make new teammates to help him with his mission? It was stupid, and he thought of just ripping the thing to shreds right in front of Wolverine, just to piss him off. But then he remembered the other teachers could just as easily see him do that little feat by looking out the windows. Zephyr silently obliged and put the list in his pocket. ~Great,~ he thought unhappily, ~I'm pared with two useful people and five other completely useless ******s. How joyous.~
Roy walked along the empty streets of brickstown and occasionally shot his gun off at anybody who was in his way. Roy never cared about it much. Suddenly, hearing the sounds of a gunfight, Roy walked down the area it came from to investigate. Jumping onto a wall with expert precision, Roy watched the fight from above, not trying to hide himself from possible danger.
As th three mutants rode back to the academy on their pre-bought motorcycles(because they couldn't afford them with their own money), Zephyr imagined what people would do if they saw the three of them walk into the academy, all dressed in X-Men suits that were bloody from fighting, and shuddered at the response of some people he just wanted to rip open with his claws. Then, he felt his own stomach lurch as they neared the academy. It was a big mansion with god knows how many rooms. Zephyr's bike was the loudest out of all three of the motorcycles, so anybody on the first floors up would definatelly hear them coming. Zephyr squinted suddenly. Was that Wolverine in his own X-Men suit standing outside? OOC: Oh, crap. Who's Wolverine going to be, guys?
OOC: Okay, so Max, the guy who made the RP, and I, the one who came up with the RP, have been off for a while because of important matters along the lines of playing Halo 2 with a bunch of friends in a land party. For those who don't know: A land party is where some video gamers(like, EXTREME video gamers)get their game consoles, grab a bunch of crap food(chips, candy, ice cream, pizza...), run to one of their friends' house, set up a link for their game consoles, and play the crap out of some games while constantly insulting one another as they each get obliterated a million times in turn. At least that's how it worked with me. The other reason I was gone for so long was because my head was buzzing and I had an extreme case of ecstasy going through my brain. I needed a break from the net. That doesn't necessarily mean that I wasn't on my computer. Of course I was, and before you guys have time to recoup from this RP, I'll be making another one in the Fantasy RPG section. The last reason I was off was because my family and Max's family took a huge blow when Max's grandma died. My family is so disfunctional that Max's grandma was my only reprieve from the madness, along with my six other friends, two of which are new, the other four I've known since first grade. They're like my family because they share my experiences with themselves. Two are orphans, two are foster children, two have disfunctional families, and if you count Max's little brother, Jay, one is crazy as a cat on drugs. Max is one of the two disfunctional family kids, so he and I get along damn well enough to be brothers, and I have to say it hurt when I had to watch him cry when he was at his grandma's funeral. She had flat-lined during a Dialysis operation and not even a defibrillator could bring her back. But, enough about how crappy things were, I gotta' catch up. So I'm starting now so that Max won't be overwhelmed when he sees things have started. BIC: Zephyr watched the city on top of a random apartment building as his two other mutant friends packed up their stuff behind him. They had camped out there because there wasn't time to return to the academy at night. Wolverine was probably going to be pissed either way, though, so Zephyr prepared himself for the worst of it. As he recalled, Wolverine never really took too kindly to any of Zephyr's actions, be he on a special mission or not. Zephyr got ready to jump off the building. OOC: Yeah, I know Zephyr is supposed to be Max's character, but in reality, MY character is MAX'S character, and Zephyr is mine. if that makes sense, good if not, get your head checked.