Oh yeah, there's guns to go around! Why do you think I partially based this off of Halo 2? For kicks? Okay, MAYBE a little, but it's supposed to be the start of my newest series. Anyhow, added.
Um, no, I could definatelly tell a lot of daggers. As for Sky, he might just be out of luck here. Okay, you're in. NOTE: In case you were wondering, we'll only start after ALL main characters are played. Meaning there's still quite a few positions still open.
Added. Wish your link worked, though.
Zephyr read his book quietly before finally making up his mind to find Abyss and see if there was something interesting around town to do. "Abyss! Wake up, f*cker! Let's take a little stroll through town, huh? Maybe there's a fight we can participate in or something." Abyss slowly roused himself, scratching his head.
~~~~~STORY~~~~~ If you've heard of Halo 2 and 3, which is hard not to do, you can imagine Ryo Baasakima in Master Chief's shoes. If he WEARS shoes aside from the ones on his outfit. Anyhow... Year 3030: Sparta 458 Galaxy shuttle launched into space Month: May Day: 24 Ryo Baasakima, captain of the Sparta 458 Galaxy, collides with strange alien elite force ships. Day 24: Ryo's ship explodes, killing everybody inside except him. The Alien forces prepare to warp into world atmosphere. This is incredibly dangerous at such close range and could destroy the planet. Day 25: Intergalactic phenomenon cause a strange alien force to enter this world and cause mayhem. The Jakalze. That's what they're called. They entered this world in search of conquest so their race may flourish and one day rule the entire universe. The humans, desperate to stop them, have set up a force of superhumans injected with some of the Alien's blood, turning them into Jakalze Prototypes. In other words, Neo Jakalze. One such person is Ryo Baasakima, the sole survivor of the intergalactic phenomenon that brought the Jakalze into this world. Ryo, along with few others, is considered One against All in a fight for survival and custody of the planet. Ryo and his several cohorts have traveled to the first location of the Jakalze force: Downtown Festru Circum City. On this highway, a battle is about to begin. RULES~~~RULES~~~RULES~~~RULES~~~RULES~~~RULES~~~RULES 1. This is the most important rule. Under no circumstances are you allowed to god mod. 2. In that respect, there is no rule about Power Playing. Just make sure you're fighting an Enemy, not an OC. OC would be marked by owning person ENEMY would be marked by the color change in their name. For example: Jakalze will be red Humans will be blue Neo Jakalze will be green, any shade Fleet will be orange Commander will be purple 3. Unless you have a particularly quiet character, there should be no reason for him/her not to say anything at all. The only really quiet person should be Ryo. OC TEMPLATE~~~OC TEMPLATE~~~OC TEMPLATE~~~OC TEMPLATE~~~OC TEMPLATE Name: Age: Gender: Race: (Human, Jakalze, Neo Jakalze) Desired Weapon: Bio: Any Other Information: Position: (What place the character is posted as in the RP. For example, Ryo is a Neo Jakalze Leader) Appearance: (Picture if necessary) CHARACTER LIST~~~CHARACTER LIST~~~CHARACTER LIST~~~CHARACTER LIST~~~CHARACTER LIST Name: Ryo Baasakima Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Neo Jakalze Desired Weapon: Stolen Jakalze Energy Blade, resembles that of Halo games. Only it has three blades. Bio: Ryo is the sole survivor of the intergalactic phenomenon "Hell Rising" and is now the leader of the Neo Jakalze Any Other Information: Ryo Baasakima is a very quiet person. Position: Neo Jakalze Leader Appearance: Shoulder length unkempt white hair, black tabard over white shirt and blue baggy trousers. (NOTE: A tabard is a type of jacket with no sleeves and is slipped on over the head, sometimes marked with an emblem of choice)Black steel toed boots with stick grenades and knives and them.
Abyss fell asleep on the couch and Zephyr went back up to his room.
OOC: Um... Crap, I don't know what to say! Aside from it must be hard to NOT read my new siggy! Lol.
Okay, you're in. NOTE: Septimus is ALSO mine, because I don't want him to have any new changes to his character!
Abyss Stopped reading and pulled out his laptop, laughing at the background picture on it(A motivational poster saying "F*CK: That's coming out of your paycheck, buddy!) Zephyr had a similar background. (Zephyr's said STORMTROOPER: It sucks when your job gets blow'd up.)Abyss pulled up the internet and checked the web for new updates. To his sudden dismay, the news had caught up with their little incident in the streets earlier. "Well, this is just great." he said to himself, but Zephyr's dog like hearing caught every word he had said. "What?" he asked. "The media knows about what happened. Like they would ever leave out of our business, those freaking humans. Pretty soon, they'll be coming back here to try and kill us all again like what happened-" "Before Scott died and Jean Gray went nuts?" Zephyr finished, knowing well what happened. Abyss winced. "Yeah, before that." Abyss switched the media off and went to Newgrounds to see if there were any new add ons. There were none, so he turned the internet off. Sighing, Abyss watched South Park with Zephyr, laughing at some very crude but funny parts.
Zephyr lay on his bed staring at the ceiling for a while. After five minutes, Zephyr got up and went out in to the living room of the academy to find Abyss was the only one there. He sighed with relief. "Well, Henry, I took your advice." Zephyr said, sitting down. "So, anything new?" Zephyr said, flicking on the T.V. and going over to the refrigerator and grabbing a soda then sitting back on the couch. Abyss marked his page and closed his book, smiling with eased content. "Well, aside from the fact that while you were couped up in your room, the rest of the team got back and the teachers took back what they had said about us. Which is good. I saw Jasmine leave. Not that I cared much, now I don't have to worry my head off about her or Nero. How about you? Anything new?" Zephyr grunted and shrugged a kink out of his neck with a loud popping noise, then said "Nope. I really can't say I've had any changes." Abyss scoffed and said "Except that little mood swing of yours." Zephyr cringed and said, smiling wolfishly "What, I'm not allowed to be a different person when I want? You ass." Abyss laughed and Zephyr rolled his eyes, chuckling. Insults like that weren't insulting, they were jokes around him, Bender and Abyss.
OOC: My god I need to change my avatar. BIC: Zephyr heard Abyss knock on his door. "hey, come on, can I come in?" Abyss said tiredly, as if he had gotten a good one like Zephyr did. "Sure." Zephyr said. Abyss walked through the door into the room and waved to Zephyr. By now, Abyss had taken off his uniform and was wearing a white tee shirt with a black and white checkerboard pattern at the bottom, and a pair of raggedy blue jeans. His hair looked like something Zephyr killed before coming to the academy. Zephyr was just wearing the Wifebeater shirt he had brought with him and a pair of sweat pants. "Well? What do you want?" Zephyr asked, kicking himself away from his desk and pulling up another chair for Abyss. Abyss waved it off. "Don't feel like sitting. Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know Bender left the academy. There was a note saying he had decided to go back home with his parents and tell them that school was going well and they got a month off for the upcoming holidays. Oh yeah, and he wanted me to tell you thanks for the thought. Well, see ya later. Try to meet up with me sometime, you can't stay in this dusty hell-hole forever." With that, Abyss sank into the floor and Zephyr's room was quiet again. NOTE: This is so nobody gets confused why I keep god modding. I have to keep everybody going that helped make this thread, so I take control of all their characters when they're offline.
I did? Holy crap! NOTE: Xendane again is MyBrainHurts. NOTE: Sky is mine, mine mine mine mine!!!!!
OOC: *Yawns* g'morning anybody who's on! BIC: Zephyr, later on, lay motionless on his bed in his room with all doors and windows locked, not letting anybody in to help comfort him. Zephyr didn't want the comfort. The more berating and pain he received, the more his powers would increase, and the more he would be closer to finally returning to that place and killing them all. "Just keep your eyes on the prize, Joseph. Everything will be alright by then." he kept saying to himself. He heard a knock on his door and threw his chair at it telling the person on the other side to "GO THE HELL AWAY! I AIN'T TAKING NO STUPID VISITORS!", then he lay back down on his bed and fell asleep.
OOC: WOW! Geez! MyBrainHurts, my god! You started a pretty strong fight there! I might have to mark you for that if it goes on like this. Even Max doesn't God Mod this much! And he's only been here for two weeks! I have to say... You would definatelly win in a fight about how worthless a person is, if you could say that in real life without interruptions, I mean, DAMN! As for Tularim... Let's say I probably would have posted exactly what my guy said, only with a cooler head than how MyBrainHurts put it... Oh well, I did say my guy was never "happy" around anybody... I can assure you that Bender WILL be calmer next time he shows up. From this post on, he disappears for a bit. BIC: Zephyr looked at Bender, who was breathing heavily with anger. "You need to calm down, Mark. You got way too out of hand back there. That little incident was uncalled for, and you probably just made yourself your first enemy in this entire academy. From what I know, Nero doesn't just make little jabs at his enemies, he belittles them as best as he allows himself without losing it. You, however, berated him and made him seem like a six year old getting punished for a horrible crime. Maybe you should just take some time off? I can find somebody to help you out if you want it or need it. You hear me, Mark?" Zephyr said, using Bender's real name. Bender hung his head as they pulled into the academy lot and parked his bike. He remembered that everything that happened was recorded and watched back at the academy, so Bender was in for a good punishment. Zephyr sympathized with his friend. He knew Wolverine well enough to call him his older brother, and he also knew a lot about Scott as well, and so Zephyr thought if Scott were still alive to be the one in Xavier's place, Bender would not be any more not in trouble than he was now, having to probably deal with Wolverine and the rest of the former X Men team. Zephyr shuddered with a chilling cold that ran down his spine as he thought about having to face all the teachers himself... not a pretty site. Zephyr parked his bike and realized Bender had sent him an image of the future somehow, because all the teachers were there, and none of them looked too happy. Zephyr realized he still had blood on him and he, along with Abyss and Bender was one of the only three to return. Zephyr, for the first time in his life, had a mood swing. His fear got the best of him, and he jammed the key on his bike to the right, turning it on, then he sped off so fast Bender didn't have time to shout for him to come back. Zephyr made up his mind that he was not going to put up with the punishment set for the three of them, even if it meant betraying all his friends in the process. Zephyr suddenly felt a strong wind begin to push him back and screamed an obscenity as loud as the wind itself before dropping to his knees and submitting. Zephyr was sobbing. Not because he was sad, but because, for the first time ever, he was scared. Wolverine walked over to him from across the lot and Bender sped to his side. Zephyr socked Bender in the face and screamed "DON'T F*CKING TOUCH ME YOU F*CKING B*STARDS!!!!" standing up, his eyes were wide with fear. Bender sent him a mental message. ~Are you insane?! What are you doing?! You've lost your mind!~ Zephyr's eyes suddenly clouded with tears as he fell to his knees again and began to silently cry. It was the first time he had ever done so.
OOC: Okay, just a small note, this is NOT XENDANE. Xendane is offline. This is MaxStrider on Xendane's account. BIC: Abyss looked over at Nero and scowled. "It's called TEAMWORK, you a**h***! Get it through that thick freaking skull of yours before I help you out." With that comment, Abyss levitated a rather large rock pointed in Nero's direction to prove his point. Instead of throwing it at him, though, he shot it at Pyro, who had attempted to attack Bender. Abyss hadn't moved once yet since the start of the fight.
Zephyr rolled his eyes. "Well, let's see, if the oil tank is so big it goes from the back of his NECK to his WAISTLINE, I would suspect that's big enough!" At this, Zephyr nearly got roasted by another jet of flame.
NOTE: Xendane = MyBrainHurts on different profile. And yes, you may. NOTE: AGAIN: Xendane is no longer off line. Dammit, MyBrainHurts, why do you ALWAYS steal my ideas?!
OOC: Yeah, Pyro controls fire and uses oil strapped to his back to do more damage. At least from what I hear/know, he does. BIC: Zephyr sneered at Nero as Jasmine agreed with him. "Yeah, so hurry up and get it over with before he melts your pretty faces after he's done with us in the front!"
Zephyr got burnt again, this time full on in the face. "Dumbasses, what causes fire with THIS guy, is the damn oil canister on his freaking BACK! He CONTROLS fire through his hands and has a tube on either arm that shoots oil, THAT'S how he does it! What you need to do is freeze his fire over somehow so that we can take away his source while he's distracted!" Zephyr yelled, grabbing his face as he rushed in for another assault.
Pyro swung at Zephyr, and that gave Zephyr the perfect time to act. Zephyr bit down on Pyro's arm hard and while Pyro was distracted, Zephyr took out his claws(I did mention he had claws)and gashed Pyro's face, leaving three bloody cuts where his fist landed. Bender took a stone Abyss had hurled at Pyro and threw it at him, breaking it in his face. Suddenly, Pyro exploded in a pillar of fire, incinerating Zephyr and sending him flying back with second and third degree burns running up his arms and chest where he had tried to defend himself. "Geez, those flames hurt worse than a rock left by a campfire for twelve minutes!" Zephyr yelled painfully, looking his white, black, purple and red arms over. His chest looked no better. "Guess I'll have to watch for that..." he said, running back in. At this time Pyro had stopped and was shooting fire jets at Abyss. Zephyr stabbed him in the back with his claws. OOC: Keep this going guys, I gotta' go for a bit.