OOC: never thought much about Sephiroth. Well, okay, but I'm not entirely sure when you should bust him out.
Vincent spotted Cloud. "I think I just found Cloud." he said to himself, rethinking about Zephyr.
"That was certainly... unexpected." said Vincent. Red XIII looked around for Cait Sith, though he thought of better things he could be doing.
OOC: Well, when you've been asleep all day...
OOC: Um... I'm not sure what Red XIII is doing at this point, I think I'm him.
OOC: Yes, you are now Cait Sith.
OOC: Well, I really wouldn't know, I've never played Dirge of Cerberus or whatever game that comes up in, so I'm just assuming he still has it. Mainly because it's god-awesome. :D OOC: And yes, I am finally on.
Vincent stared indifferently. OOC: Bye!
"I wasn't even at the Forgotten City when she died." Vincent said(OOC: This is referring to me choosing a partner to join me in my quest to find Aerith in the game). "And by the way, since you put it that way, I am Vincent Valentine, andI will try to help if I can." OOC: BRB, gotta' go to the bathroom -_-;;
Vincent looked back at Arlene. "If I were lying, I would be smiling." he said. "And what cities? Junon and many other cities are already destroyed."
OOC: I'll let this slide this one time, but I specifically said ONE OC. BIC: Vincent looked at Arlene and regretfully informed her "Aerith is dead." Then he looked back to Zephyr. "Because I don't trust you. You haven't explained why you need to see Cloud."
"Good to meet you. I am not obliged to give my name." Vincent said, turning back into Vincent.
Vincent sighed and used the Phoenix Materia on the creature.
Vincent was now Chaos. "Fine. If you want to fight, know this: I did nothing to start it." Chaos said.
Vincent glowed as he was about to turn into Chaos.
Vincent did not put his gun down, nor did he even attempt to smile at Barret's comment. (Then again, it wouldn't be Vincent if he so much as smiled.)