"Okay, H*LL NO! YOU ARE NOT STEALING MY FRIEND'S SWORD!" Ragnarok said, pulling out Seto's other gun(a tommy gun with infinite ammo)and began firing wildly at the strange man, while screaming "DIE, YOU FREAK! GET THE H*LL OUT OF MY SCHOOL GROUNDS!!!" Ragnarok continued this barrage, followed up with a powerful rearranger shot from his gauntlet.
"Hey! Assassin in white!" Ragnarok shouted, tossing Semorashi's sword to Seraph. Ragnarok had used his own energy(Unfortunately ALL of it, making the weapon extremely powerful)to infuse the blade. It went from its normal color to a strange purple-blue. And it was glowing. "Use it if you need it! I'm kinda' useless at the moment because I used too much of my energy." Ragnarok took Seto's gun and shot at the blade, making the blade flare and block the bullet. "See what it can do for ya! But for god's sake, give the d*mn thing back when you're done!" With that, Ragnarok disappeared.
Ragnarok sighed and went back to his room where he holstered up Semorashi's old sword and Seto's gun. Then he took and tied a red headband around his head and took Lucia's red Rebel mask and tied that on as well. "All fit for battle, right?" Ragnarok said to himself before hopping out the window to see what as happening.
"You're... sh*tting me, right? Have you ever heard of Semorashi, who was by the way a better swordsman than any warrior or rogue I've met? Yeah, he got his head incinerated by a ball of fire. And if you're wondering how old you are in my years... you'd be about 23. And this someone... did he, by chance, have white hair? Because if he did, I think I might unfortunately know him... And if you want to have a good Enchanted Weapon, you best go check in with some of the better sorcerers, those guys may not be as magically fit as Magicians, but FREAKING D*MN, can they enchant a weapon! I used a knife made by them and it made about half of the Doom Clones explode! That's about a thousand clones right there!" Ragnarok was laughing slightly.
OOC: Wasn't confused, but I thought your character was like Zetsu from Naruto Shippuden there. Zetsu has a black and white face, and it argues with itself constantly. BIC: Ragnarok blinked. "Oh. Well. That's interesting. Sure you can stay the night. But when you say true potential, I'm sure you don't mean like when Doom used his Armageddon attack on me and I killed myself because I used the gauntlet to rearrange the energy and shoot it back at him. Right?" Ragnarok said, head tilted to one side. "And in truth, Doom's clones are actually damn tough. They killed two of my four teammates and Doom got the other two, then me. But, like I mentioned, I came back to life. In suspended animation. At the time, I didn't know scat about my powers. Now I do. Here's the problem with me. My powers, unless you already knew, keep me from ever aging past my current age. Which is about twelve or thirteen or something. And I'm supposed to be thirty. No, wait... Thirty-seven and a half." Ragnarok rolled his eyes at his stupid miscalculation, while some of the scholars snickered and quietly commented how stupid that mistake was. Likewise with some of the Sorcerers who weren't in the library. Ragnarok glared at them. "Oh, SHUT UP! Shouldn't you lot be studying?! Get outta' here!" With that, the laughter ceased and everybody went inside the school through different doors.
"What? That's not how it woks! Each ability is UNIQUE, Scholars can't copy them, so I'm the only one with the real ability. If they somehow made copies of it, no wonder you found out how to beat it, they aren't the real one! And when you say Doom and Army, I assume you mean the countless clones of himself Doom made when fighting me and my team, who are all dead now. I can actually use the gauntlet fine, I'll have you know, but it didn't work because Doom's energy cancels the gauntlet out. Completely." Ragnarok grimaced at the memory. OOC: Out Of Context. Or character, I may be wrong. And thanx!
I'll take Naruto.
"Yeah, here's one. Did you forget the incident in this town that caused 5% of every child to gain a unique special ability upon birth? No, the Gauntlet was crap and didn't help me against Doom at all. I am one of the 5% of children each year with a unique power. Mine is the ability to revive myself when I'm dead. THAT'S how I survived. And by the way, I'm not as young as you think. Haven't you heard the name Ragnarok before?" Ragnarok said, pointing to himself with a smug grin. "Haven't you heard the stories going around about me, the one who survived Doom and nearly killed him? I would think you have heard because Assassins always get the news." OOC: Who rated my thread 5? This is the first one I've gotten a 5 on!
Ragnarok shook his head. "Big deal, so you're good at your job! Not like you'd ever stand a chance against Doom! He nearly destroyed this city by himself. And yes, I know perfectly well the uses of this gauntlet. It can rearrange a person's cells into something horrible or more useful, it can heal people, it can tear adamant in half, it can summon countless fiends of the dark, and it can most certainly wipe out the likes of you, Seraph. I may not even need all these students to help me get rid of Doom, but it's good to have some back up. So yeah, no duh you could wipe these guys out! They're in training! And I'm the head of this school! So get the hell out before I rearrange your spine!" Ragnarok said, lifting his gauntlet to make his point known.
Ragnarok stuck out his chin and lifted his head. "This gauntlet has been in my family for over twelve years, I'll have you know. It was my father's possession, and you won't be getting it. And I still need the answer to MY question. If you don't answer, well, I have about thirteen or so other assassins and scholars and rogues and hunters waiting to get rid of you. Tick. Tock." Ragnarok said, making his point known. Jack looked up. "Hmph. You forgot the magicians and sorcerers-" "All studying in the library." Ragnarok said, not taking his eyes off the strange assassin. ~I thought assassins didn't wear white, but who knows...~ he thought to himself. Another mind wrenching screech shot through the courtyard, making everybody's legs buckle and making everybody clap their hands to their ears. Ragnarok was the only one standing, though his hands were firmly placed over his ears and his back was about to snap.
Running into the courtyard, gauntlet firmly latched onto his hand, Ragnarok called out one word that sent a bolt of golden light shattering through the air and into the commotion in the courtyard. "Knock it the h*ll OFF!" he screamed, running into the crowd. Jack ran up behind the rogue and pulled him away by twisting his ear hard, and Ragnarok stood right in front of the assassin, looking him straight in the eye. "I don't recognize you. Who are you, and what do you want?" Ragnarok asked adamantly.
There was a knock on the door. Ragnarok looked up from his bed. "What? What do you want?" he shouted at the door. All that responded was "I need to have a word with you." Ragnarok sighed. The teacher for the rogue class. Opening his door, Ragnarok stepped outside and immediately side stepped a cheap shot aimed for his head. Ragnarok grabbed his arm and twisted it behind the rogue's back. "Ha ha. Nice... TRY, Jack, but you still need some work before you can take me out." Ragnarok said, while casually stepping on Jack's back to stop him from counterattacking while in the hold. Jack sighed heavily. "Well, you got me. Anyhow there's a commotion going on in the courtyard. Rogue vs. Assassin. Could get ugly. Better hurry." With that, Jack disappeared from sight and Ragnarok ran as fast as he could to the courtyard.
Ragnarok's thoughts were suddenly pierced by the sound of a loud screeching noise. "Those damn Magicians..." he quietly said to himself, holding his head until the noise stopped. "God those guys can be annoying..." Ragnarok said as he calmly walked into the academy building behind him. Sure, he started the academy in the first place, but he was still a student himself because of his minuscule knowledge of combat. He was just barely saved by the bell because of his strange powers. Knowing that there was only ample time before another attack, Ragnarok needed all the learning he could get.
Okay, I know, but HOW DID YOUR POST GET ON TOP?! EDIT: Never mind, I accidentally switched my posting options to Newest First.
My god... this strange power... its... its... ITS... MY TWENTY SEVENTH RP! WOOHOO! Watch out, Xendane's back in action!!! NOTE: To anybody who doesn't know Latin, this is supposed to translate to Destiny Children: Sonatina. I will frequently use Latin words throughout this RP, so if you want to do so as well, but you don't know Latin, open up a new tab, go to the small website bar next to the home button, and type in English Latin Dictionary, and you'll get this site: http://www.freedict.com/onldict/lat.html Now then... FABULA(STORY): Aeo and his best friend Deo were once just two normal kids living in the metropolis of Kigeko(Pronounced KEE-kYOH) city, before Tricen Continent's main city, Fargo, attacked. Aeo and Deo were the only two people standing, and so they were blamed for the fall of Kigeko and were banished from Sonatina Continent. Moving by way of stolen raft to the northern continent of Figaro, Aeo and Deo settled down in the city of Astrum, or Star City. Meanwhile in the southern continent of Forte, new forces begin to gather in the main city of Stratum. Aeo and Deo, while preparing to travel to the far north continent of Fort Winstone, are attacked by three strange figures and are defeated at their hands. They are taken to Sonatina Continent, where they are sentenced to life in prison with no food or water and no possibility of bail. That's when a strange character comes and saves Aeo and Deo later that night. They get out to the forest before Deo finally asks who the strange person is. ~~~~~Finis~~~~~ RULES: 1. You MAY use Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy related spells for your character's Magic. 2. You may NOT god mod 3. You may NOT Power Play 4. You MAY have more than one character, but the maximum is two. 5. You MAY travel to different areas without consent 6. You MAY refuse to put an appearance or history up, but the rest is not optional and the appearance must be put up before your character can be active. 7. It would be wise for you to know some Latin. OC TEMPLATE: Name: Age: Weapon: Gender: Magics: Limit: (Limit is what your character's breaking point is in a fight. Breaking Point is how far you can go before you lose control of yourself.) Appearance: Continent of Birth: History: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mine: Name: Aeo(Pronounced AY-oh) Age: 14 Weapon: Sword Gender: Male Magics: Heal, Fire, Ice, Thunder, Ragnarok Limit: Can only use a certain amount of spells before his Limit Skills are open to him. Appearance: Brown shoulder length hair, white shirt with a blue sash over it, blue ripped up knee length jeans, sandals, green sailor headband, blue eyes, red and white neckerchief. Continent of Birth: Sonatina, to the East. History: He and his best friend Deo were the only survivors of the fall of Kigeko. Now he has been taken to the southern continent of Stratum with Deo by the strange person. Name: Deo(Pronounced DEE-oh) Age: 14 Weapon: Spear Gender: male Magics: Firaga, Cometga(The highest level of Comet), Aeroga, Arc Arcanum Limit: Can take only so much damage before his Limit Skills are open to him. Appearance: Black-brown sleeveless shirt, khaki knee length ripped up jeans, green shoulder length hair, a pair of goggles on top of head, sandals, brown sash tied around waist, green eyes, shark tooth necklace. Continent of Birth: Sonatina, to the East. History: He and his best friend Aeo were the only survivors of the fall of Kigeko. Now he has been taken to the southern continent of Stratum with Aeo by the strange person.
C'mon c'mon c'MON!!! somebody else join already!
OOC: Hey, just as long as you guys put down profiles, I'm perfectly okay with whatever "lame" history and name you put in. You both are in! Start posting, god! This thread's getting cobwebs on it!
I sympathize with you, Gamefreak. I wing most of my RPs too, but they come out relatively well. Maybe the same will be for this one? Who knows... By the way, I haven't seen you in forever! Then again, I haven't been on much. Name: Jason Haley Gender: Male Age: 18 Weapon: (there ARE guns allowed, right?) dual pistols Ability: Force Field Description: Look at my Avatar, but remove the G-BOT and the guitar. History: Jason Haley, ever since the twin computerized devices he had implanted into his head and down through his arms, has always dreamed of fighting the enemy forces. Now that he has the chance, he wishes to take it. Good or Bad: currently trying to join Good Why you joined your side?: He hasn't joined yet, but he wants to help in the fight to rid the Bad side from the world.
I get the feeling this is based off of the movie Aeon Flux. Am I right? Clone name: Rex Fang Real name: Max Lucian age: 22 gender: male appearance: Red-brown spiky shoulder length hair, green eyes, strange black "fangs" running down either side of his face, black assassin outfit, and a katana and pistol on his two back sheaths. history: Since the day he was cloned, Rex had decided enough was enough and went to put a stop to the process altogether. To this day, nobody has been able to defeated the driven super fighter. His amazing and near suicidal tactics prove impossible to beat. side: Rebels
added. We're going to start after some more people join in.