I play fighted, except it invovled plastic swords, MUCH safer. I did once get my fingers trapped in a car door, surprisingly, they didn't break or need any attention, hurt like hell.
~GokaiGalleon~ Harodl sat teh table that was prepared for breakfast as the other inhabitants of the castle joined in, Marvelous joinign soon afetr with the new arrivals as Yuri was also at the table. "And you are who?" Marvelous asked him and Yuri waved his hand. "Just someone who helpd that kid out." Yuri indicated to Harold as Harold looked to the Captain. "AFter breakfast, i need to talk with you about protecting your the ship in the same manner as Hogwarts." he said to him. ~Lowee~ Ram had literally demande dthey take off their shoes, it was common knowledge when you're a guest of someone's house, but Ichigo didn't wear shoes, he just ahd white socks and strapped rope and a molded sole on his feet, courtesy of being a Shinigami and he removed them, his bare white socks touching the floor. "It's nothing like Soul Society or Karakura Town to say the least, and I thought Planeptune was impressive." he said aloud.
Mr Popo: No maggot can control me, pecking order. Me: Well... actually rememebr what i said before? Edward: No! Please for the love of science, no! Mr Popo: No. Me: What? Mr Popo: No one can recruit me to join their party or have control of me, you all just know better I'm no-one's possession. Me: ...You would be a broken character for the RP. Mr Popo: Doesn't mean I can stay here...and watch you from the absolute darkness... Edward: ...You make a good point Stardust, anyone with Popo woudl be defintely broken, we're not having overly overpowered peopel here, even Vegeta and such have been decreased to reasonble levels here. Me: That's because if they had planet breaking levels, the world everyone's inw ould split into pieces and the heroes would lieterally run away from Popo... that and Popo handles Saiyans like nothing.
So many Pokemon Trainers!
BM: You know you love me ^-^Lambda: Tell me why you brought this... retro fool? Me: He has the most destructive powers a Mage can have, fires a Hadoken, cna get really sarcastic oh and break the Fourth Wall. Edward: Wait, how does he do that? Me: Oh he read the strategy guide to his game, beliving it was impossible that it would take 4 White mages to complete it. BM: And I love mass murder, I'm sure me and Voldie over there will get it on like a hosue on fire...with tormented souls crying out in agony. Shotaro: You're....despicable! BM: That's one of my known titles, there are others people have called me many things, mostly pertaining to killing. Yuri: What made you decide to get him Stardust? Me: Would you prefer I reserve Mr. Popo from TeamFourStar's DBZ Abridged? Marvelous: How bad can he be? -A person crept up behind Edward- Popo: Hhhhiiii~! Edward: WARGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I shall declatre my favourite sarscaric favourite mage to join the Villians. Shotaro: Who is it!? Me: You really wanna know? Lambda: Show us this...new ally. Me: Fine, you asked for it. -Saga Door opens, smoking pouring in like from a certain show called Stars in their Eyes) Edward: ...Seriously? We have that kind of entrance? Me: Well, there is a Budget in this place. -Smoke clears revelaing a pointy hat, blue robes and a face as dark as night with yellow eyes as he spoke- Mage: Oh hell yes! Me: ...Meet Black Mage EvVilwizardingdon!
Ah what fun! Was challenged to a Character Anime Deck Duel, I had Yugi and opponent had Kaiba, match, I won 1, he did as well btu 3rd was the cake, I should note Banned Cards were in as well. Opponent plays Ring of Destruction and chains Ring of Defense to a Monster Reborned BEWD I revived. I chain Mysticla Refpanel, teh dmaage I would of taken becoems his and Ring of Defense can't help hi, I laugehd and thought "I won using the most unusual tactic ever."
True. Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark - Okay, a covenant that is a commuicator to God but if opened, eveyrone melts and becomes dust, only way to survive? Shut your eyes, if the Nazi's did this before they oepned it, it'll be a sad sad world. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - A religious cult? men are able to actually pull out hearts and a man still lives? A kid named Short Round? I'd give anythign to be in his place and be a partner. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Sean Connery? -bows to his epicness- and teh Trails to the Grail, nicely adapted but the Grail had a drawback, cannot go beyodn the seal, okay, I have an idea, let's THROW the Grail over it and run like hell?
Masaru heard the declaration of going to the Dungeon and with it, nodded. "Then, let us do that."he said, following Meerna tot he DUngeon Entrance, now was the time to be on your guard and stay alive, it would be a bad thing to die in the First Dungeon. "Well, Ittoki, lead the way." he said encouragingly.
~Hogwarts Grounds~ Marvelous exited teh castle and heard the most hyperactive voice he could of known, it was his crewmember and he appraoched his first mate and proclaimed 'Sentai' fanboy as he gave a sigh, teh galleon was parked outside sicne the Hogwarts Charms too covered it and he approached them, arms crossed when eh came face to face with them. "It's about time you two finally decide to show up, but you surely realised we're not on Earth right now, many things happened and now there's humogous monsters bent on destroying the world, btu they seemed to have retreated for now but they'll most likely return, in that time, we'll have to give our all and use the Greater Power of Super Sentai... Basco revivied himself." he said and heard the surpsired tone and looks of his two crewmates. "He's currently inhabiting a younger girl named Hermione Granger as her soul became fragmented and taken by a enemy named Doppelganger, but I'm keeping a close eye on him." he finsihed and nodded to the Galleon. "Get in, I assume everyone's having breakfast." ~Harold~ Harold stood up andstrenched, heading to the boy's dorm to get changed into his familar clothes, or rather, Muggle ones that actually fit him consisiting of a black learher jacket reaching his waist with red lining and a red shirt with a proud lion upon it, his pants being blakc with a belt and black shoes, he didn't mind the expensive clothes he wore before but fights get clothes dirty as he pocketed his wand in his front pocket, why not the back? Moody said most Wizard's lost their buttocks from it. Harold decided to head for the Galleon as everyoen was supposed to meet there. ~Galleon Deck~ Yuri was standing on deck, looking out to the distance.
~Common Room, Dorm~ Marvelous was a a bit surprised, this was surprsing, he found Luka and Ahim and DOn at the tournament of Disgeea or rather, they foudn him and just now, his fellow Gokaigers were now in this world, it seems there must of been a lag in arrival perhaps, and a tree? What tree woudl there be in this place? "Better ask Harold what there is about a tree in this place." Marvelous thoughts wandered and spoke."Just stay where you are." He said and close dthe phone, coming down to see a most peculiar sight, Ahim and Harodl tlaking. "Hey Harold, my crewmembers arrived here by they are by a tree, a giant one, know what that is?" He asked and Harold thought for a moment. "Must be the Whomping WIllow, it's well, a tree that fights back, hopefully your crewmates or their ship didn't collide with it, I had a horrifying experience with a flying car with Ron in my Second Year, nearly got killed because of it." He noted and Marvelous looke dat him. "So...not that hard to find?" "Just go out of the Entrance and go nearlby the lake, you can't miss it." He said and Marvelous nodded, walking out fo the common Room as Harold turned to look at Ahim. That sounds like a idea, okay then." He said to her, accepting the proposal.
Currently on DN right now!
Masaru heard his nickname and he was kinda surprised that gotten one so quickly, perhaps Ittoki didn't care about how close you have to get to nickname or such things. "Sure, you can call me that if you prefer it that way, doesn't bother me much." He said with a shrugging of his shoulders and heard Mya's suggestion, or rather 'Mitty's' and nodded. "The sooner we get though the dungeon, the sooner we can ascend the floors and beat the game." He spoke, backing up Mya's suggestion of leaving the Town of Beginnings.
Did HoT state which otpimus and Bumblebee it was?
~SHotaro~ Shotaro gave out a small hysterical laughing sound before recomposing himself. "I'm perfectly alright now, just... nto soemthing you see everyday." He said ratehr cooly, rather quick to regain his composure and saw jakc Sparrow and pointed at him, giving otu ayell, but not a surprised one, but a directed one. "You! I leave my body for you to look after and you leave me alone in the dense forest, what kind of man does that to someone!" He complaiend to the Captain.
Hharold was a bit surprised when AHim had suddenly wrapped her arms around his form, it was almost mother-like or sister-like in a sense, or maybe something else among those lines but what could he do? Well he could either return the hug there and then or push her away or third option, rmeain perfectly still in surprise. "Umm... thank you you I suppose." he said rather sheepishly, he did ahve to admit,A him did smell nice, perhaps it was the perfume or soap from the Prefect's Bathroom- wait he wa sthinking bad thoughts! "No no, not the time nor the place now!" ~Gryffindor's bed Room~ Marvelous awoke to the sound of his Mobirates ringing and he looked at it like it was the most unusual thing in the whole universe and he picked it up and placed the phone to his ear. "Who's calling?" He asked rather susipicously. -Lowee~ Ichigo managed to gather his thoughts and what was suggested, oh RUNNING! Then again, he couldn't really fight at thsi current time since he wa sstill regaining energy and decided to follow the escapees. ~Kamen Rider~ D-Latoratah shattered and became Tsukasa once more who wasn't the slightest bit sweaty and he thrown the Lion Core Medal back to Eiji who caught it and Black Mage suffered a head whacking from White Mage. "Oh i'll welcome Death gladly, if we ever met, I'll literally add this guy on my FantasyBook." He said with no worries.
Me: You alright there Shotaro? Shotaro: WAAAAHHH!!!! Me: I think the Turtles broken his mind Edward: Well, he's seen worse right? Tsukasa: Yeah, but this ios a new point for him, I shall take a picture to remember this moment.
Cause his attenention span wa son survivial?
Hotaro's seen peopel becoem nature in humanoid form, throwing magma, transform to huge frickin' dinosaurs, cats use a transformation belt,...
His mind was processing the fact there's turtles...on legs....talking and being Ninjas as well.