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  1. StardustXtreme
    Masaru heard Mya's declaration for a Switch and he leap in from beside her. "Got it!" He said andran for teh Centuar, it firing an arrow at him but he immediately shifted hsi weight to side-step, barely managing to avoid the projectile and his sword in a reverse grip, swiped at the Centuar across it's side and quickly twisted his body before the monster had a chance, his sword bathed in a ligh,t executing a <<Vertical>> upon the beast, the monster falling and shattering into pixels of glass as he took a few deep breaths.

    "You okay?" he asked Mya and Elise after regainign his steady pace of breathing, the adrenline calming down.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme


    Yuri felt the fear run though him when Xion aske dhis name beforehand, but he only recalled one other fear that was the same as it, it was back on his Shanghai journey when he and his company of friends attempted to stop Dehaiu from summoning with the Rerverse Demon's Gate Invocation and Albert gave the Gate a push after they beat Dehaiu to bring forth the Seraphic Radiance, a God incarnated from the soul of the Earth and he attempted to fuse with it to stop the ritual, but instead, Shanghai was levelled and his conicousnesss was buried deep within his psyche while his body was just a mindless beast before Alice managed to free him.

    "Wh-what the hell was that? It felt like that one time..." He said with surpise, he could feel the monster's souls he defeated stir within him perhaps in glee of this sudden wave of terror, but Yuri was very strong willed to keep them all inside him, of course, he did hold two godly souls within him, one being Amon, the dmeon everyone saw him transform into, the God of Wrath and the Seraphic Radiance, Spirit of the Bronze but also, a god incarnation of the Earth.


    Jaden laughed at Phillip's reaction. "He kinda reminds me of Bastion back in my world, except withotu all the mathematics and theories," he said rather sheepishly and Edward didn't really care abotu SIlfe rand Ra's status really, he didn't exactly believe in God a she was a Alchemist.

    ~Tsukasa, Kirito~

    WIth this group, Tsukasa felt a shiver though his body, it reminded him... of his time when he destroyed all the Riders mercilessly whiel Kirito's was in fact, the same sensation as when eh foudn out the imprisonment of SAO and of course.... his fear of Asuna's wellbeing after rmarrying her or when he and her lost Yui almost to The System if he didn't change Yui's scattered data to a game item in time.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme
    No, No-one has Silca, Sachi, Lisbeth, Klein, Kuradeel or Heatcliff, it's just only Kirito (Me) and Asuna (Aki) so far.

    Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
    Jaden Yuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)
    Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces)
    Meta-Crisis Doctor (Doctor Who)
    Yuri Hyuga (Shadow Hearts/Shadow Hearts: Covenant)
    Captain Marvelous (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    Shotaro Hidari (Kamen Ride Double)
    Kirito (Sword Art Online)
    Tsukasa Kadoya (Kamen Rider Decade)
    Lambda (Tales of Graces)
    Daido Katsumi (Kamen Rider Double: A to Z Gaia Memories of Fate)
    Paradox (Yu-Gi-Oh! Bonds Beyond Time/Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
    Vergil (Devil May Cry 3)
    Ankh (Kamen Rider OOO)
    I reserve also Gai Tsutsugami from Guilty Crown and Daiki Kaito (Kamen Rider Decade)

    Edward: Why him of all people?
    Me: He can use Voids in the series near the end, but he's a villian.
    Tsukasa: Seriously!? You decided to bring Kaito?
    Me: Oh come off it Tsukasa, it'll help you with Final Form Rides and allow me to control +3 Riders with DiEnd's usage of the Rider Cards.
    Kaito: Will you show me what this world's most vauble treasure is?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme
    Masaru saw Ittoki take damage and cursed to himself silently. "Elise, Kaito, stay near Ittoki and give him a Healing Potion, then you three focus on one of the centuars, me, Kuroi and Mya will handle the other! Use the Switch to deal a addtional blow just as you're in a cooldown and stunned the enemy!" He said in a commanding tone and charegd at the Centuar he, Kuroi and Mya struck before.

    "Let's go!" He cried out as he used the skill <<Vertical Arc>> creating a V-shape attack upon a Centuar, delaing 2 hits, but then called out before the arrow could be loaded. "Switch!" he called out, barely having enough time to make sure his ally had room to attack.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme
    Black vert vs WHite Vert = ....Boob Brawl.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme
    Ichigo's still a lucky man.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme


    Harold reacted immediately by diving to the side as he stared at Malofy, ti wa shighly unlikely he'd actually follow Harry's ruling and Harold walked towards Draco, and wandlessly cast the disamrign Charm, Draco's wand soaring into the air and caught by harold who pointed both wands at Draco.

    "Just be so glad you didn't make a magical oath Malfoy or you'd become a Squib by breaking the rules, and I can show evidence to the Ministry for your attempts of two Unforgiveables that'll send you packing to Azkaban, and don't bother say wait until my father hears about this, let me tell you, my family's MUCH older than yours and I'm the Boy-Wh-Lived, I think Society wouldn't like the person who slain Moldyshorts be attacked with Unforgiveables would they? And I'm one of the Wizarding COuncil thansk to my Seats." He said with a very serious tone.

    "Ahim's not some trophy to be won either, she may be royalty but that doesn't give you the right to force her to be with you, if you want to actually attempt gettign a woman in your life, how about giving them the respect they deserve> your high and mighty attitute is a way to stop them coming onto you, only luck you're going to have is by either arranged marriage alreayd planned by your family or a Slytherin girl who'd just be as arrogant as you, so Malfoy, I'm giving you one chance, mess it up and I promsie you, you'll be in Azkaban before your daddy comes to save your ass." He finished and thrown Draco's Wand at the boy's feet and joined the others, watching Gai and Tommy's fight,
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme
    Oh a swap around? You being EIji and I being Ankh?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme
    Then I shall do just that.

    Vergil Sparda (DMC3)
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme
    Really tempted to reserve a certain long blue coated demon named Vergil from DMC3... Just saying.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme

    Jaden was surpised the Egyptain Gods had Evil Counterparts, he thought those were the Sacred Beast cards. "I thought the Scard Beasts were your evil counterparts, well, I guess there's always a set of powerful monsters anywhere, at least they don't have a combined they?" He asked in a bit of scared tone, then again, hopefully no one would realise he had the SUper Polyimerzation Card that could practically fuse anything permaently.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme



    Harold's eyes widened in surprise at Draco's chocie of magic, the Disarming Charm and he raised up hsi arm. "Protego!" He said as a light blue shield forme din frotn fo him, deflecting the spell and he moved his wand. "Rictusempra!" he said, castign the Ticklign Charm at malofy but moved hsi wand quickly, firing another spell in succession. "Tarantallegra!" As the Dancing Feet spell followed soon after and then he silently cast Experlliarmus that Malfoy used before.

    Yuri thought the langauge was strange. "Sounds likes tongue twisters to me." he duly noted.

    ~Lowee, the Lost Strawberry and the Unexpected Encounter~

    Ichigo decided to wander Lowee and stopped, pausing in his steps, unsure what eh heard and he reached for Zangestu sheathed improntly and turned around, withdrawing it only to face two guns pointed at him, wielded by a blue ahired youth wearing a oversized brown coat and eyes as blue as the sky wiith Zanegstu swung at him. "Who are you?" He asked as the boy had a calm look and sue dteh ends of hsi strange weapon with two poles, to block Zangetsu's cleaver and fired off a shot in which Ichigo avoided "You first." he said before it vetical strike came from ichigo and the boy flipped sideways, his red scarf blowing in the wind and fired another shot.

    The two warriors were moving aroudn in a circle, slashing or firing but enver hitting one another and then the boy frotn flipped actually onto Zangestu's blunt side, his dual guns pointed at ichigo who shifted the balance of the swor,d causing the teen to lose his composure and he fired at teh ground, propelling himself up and Zangestu coated in a blue aura as teh boy firing at the slash, causing a explosion in the park they were in and the boy had righted himself as did ichigo.

    "Ichigo Kurosaki, Subsitute Shinigami of Karakura Town." Ichigo said and the youth answered next. "Dean Stark, Drifter and Johnny Appleseed of Filgaia."

    Somewhere within the world, a certain man in asuit fo armoru witha Arc reactor keeping him alive woudl fo probabaly sneezed that there was another person with the same last name as him.

    ~Noel Kriess~

    Noel was actually quite silent for a change.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme
    Did anyone take Ouma Shu from Guilty Crown?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme
    Masaru followed Ittoki's lead before the centaurs were arming themselves, an indication the system registered the party against the monsters, it was most likely they favoured long range attacks as Ittoki told them to attack however they saw fit to see how they attack.

    "Not only that, if we get clos,e they'll have the advantage of using their lower halves to deliever a strong blow, but there's no point retreating now, if we want to clear this game, we have to get stronger to survive the Floors." He thought to hismelf and readied his Sword that he unsheathed, the system only could have one member attack a monster at a time but with the «Switch» function, someone else could get a additional attack while the monster would be stunned.

    "Let's test it out." he concluded in his thoughts and charged foward, his Sword bathed in a light, executing a Vertical Skill upon one of the Centuars, slashing across it's upper body it was about time for the monster to strike, but at least he stunned it, if not, briefly. "Switch!" he called out, jumping back to wait and see who would the take Switch.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme

    ~Deck of the Galleon~

    Harold bowed in return and withdrawn his wand, it was deja vu from Second Year of the Duelling Tournament, if he asked him if eh was scared, that would really be the msot strangest thing ever.

    Mavelous merely watched with his crewmates, Gai's fight was not as intersting as this.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme


    Harold gave a sigh and spoke. "Wands only, and only one spell can be used, no Unforgivebles." he said to Draco and proceeded to the Deck as Marvelosuw a sintriguied by this Duel and decided to follow after afetr Gai decided to dump Doc with repairing the GouZyuDrill's repairs and he spoke. "You can do that later Doctor, you proabbaly wouldn't want to miss this." He said to his fellow member.

    Yuri got up, the chair making a noise as it was pushed back. "So long as this thing isn't like the Man Festival, I'll watch." He said but when he mentioned Man festival, he shivered at the sheer word of it, it was completely mental scarring, if anyone else saw this, they'd say the same.


    Gentaro gave a smile and was jumped in the air a bit. "We'll find your Buddies!" he said in happy tone.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme

    Harold gave a slam onto the table, all eyes on him when Harry suggested a Wzard's Duel. "Okay malofy, that's it, I had it up to my here with you being all Pureblood and demanding what you want, normally, I'd just ignore you but to be quite honest, you're boasting and constant annoyance will get us all killed one day, so we shall have a Wizard's Duel." he said and Marvelous raised an eyebrow.

    "What's that?" he asked and Harodl looked at him. "It's a officla DUel between WIzards who feel their have been dishonored or for friendly matches, they can carry a certain numbe rof rules the people must abide by, I can could invoke a rule stating no killing cursess, hexes or such be in a Duel and if someoen breaks thsoe rules, wlel it's a disquafication, and to further be more stuck to the rules, you can take a Wizard's Oath, follow it and you keep your magic, don't and well, you lose it completely and become a Squib." he finsished and looked at Malofy.

    "So, fancy on taking your nemesis Malfoy?" He asked rather seriously.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme



    Edward gave a smirk and clapped his hands again. "Oh Yeah? how'd you like this huh!?" he cried, otu transmuting cannons from the earth that fired huge round orbs of earth as Jaden eyed the Eraser and his eyes changed colour to one ornage, one green. "How about some help Neos?" he asked as Neos appeared before Jaden and thrust out his palm with rainbow-like energy.


    Yuri merely shrugged at the suggestion of moving along. "Sounds great." he said in agreement.

    Meta was surprised, he didn't expect his Fourth incarnation to appear as he heard his explatnation of the TARDIS almost blowing itself up. "Well... you were too rough with her, she's still a Type 40 Mark 3 and those type were decomissioned, didn't favour the Type 53, it was pretty much 'soulless' really." He babbled for a minute before noting the tension in the air and it dreadfully remidned him of the Daleks.

    Marvelous felt the fear and he was sweating bullets before regainign his ompostur,e he never felt naything like that before, not on that level of fear.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme



    Shotaro looked at Sparrow and blinked a few times. "I don't take over people's bodies, I just kinda, fuse with them temporarily until the transofrmation is cancelled, as for other bodies... I can't take any specfic person's, my partner." he placed a hand on the Double Driver around his waist. "Wears one of these, we fight as one being when we transform, we're a two-in-one fighter, Kamen Rider.... Double." he said, flicked his right wrist and pointing at jack Sparrow.


    Lambda and Daido didn't really care much for their new allies at all, the more allies, the mroe chances of winning was all that mattered.

    ~Wicked Eraser's Comment~
    Edward's forehead grown a vein and he cried out. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A SHRIMP, I'M STILL GROWING YOU OLD GEEZER!!" He said and clapped his hands and placed them down, causing a block fo ground comign slammign into Eraser's face, lossenign ehr hold on lukya who proabbaly taken thsi initaltive to escape. "CAN SHORTY DO THIS? WHAT ELSE DO YOU WAN TO CALL ME, A MICROSOPIC GRASSHOPPER!? A BEAN!?" He ranted as he clapepd hsi ahdns in another quick succession changing the ground to rocket forth with a huge fist to crush Eraser.

    "He snapped..." Jaden said with a nervous gulp.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme


    ~Gokai Galleon~

    Marvelous looked at Draco. "Nobilty? What a drag." he said and bit into some chicken and piinted a meaty piece of it at Draco. "We're pirates, we don't care about status, rank or whatever you people use, we just take whatever we want and if there's somethign we don't like, we just destroy it." He said rather calmly. "And she's a pirate and a part of my crew, it's her choice if she wants to be with someone." he finished.

    Harold sipped his tea and he looked at Draco. "He's just a Pureblood, peopel who prefer to keep their magic and blood through the most pure means, hwoever, they look down on half-Blood, a Wizard or Witch being married to a Muggle who has little to no magic, if this contineud on, there be a Squib made, someoen who has little to no magic born from half-blood, Purebloods call Muggles or Half-Bloods, Mudbloods peopel who got their hands on magic by dirty means." Harold explained and continued. " If anyone who'd be with you Malfoy, I'd pity the girl who made that decision."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home