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  1. StardustXtreme



    Yuri was surpisingly blown off Goku despite his heavy Fusion and fell on his back, reverting to his human state ina flahs of light. "Talk about a perfomance..." he thought and noted teh explosive amoutn fo energy, no one coudl possibly survive that if he fired it, well maybe he would if he used his msot powerful Fusion, Dark Seraphim which had the power of a God practically and then Goku slippe din unconiciousness and Yuri gave a sigh of relief.

    "...It's over?" he asked aloud.


    Kirito was being crushed by luffy despite using Eludicator and Dark Repulsor at his sides and his HP was goign down rather quickly and into the red zone had Luffy ceased and fell uncionocusness and slipepd from his hold and Kirito took this moment to breathe quickly and quickly open the menu for a Healing Poition to drink as Tsukasa finally managed to get soem words in due to hsi Rper forgettign he was a part of this group.

    "That was...different." he noted and Kirito glared at him. "You could of done something!" he said and Tsukasa placed hsi hand sin his pockets. "Sorry, but everything seemed under control, especially with your what was it? 'Starburst Stream'? Is that a Skill you been hiding from everyone?" he asked, giving attention onto Kirito from the other members of the group, minus Naruto and Luffy's states.

    "...It's a Unique Skill, I didn't see much reason to use it against him, after all I may of killed him, but if it were a Boss Monster..." he said and Tsukasa spoke. "Never hide your skills from your allies, it may very well save people's lives, can you handle holding a person's life in your hands and accept the risks that come with it?" he asked and Kirito looked up at him and raised one of his Swords at him.

    "Don't tell me what I already know, I risked my life constantly to complete the world em and thousands of other peopel are trapped in, this is why I prefer working alone, as a Soloer, I don't have to worry about other people." He said and placed his swords away, walking by Tsukasa.

    "What about your ring then? Is that just false commintment or is it you are hiding your emotions?" he said and and Kirito's swung his sword at Tsukasa head but the man merely brought up the Ride Booker in Sword Mode to stop the attack. "What do you know about fighting your life?! Knowing that if you die, it's the end for you!"

    "Because I did die, once, in the Rider War, I fought and fought against every Rider who wanted to kill me and I was all alone, just so I could survive, the Destroyer of Worlds, that's what I was called. but one of my friends ran me though because I willingly chose to die." tsuaksa said, his eyes staring at Kirito's a no emotion behind them. "I don't remember how I could fight or where I came from, I searched for my own World but I'm always rejected in every World I come across, this place is most likely the same, I'll keep fighting, to discover my answers and continue my story, that's what I am, a passing through Kamen Rider, remember that." he said and pushed Kirito's back and walked to distance himself as Kirito stared at his sword in silence.


    Ankh received the cut but surpsingly, blood wasn't drawn but rather silver huge Medals that some were sliced in half and he reverted to human form with strange guantlet still attached to his right arm. "Now that Orange is out of it, will anyone tell em where we are?"


    SHotaro just nodded at Remilia's question.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
    Hmmm gonan have go christmas-y too.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 29, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  3. StardustXtreme
    Same here.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme
    Masaru didn't flinch from the casual projectile thrown at him since it went by so fast but eh listened to the woman's reasons and Ittoki and Kuroi's decided roles along with Mya suggesting two groups, that did sound very reasonable, Ittoki seemed to want to eb with Elise, well his choice really and to have Kuroi in his team which the fellow male seemed to be taken aback by.

    "We probably find another group of monsters and test whose best in their areas, that way, if we do fight the Boss, we aren't at a disadvantage and become comfortble with our specified roles, that sound alright?" he asked them.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme


    As soon as the three pillars of wood, formed, Yuri ran fowards, a light surrounding his body and in his place as the light died, was the most peculiar creature that seemed to be based on it's heaviness and he pinned Goku down with a grunt.


    Kirito was about to be squashed and he knew knew it and he raisded his sword ina stabbign motion to pierce Luffy's inflated arms, rannign alongside it before leaping back and the rubebr man planned on chomping him but he used the inflated body to jump back quickly and he opene dup the menu quickly, he needed ten seconds and found the Skill, activating it as he ran forward, a second sheathed sword appeared on his back but the sword a surisningly green as he withdrawn it witha scream and sliced at Luffy's torso.

    "Forgive me, Luffy... Starburst...Stream!" He said with a grunt at teh pressure of Luffy's attacks but his swords glowed with a white light as he gave Luffy a cross-slash with the swords before unleashign a assault of slashes upon Luffy. "Faster! More faster!" He screamed in his mind, even when hit by Luffy with a fist, he gasped and almost let go fo his swords haad he not reverse gripped them and his speed was becomign unatrual for a human body but as soon a sLuffy grasped one of the swords, with the new sword he withdrawn, he gave out a scream and sliced upon the Rubber Pirate.


    Ankh gave a scoff at the red coated man's arrival and his hand created a fireball, shot at Ichigo. "Save your petty desire for later."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme


    Harold was deep in thought as marvelous left them to check in the Cabin for the Ranger Keys as Yuri gave a shrug and Harold quickly followed after the Captain as they stood in the room.

    "We're leaving Hogwarts, Marvelous, I need you to be the Secret Keeper for the Galleon." He said and Marvelous looked at him. "What is that?" And Harold briefly explained the workings of the Fidelius Charm and Marvelous nodded, the procredure taking a about ten minutes and the GokaiGalleon was now invisible, intangible, unplottable, and sound-proof.

    "you better have Gai take that Charm for the GoZYuDrill." Marvelous suggested and Harold nodded, walking to find the Sentai fanboy.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme
    [quote="Myst, post: 3974947, member: 54124


    Naruto's eyes began to glow red as well. He rose from his place. "All of us have been betrayed." Luffy spoke as well with the same mystic glow. "Not let one man get in our way." Naruto signed his shadow clone technique creating 5 copies, 2 of which were missing from the battle field. One clone charged at Minato while the two behind him began to form a Rasengan.
    Luffy blew into himself and hit feet became large breaking the sand that had stopped him. His arms began to stretch as he aimed for Kirito once again, releasing the elastic.



    "When I have fallen and collapsed..." His glow turned black again. He vanished, elbowing Collette in the back of the head then put his hand on Alucard's back getting ready to blast him into rubble.



    Ichigo looked over at Altair. "Seep through my will and increase my stats." He disappeared and reappeared in front of Roxas and Altair, swinging his sword below them creating a large wave of energy that would strike him, and the others like Hermoine and such. After that he warped above them all getting ready to release his bankai's special attack.[/quote]


    Ankh looked over his shoulder and was forced to the ground as he raised his gaunlet. "Such a troublesome pest!" he said a shsi body was covered in many silver medalioons and hsi form changed completely and he took to the skies, and slamme dinto Ichigo, dragging him down to the ground, causing a explosion to occur.


    Kirito's eyws widened but with his blakc sword still drawn, he moved with a speed that wasn't human, msot liekly, from the game system and avoided the strenchy arms, coming closer to Luffy.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme
    Masaru looked at the new arrival that annoucned her presence, she was certainly a sight to behold with that blakc hair and eyes as green as emerald but he wasn't lettign his mind wander into hormone world as he considered the roles Mya helpfully pointed out, a DPS, a Attcker and Defender along with a Healer, however, Magic wasn't supported in this game since it focused on Weapons only.

    "You'll be a Healer then Meerna? If that is where you think you'll help best in the battle against a Boss, then I'll believe you." he said and looked to Kuroi, Elise, Ittoki and Mya and the new girl.

    "I think Elise should be recommended as a Healer, I hope it doesn't offend you in any way when I say that, Ittoki, you did take a serious blow during the fight and was reduced to the Yellow Zone and forced us to use a Healing Potion, but I think we should use those sparingly, because most likely, they'll be expensive later on since our HP is a sign of our life." he said, actually pointing out a few things.

    "Not that it's your fault Itokki but it's just a idea, I didn't get any damage proabaly because I grasped the basics and adapted to the system quickly enough, and before anyoen asks, no, I'm not a Beta Tester, if I was, my armour would most liekly be different than the Starting Armour everyoen else gets." he said, not coming off as rude or anything or putting his skills in everyone's faces.

    "Sorry for ignoring you Miss, but I can see you don't have any other Members, did you go at this Dungeon alone?" he asked Star, he was curious as to why she went at this alone when the risks would be high, sure, being a Soloer meant more Col and Experience but ti carried teh risk of you dying more quickly, only way you could be that confident is if you truly trust in your skills.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme
    Masaru took note of the what Mya and Meena said and it was argeeable and nodded. "Good idea, but if any of us were Beta Testers, it might be a different story." He trailed off, most people didn't like them a sthey did take most of good grind spots and left others behind, mos tof which enver played the game before, but many people would adjust toa game's system eitehr quickly or slowly depending on how fast their mind adapts and it does help when you play RPG's, eahc with their own battle systems but it's also a common concept, but with ullDive technology, you coudl mvoe anywhere you wanted.

    "The boss can only attack only attack one player at a time, but a party allows multiple targets, what if we..." he trailed off his thoughts and spoke up. "A boss can attack everyone in a Party correct? I was thinking, what if we split into teams of two or three and then, when one party attacks, the other can take over, constantly switching it's attention to the attacker." He asked them, he just wanted to hear what their opinions would be.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme

    ~GokaiGalleon Deck~

    Marvelosu and Harold turned around immedaitely after Joe's save and Marvelosu pulled out his Gokai Sabre and Gun as harodl produced his wand. "I thought you said this guy wasn't gonna bother us anymore." He said to harold who was confused. "He shouldn't Hogwarts is under the Charm so therefore, he shouldn't even see the castle, let alone the ship, unless someone decided to tell him the full anme of this place and revealed it." Harold said in irritation, he swore, he'll make the person who decided to bring DOppelganger back here a miserble hell.

    "Worry about that later, right now, it seems it wants to finish the job, anything that is valuable here?" Yuri asked, guantlets equipped and marvelous kept his eyes on the foe. "Only things there is here is just the Galleon itself and....the Ranger Keys." Marvelous thought.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme
    Looks like Tsukasa is gonna meet Ryuki and Knight from Ryuki Series amd Kamata again, even though Kamata's ass was handed to him, I'll be bringing in Daiki Katio as I reserve him.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme

    ~ Beach~

    Kirito was surpise dby naruto and luffy sudden change in personailty before Minato knocked his son unconcious and the kazekage stopping Luffy with layers of sand, he didn't feel any different which was strange. "What coudl cause them to say those words?" he asked in confsion.

    ~Evil Goku~
    Yuri noted Goku's sudden change of ways and stood in front of Colette, his back to her. "Stay back, this doesn't feel like the guy we all know, he could be posessed or some-" he said and shoved Colette aside before his right arm was severed completely off by a disc of energy from the Evil Saiyan and he didn't scream or yell and he looked down as Asbel gasped and ran to slice the disc or energy coming back.

    "...Not again." Yuri muttered and he picked up his severed limb as he wasn't bleeding profusely like aay normal human should and he placed it at his stump and before everyone's eyes, the arm reconnected, even the clothes were mended withotu a scratch. "A perk of mine, last time someone done this to my arm, it was a tiny scythe demon, I don't make this a habit." he said and stared at Goku.

    "I'll kick his ass to lollipop lane and bring him back to normal."

    SHotaro felt fear overcome his body and he fell to his knees, he only experienced this once, with the Terror Dopant and he gasped for air and he was shaking. "Wh-what... is with this...pressure?" he asked anyone.

    ~Vs Ichigo~

    Before Zangetsu could cut Hermione, a fireball came from nowhere and paused the youth as a man witha combed hairstyle and a strange red gauntlet on hsi right hand and he causally walked forward. "Sorry, but I need someone alive to tell me where I am." he said rather snidely and stood in front of Hermione.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme
    We need a pipe bomb.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme
  16. StardustXtreme
  17. StardustXtreme

    ~GokaiGalleon Deck~

    Marvelous gave a smirk at the battle going on. "How nostalgic." he said at the outcome of the fight is going at and Harold blinked. "Fight the same power with the same power huh, that is a good idea on...who is he anyway?" He asked and Marvelous crossed hsi arms.

    "Ikari Gai, a fan of Super Sentai, he's a Earthling though, at first I was recluant to have him join the crew since the Zanygack Empire is relentless and he was a innocent human and he didn't have any good qualities we needed, btu he's knowledge on SUper Sentai teams does come in handy when the Bird's predictions are... not descriptive." He said to Harold.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Nov 26, 2012
  19. StardustXtreme
    OOC: Kaito handed Ittoki the pion Chie.

    Masaru nodded. "Good idea on the break." he said and put a hand to his chin in thought, the centaurs aloenwere a tougth adversary for the Party, apart from the oens who got injured, himself and Kuroi managed to get by without any damage, effectively utlitizing the Switch function, if they could only get by witha few scrapes with just Monster spawns, the Boss would most likely be on a higher level, but the question now was simple.

    "Do we risk fighting the boss with only most of us at 1-2 or hang back and use this moment to grind for more experience so we'd have a sligth advntage over it?" He thought to himself, weighing the options, in RPGs, he mostly prefered grinding 2-3 levels higher than the Boss to gain aslight advantage, provided he didn't cheat at the RPG for Max Level.

    "And if we do go for the Boss, it would mostly target one player at a time but maybe we shoudl spilt into a smaller group to gain a advantage over the Boss's attention, afte rlal, it's msot liekly it can attack Party members that are together." He pondered, he didn't as if any of them were Beta Testers either.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme
    Remember Persona 4? Shadows.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home