And Masaru considers himself the cause of the kid's death, great going, now is there gonna be romance between Star and Masaru? Maybe, but the more guilty party is Star herself since she dragged him without sayining so in a speed run and he didn't have time to tell her to stop, now they come back and find the scenario, maybe Masaru will most likely become a Soloer after the Dungeon or as Shiina will most likely never forgive them for running away.
Masaru was literally dragged by Star by the hand, not having time to say anything as she opened a window for a Party Invite, but he was still in the previous Party and she suggested they take on the boss themselves in a 2 Party like with everyone else, except... they weren't coming, now he was worried about the others, but what should he do? Go with the Beta Tester and clear the game or stay and help everyone else? "I'm sorry, but I want to go together with everyone I met, but... you're free to join us, I won't allow discrimation on Beta's, we're all in the same boat." he said to her and turned around to head back. "I won't force you but... that guy... I don't trust him and everyone else is just getting to grips with the game." He ran back but Star seemed to follow him and he caught the glimpse of the young boy's death, his eyes widened and he let out a cry, his sword drawn and sliced Masamune's back. "...How could you!? He was just a child! He had a whole life ahead of him!" He said with a angry tone and charged forward to deliever another blow, Masaru felt...guilty, he let someone die because of being taken away by Star and he probably wouldn't be forgiven for it, he was a newly appointed leader and he failed...
Well. damn, this will be blamed on Masaru and Star, unless the others run after Masaru and Star or we come back.
Hence, plot development.
Masaru watched everything occur and he raised his hand and placed it on Star's to stop her. "Even so, killing someone isn't right, Kayaba said Players die when their life hits zero, whenever that is true or not, I believe in it and just killing a PKer just makes you as bad as them, he'll answer for what's he done back we get back to the Real World." he said and removed his hand on hers. "But if it's to defend yourself, that is understandable, so please Masamune, leave us in peace, if not, I will have to ask you to leave by other means." He said rather politely, hsi hand resting on the hilt of his sword before noting two new arrivals. "I suggest you leave, we outnumber you greatly, we chose to come to this Dungeon for a reason, to clear the game like everyobne else, we all have people we want to get back to and nothing is going to stop us from achieving that goal so, all of us here will work together to defeat the Boss, I trust each and every one of them to help one another to clear this game, be it Beta Testerrs, Newbie or Exceptional Players, I trust them them to watch my back while I watch theirs in return,." He said rather firmly.
~Hallway of THE BOWSER!~ Aoi looked at Asuna who looked at him oddly with her plushie, asking if there's a exit out of here and if he knew where. "I've haven't seen a exit at all, and this is supposed to be a dungeon, it's most liekly is we go tot he end, we'll find the the boss, beat it and then we'll be warped out back to civilisation, oh and we see what Rank we get for the shortest time." he said and realised he didn't introduce himself. "Where are my manners? I'm Aoi, the CPU of Castfield." he said in a rather warm tone. ~SHotaro~ Shotaro chuckled a bit at Flandre's reaction and held his fedora. "At least there's some sanity here afater all." He thought to himself with a smile. ~Savannah: Kakashi's group~ Yuri heard the question about Shinobi, he enver personally met any back home, cloestest thing he got to as weird was Joachim Valentine wearing a butterfly mask and his persona takes a complete 180. "Never heard of Shinobi before, but I am skilled in healing, well, when i use Fusion to become a Creature of Light." he said, getting looks of uncertainy, "It's my ability, I can change into a Monster of a specfic Element, like Dark, Wind, Earth etc." he explained. ~Kirito~ Kirito stared at the rabbit. "I do have the Cooking Skill but what I cook is well... horrible, my wife's Skill level is Mastered on this kind of thing." he said sheepishly and Tsukasa looked at the food. "I could whip somethign up with this, I was the head of a Cooking Department in Blade's World." he said.
~Lowee, LET'S STRUGGLE! Oh wait, wrong game~ Blue Heart swiped at a few of the creatures and leapt back, pulling out a blue gun from seemingly nowhere, loadied with Fire Bullet as he fired a few rounds and he was blidnsided, groaning as he ran the sword through the monster' and pushe dit off, panting a bit. "I swear they aren't following the rules, they have wait for their turn before they can...oh damnit!" he said ins urprise and brought up hsi sword to block a attack as he was sent by in mid-air. "Turn based battle system? They don't give a damn about that, obivously not a Gamndustri monster." he duly noted, wielding hsi sword and gun in right and left hands respectully. "Come on then, I'll dual-wield your asses until you run." he said aloud. ~GokaiGalleon: bridge~ Marvelous couldn't very well leave, pilot the ship and that wonderful plot to follow.
Masaru noted the different coloured cursor above the newcomer's head and spoke. "We may be foolish but we chose this path because all of us have the desire to beat this game and return home, we know the risks invovled but we aren't going to back down from this." he said to the Red Players with a calm tone. "We work together to survive to progress further, so thank you for being concerned but it's unnessescary." He then looked to Star who openly admitted she was a Beta Tester, how would everyone else react to this infomation? "A Beta Tester are you?" he asked a she closed his eyes, most Beta's left to advance, leaving many newbies behind but she stayed on this floor, if her infomation was accurate, then it should be possible but a Beta Game and the worldwide version may have small differences. "If what you say is true Star, then I'll believe in your words." he said without hesitation, some may call him being to trusting or naive but that's just how he saw things.
~GokaiGalleon: Bridge~ Marvelous was annoyed, the revelation of the Treranger Box. "No-one stelas something while I'm Captain, those Keys are the symbol of the Earth's hope, if that enemy decides to summon all past Sentai Warriors to work for him like the last guy, we'll have to fight them all over again." he said annoyed. ~Lowee~ CPU Blue Heart didn't get a answer from the girls but he moved them off the thin ice and onto more safer ground before turning to look at the enemies, the Ebon Blades as he raised his sword. "Guess I got to handle these guys alone., oh well, it's a grinding session." he said in a clam tone and charged forward in midair.
~Bowsers Castle, a Event?~ Aoi was thinking of what direction he should mvoe to before being unceremiously, hit in the back or rather, something collided with his him and he turned to note what he saw, a chestnut haired woman wearing a armour similar to cosplaying and plushie that talked? Was this one of the rare special DLC events? It was likely, after all they weren't NPC's with no elegant character design. "Are you a client for a Share's profit or some extra Character that's a DLC?" He asked Asuna with a carefree attitute. ~Desert~ Ankh gave a light laugh. "Fight in their place? You remind of another idiot whose mind is like yours." He said in a annoyed tone.
Masaru heard Kuroi's nomination for himself and he rubbed his hair. "Alright, I guess me and Kuroi are Leaders, choose who you want to be with and join the Leaders, then, we'll go and fight the boss." he said and looked at them who had surprised looks. "As much as I don't want to go into battle underleveled and we're just newbies, I don't fancy leaving anyone to die, escpecially peopel who go at it alone, even if they are a Beta Tester, we are all in the same boat anyway." he said to them.
~Steering WHeel~ Marvelous heard Basco's shout and he activate dteh thrusters as the Galleon quickly moved from Hogwarts, Gai's GoZyuDrill followng behind as in the Interior, Harold cast the Reducto Curse to kill the other remainign Vahsta Nerada ~Lowee, Treading on Thin Ice~ A blue haired youth shivered at the cold but he took note of soem females standing on ice, more tot he point, ice over a lake in which a battle occured since his Landmass just recently made contact with Lowee and looking for someone to point him to the Basilcom and gain a audience with Lady White Heart, sadly, there were no NPC's to help him so he doen the next best thing, wander around and now he came upon this scene. "...Well, there's something you never see everyday." his thoughts concluded and now, he figured he'd have to save them but hwo shoudl eh go about it? "Well, not on foot, ice would probabaly break and we'd be stuck underneath, guess I got to transform and save them." he thought and brought out a blank R/V Disc and transformed in a flash of brillant light Spoiler "CPU Blue Heart makes his entrance!" he said with a introduction and he hovered over to the girls. "Excuse me, but you need a life out of this...predicament?" he asked them.
~Savannah~ Kirito heard somethign about wives and he remember Asuna, looking his hsi ring as Tsukasa looked at Luffy. "You sure that small thing is going to enough to feed us all?" he asked amused. ~Savannah PT2~ Yuri nodded at Colette's apology about what he said as he noted Yamato's stare at Alucard and he walked beside him, obivously not bothered by the new arrival. ~Bowsers Castle, Hallway~ All was quiet in the castle until a door came down and out peeked a blue haired youth who looked around, previously, he was minding his own business at home and now, he ended up in a room with well, practically, dungerons and he spoke. "Well, out of the Dungeon and into the Safe Point." he said, he didn't get a S Rank for this either. "Okay, now where to go? Should I just blow a hole in the castle and escape or... look around and see if there's anything worthwhile like a cool Item."
~Beach-Savannah~ Tsukasa took the no answer from Kazekage as a sign he taken what he said before to heart and Kirito did as well and recalled Luffy talking about a similar person who used two swords but never spoke about it so he could calm down and get his breathing steady once again. ~Savannah: Kakashi's Group~ Yuri walked up to Colette and bent down, becoming eye-levelled with the young girl. "It doesn't matter if you are a angel, a demon or even something that isn't human, the point is, you're hurt." He said and gave a sigh. "Let me tell you, keeping everything to yourself is only going to make things more difficult for everyone." He said to her rather seriously. "I knew a woman who was in pain and she didn't tell anyone, even when the world was at stake and she died not too long after, she was..." His eyes looked distant and emotional as he continued. "My lover, she took the curse I was meant to have and her soul was devoured, I literally dug her grave...with my own hands." He stood up and looked down on her. "That's why, you should never keep things to yourself, otherwise, it's just going to make everyone else sad." ~Desert~ Ankh merely watched as the group continued their squabble.
You are now Godly. Heroes Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood) Jaden Yuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces) Meta Crisis Doctor (Doctor Who) Yuri Hyuga (Shadow Hearts & Shadow Hearts: Covenant) Captain Marvelous (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger) Shotaro Hidari (Kamen Rider Double) Kirito (Sword Art Online) Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade (Kamen Rider Decade) Ankh (Kamen Rider OOO) Villains Lamda (Tales of Graces Daido Katsumi/Kamen Rider Eternal (Kamen Rider Double) Paradox (Yu-Gi-Oh! Bonds Beyond Time) Anti-Heroes Vergil (Devil May Cry 3) Oh yeah... I made a Anti-Hero Section I reserve~ Reserves Yu Narukami (Persona 4 Golden/Arena) And now I'm bringing a OC in. Username: StardustXtreme Character Name: Aoi Gender: Male Appearance: Spoiler - Normal - CPU/HDD Form Age: Unknown as CPU's don't seem to have a age Media they are based of: Hyperdimension Neptunia Additional Info: Aoi is fact a Male CPU of Gamindustri, governing the Landmass of Castfield (a pun of Dreamcast) but his Landmass didn't appear due to Arforie's schemes that sealed it away in a seperate dimension, however, thanks to Neptune defeating Arforie, it was meant to return to Gamindustri but Arforie in Mk2 had all if not, most of Castfield's Shares but once again, thanks to Neptune, it was freed and now the Landmass is returning. Aoi is actually a friendly individual to most people, even strangers but he can become focused on whatever is more important at the time, in battle, his personality is more serious and perhaps reckless in protecting others, especially in HDD mode but he still values his friend's lives over his own body, most people would call him crazy for it but he believes in what he does is right. His CPU Form is actually a God, Blue Heart and a personfication of the Dreamcast console as teh other CPu's are modeled after the other Consoles. Aoi also actually keeps up his Landmasses's dreaded paperwork very well but on weekends, he takes teh days off to do whatever isn't considered work.
Username: StardustXtreme Character of Choice: Aoi Picture(optional): Spoiler - Normal - CPU/HDD Form Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Hyperdimension Neptunia OC Additional Info: Aoi is fact a Male CPU of Gamindustri, governing the Landmass of Castfield (a pun of Dreamcast) but his Landmass didn't appear due to Arforie's schemes that sealed it away in a seperate dimension, however, thanks to Neptune defeating Arforie, it was meant to return to Gamindustri but Arforie in Mk2 had all if not, most of Castfield's Shares but once again, thanks to Neptune, it was freed and now the Landmass is returning. Aoi is actually a friendly individual to most people, even strangers but he can become focused on whatever is more important at the time, in battle, his personality is more serious and perhaps reckless in protecting others, especially in HDD mode but he still values his friend's lives over his own body, most people would call him crazy for it but he believes in what he does is right. His CPU Form is actually a God, Blue Heart and a personfication of the Dreamcast console as teh other CPu's are modeled after the other Consoles. Aoi also actually keeps up his Landmasses's dreaded paperwork very well but on weekends, he takes teh days off to do whatever isn't considered work.
Masaru was surprised at Ittoki's choice of nomination, but then again he shouldn't really be, after all he did point out various helpful suggestions which everyone seemed to agree despite there onyl met for proabbaly only an hour or so and he did have a grasp on the system mechanics. "Well, if everyone else wants me to be one, but honestly, I never considered myself as a leader or anything." he said sheepishly.
~Gokaigalleon~ As soon as Gai and Jeo were saved, marvelous headed for the Steering Wheel of the Galleon within the ship and set it for sailing, the shop moving forward, hoverign above GoZyuDrill and marvelous spoke over the Intercom. "Gai get your ship now, we're leaving!" he commanded and Yuri literally kicked Gai off the Galleon and with convienent plot power, gai amnaged to get in and nor be devoure dby the Vashta Nerada as teh galleon veered away from Hogwarts protecetd byt he Fieduels Charm and harold/Serneity with their combined power, actually made Marvelous Secret Keeper tot he GoZyuDrill. "What? Did you want to leave behind a ship which they can use against us?" Yuri asked them
~Beach-Savannah:~ Kirito was abotu to answer until Tsukasa stepped in. "You're right, people would usually save themselves before saving others." he stopped and raisted his hand, his index finger pointing to the others. "Sometimes, we fight for ourselves, using these hands but... with that same hand, we can reach out to grasp another's hand, when that happens, we may be weak... even foolish but we're not alone...that's when people become a team!" he said, giving the Kazekage a firm stare. "Tsu-Tsukasa-san..." Kirito said in surprise at the revelation he gave them. ~Desert~ "Pretending to be innocent huh? You tried to kill us all Orange." ANkh said to ichigo. ~Savannah-~ Yuri was puzlled by Goku's forgetting what happened and what did he meant by turning into a Ape? Xion voiced this question and he spoke. "You were all blonde spiky hair and given us all a hard time, Colette is a result of what you apparently don't remember, you aren't a Haromixer like me, that's for sure." he said and moved his right a bit, as if it was aching. "Thanks a bunch for severing my right arm to the elbow, I'm glad I am what i am that can reattach my limbs." he said in a grunt.
alot to remember