~Savannah~ Yu was confused as to what the female meant by Aeons, did she mean the Aeon Arcana? It was possible but he enver personally told anyone about the Arcana otherwise they'd just look at him in confusion or awkwardness a steh young man he saved with ZIanagi asked him who he was and he placed a hand on his hip. "Yu Narukami, Second Year at Yasogami HIgh, and you are?" He asked them very poiltely, no doubt his Expression being Enthralling to them.
Masaru nodded at Star's question, she was giving him a Silver Lion set it would seem, true it had reliiable defebse stats for protection, not cloth armour to say the least but it was better than wearing casual clothes and become very vulerable in the tradeoff, this however would help he greatly. "This'll do nicely, it's better than just being dressed in normal clothes." He said and looked at her. "How much Col do you want for this?" He asked her, he had a decent amount of it to say the least so money wasn't an issue in this case, especially when you are a Soloer who reaps all the benefits.
Masaru watched the match with interest before noting a messege sent by soemone named Chuuya? The person seemed impressed with the fight they shown, he would reply but he wanted to keep his eyes on the fights and see their figthing styles, Shiina was adaptnig to the fight by aiming for the ribbon but ti was obivous, there were facing Kaito and Hayden who seeme djust as eager to go after the ribbons, perhaps it was because the Guild Leader herself partaken in the tournament. "WIth Shiina's familars, they cover more ground and technically, it's 4 person team against 2 so Shiina can use her fmailar to blow off attacks and input her own counterattack while Scarlet seems to be putting more effort into her swings with moutmentum and add a more powerful impact to her attacks, thus theya re using distraction and force rather effectively." He thought and turned his eyes to Hayden and Kaito. "These two on the other hand, are probably anixous of fightign a Guild Leader who woudl have alot of skill to back he rup so they aren't workign together with one another as efficently , all they are focusing is deflectign whatever attacks come in and hope to grab the ribbon in a desperate attempt... I would probably focus my efforts in this fight upon the familars since thye have their own HP bars, if they get into Red Zone, Shiina will have not much choice but hang them back to heal or keep them safe which allows that time to attack her ina double team, then grab her ribbon, but this is their fight." He thought to himself.
~Avengers~ SHotaro noted the Double Driver appear on his wiast as his partner telepathically spoke about a new Rider, WIzard apparently, he did know OOO since he teame dup with him against Kamen Rider Core combined with the Memory Gaia Memory and the Black Core Medals and when Foundation X was up to no good again by extracting Cosmic Energy from Meteroites for their own evil deeds and also, teaming up with Fourze in the process, it seemed WIzard was the new Rider. "I see, another Rider huh..." He thought in surprise, here he couldn't do much. ~Desert~ Yu approached the group, he knew he wasn't anywhere near Yasoinaba or in the Tv World yet somehow, he was able to manifest his Persona abilites easily, was this world similar to the Midnight Channel maybe? Teh oozelings weren't any type of Shadow he went up against and none of the Investigation Team were around either so he couldn't rely on Rise's help for infomation where they were. ~Savannah~ Ankh grave a snide look away from Malfoy. "You humans are so easily frightened." he said and looked at his gaunlet appendge and looked at the others. "I'm looking for a idiot, Hino Eiji, have any of you come across him?" he asked them
~GokaiGalleon bridge~ Harold heard AHim's question, he have a bit of a headache from Hermione's willing intrusion to meet Serenity in his head and spoke. "Just a bit, we've been literally hard pressed by Doppelganger, he has a fragment if Hermione's soul and who knows what other abilites he has at his disposal, it's like we're fughting ourselfves and knows eveyr move to corne rus effectively, now he has these 'Keys' and who know what he'll do with them." He said to her as Marvelous spoke. "Most likely he'll use them as his henchmen, Basco and the Black Cross King did." he pointed out.
Masaru looked to Star, he knew she could forge weapons and armour as evidenced by her shop, he didn't have as much of a high level in forging either, he would mainly have to get his armour from drops, especially when he was a Soloer as to give him the bonus of Last Attack, but he doubted they could leave for him to get new armor and his other items were just the same Heavy Weighted scheme, bulky and slow but providing a good defense. "Star, have you got anything that's light and very durable? I think I'm going to need to emphasize on agility in the next round we fight, that way, I can fully utilize your new sword, Dream Eater to it's full potenial because most of my other armor is just heavy aand bulky to the point where it would slow me down." He said to her.
Actually, I believe this subtle appearance is a call-out to the previous titles that were made to siginfy how far Yu-Gi-Oh! has come along in it's time, escpecially when they already had their 10th anniversary by making Bonds Beyond Time. After all, in the Statue Duel, it was a homage to the popularity of Yu-Gi-Oh with Blue Eyes and Dark Magician respectively along wit other ntoable Statue monsters such as Neos, Flame Swordsman, Anceint Gear, Red-Eyes etc. My guess is this actually is the future Yusei's hard efforts created the Xyz as Synchros initally lead to the World's Destruction by the Meklords as a alternative source, it does work similarly to Synchro Summoning but ina adifferent method.
Sword Art Online Episode 24... Damn Sugou's intentions and cheer for Kirito! I literally desired him to show Sugou a world of pain, but now, it seems there's only 1 episode left sadly, but still, I'm happy to have found this Anime and follow it through, this will be proabbaly be one of my favourite 2012 Anime to date and will remain a favourtie. I may just have to plan on getting the manga and some merchindise, now many of the other anime I seen gave me such a huge impact on it, apart from Pokemon and Digimon. But all I can say is, Thank you A-1 Pictures for producing this show and to Tomohiko Ito with Director and finally Yuki Kajiura the with music, character design by Shingo Adachi and art direction by Takayuki Nagashima and Yusuke Takeda and sound direction by Yoshikazu Iwanami. True it's sad there's only 1 episode seemingly left but the manga issues take a lengthy amount fo time to be drawn as, so it's most likely Gun Gale Online will be either an OVA title along with UnderWorld, but I think production will be held off until the manga can go further along the plot so filler episodes are created.
~before the other matches~ Masaru breathed a deep breath as ittoki forfeited the team and returned Kuroi's Katana before he went to find his partner and he walked with Star to the Spectator's Box to watch the other fights. "Guess I'll need a new outfit before we fight again." he said in a embarassed tone, he wnated something light at least, bulky armour was alright but he wnated to emphazise on speed with Dream Eater, perhaps he could ask Star to forge him a coat or something. As soon as Team 28 and 11 were called to face off, he decided to watch this one.
Just waiting on Chie's post.
Maybe, I do know that you got to take damage at some point, hence I actually allowed Masaru to be stabbed and attack at close range and showcase his Unique Skill, but now, he actually had to trade off his notable Golden Armour for it to work and fight in casual clothing but since there's not such a heavy armour equipped, he's lighter and faster as a bonus.
Masaru was stabbed through teh torso, gagging a bit as his HP was going down but thanks to his Mastered Battle Healing, he was healing 600 HP every 10 seconds and he grabbed Kuroi's wrist, effectively holding him in place despite having a sword lodged in him him and gave a serious look. "Thanks for all the damage, time to pay back in full, Absorption....Slash!" He cried out as his sword glowed red and he slashed upon him, deaing a massive amount of damage courtesy of taking so many hits, plus there were so close together, Kurou wouldn't dodge it and he let go of Kuroi's wrist and kicked him in the stomach to send him flying as he grabbed the sword in his, yanking it out as a red hole was shown he had damage and then his Golden Armour shattered, it's durabilty gone and he only wore his normal clothes from Star's shop. "What a shame... Oh well." he muttered, but Kuroi certainly taken a big amount of damage, possibly in the Red Zone if he was lucky and he noticed Star was being assasulted and he ran to save her, thanks to the bulky armor being gone, he was faster and he brought Kuroi's stolen Katana and Dream Eater in a Cross Guard in front of Star, blocking Ittok's rampage. "Sorry for being late Star, had a bit of a psycho moment." he apologized to his partner and pushed Ittoki back, his new skill was in cooldown to say the least but he had two weapons to wield now, because if he thrown Kuroi's sword away, it would be destroyed and pixelated like items. "It's two on one here Ittoki, I suggest you surrender quietly." He said to him.
~Plains~ Vergil raised an eyebrow and the two epople. "Phantoms? Gates? Wizards? What utter nonsense, Nothing of any Demon's I've seen, and they expect me shatter a human's hope's into despair to create this... 'Phantom' and return with this creature as if I'm their tool?" He thought to himself, he didn't like being controlled by others, Arkham was a testament to that, despite the fact he had to team up with his brash, cocky younger brother to defeat the man but Medusa and Phoenix left him with without a chance to answer. "And they did not direct me to their target either, how thoughtful, no matter, they'll regret seeing me as just a pawn for their purposes." he said and strided off in a direction, his blue coat blowing in the wind. ~Ruined City~ Marvelous waited patiently as Meta eyed his 4th Incarnation, oh the memoires of those times as him! ~Vs. TestBlazer~ Aoi noted the fire attack coming for them and he moved in front of it, a explosion occuring, hiding him from the view of his allie who cried out for the young youth they just knew briefly but the flames parted, revealing a different person who gave a serious calmed expression. "CPU Blue Heart has arrived!" He said, floating in midair and he brought out a blue gun similar to a certain Valentine witah triple barrel and he fired bullets of green. "Time for an all out attack!" He cried out, soarign at testBlazer, sword collided with the creature's body.
~GokaiGalleon Bridge~ Marvelous came to the bridge after putting the ship in Auto-Pilot when he heard the Go-Ongers Ranger Keys were taken, that was annoying, those Keys helped formed their Ultimate Combination with Machfalcon to form Kanzen GokaiOh, This menat they were stuck resorting to the Greater Powers of the other Keys to give GokaiOh different attacks until they coudl retrieve those keys. "At least they weren't all taken, if they were, we'd have another Sentai battle without the Goseigers helping us this time around, especially since we have all of the Sixth or Extra Ranger Keys, only thing we can do is get them back when it's possible." He admitted. "Well, I guess you can hermione, sicne you did ask permission first." Harold said to her.
Masaru's attack was blocked by ittoki's knives, obviously a good attempt at blockin and counterattacking while Kuroi was going for a sliding tackle, that was two attacks against one, but what could he do? "My Parry Skill is Mastered so I can deflect his attack and then...!" He thought and brought Dream Eater up to parry Ittoki's knives and ran by him jumping in the air and bring his sword down ina downward stabbign motion to stab Kuroi which he did mange to get a leg before jumping back for room, Star would handle Long Range to keep them deflecting any projectiles, they basiclaly had it covered while it seems Kuroia nd ittoki's strategy relied upon Switching, and it also depended on how long their weapons would last for, Dream Eater was a newly forged sword so he didn't have to hold back, but Kuroi's katana and Itttoki's daggers or such may not be such good condition.
Masaru looked at Star and heard she plan and he nodded in ressponse, Ittoky seemed to be the Long Range Fighter while Kuroi was a clsoe range, just like him and Star had given them a tough counterattack and he decided put his Mastered <<Spirint>> skill to use and charged in a blinding speed at Kuroi, Dream Eater drawn and moved hsi body ever so slightly just for Kuroi's sword to barely miss the Golden armour and Dream Eater's blade comign dangerously close to the opponent's face.
~vs Oozelings~ Jaden commanded Neos to force the Oozelings ad Edward used a kick to send his back as the newcomer motioned his hand forward as Izanagi knocked quite a feww on top of the Oozelings and another card floated card in front of him. "King Frost!" He clenched his hand, shattering the card coated in blue flames as Izanagi disappeared and a new creature appeared as it waved it's staff, freezing the ozzeling's together. ~Grassy Plains~ Vergil approached the two villians who named themselves Phoenix and Medusa. ~Bowser's Catle~ Aoi sliced upon the Testblazer.
Probably best, a Team of Rangers they are workable with is a advantage.
Only team that had Seven Members at one time was RPM (Engine Sentai Go-Onger) with the Red, Blue, Black, Green and Yellow with Go On Wings being Silver and Gold.
Yup, Christmas avatar and signature, woo!