Search Results

  1. StardustXtreme
    Accepted, MoK, you may want to add personality to your first character, Keel and may I ask you to name where your power's originate as in show name as well?

    Here is mine.

    Username: StardustXtreme
    Character of Choice: Tahiko
    Age: 17
    Personality: A calm-headed youth who just keeps his distance from forming relationships, afraid of being hurt by others but when he forges a relationship with that person, he will go to any lengths to ensure their survival.
    Picture/Appearance: [​IMG]
    The Character’s Power is from: Guilty Crown (The Power of using People's hearts as a weapon)
    Backstory: A quiet iindividual who is afraid of forming bonds with people but he just keeps a fair distance from others, before he was brought into this starnge world, Gamore decided to gift with the power to use People's Hearts as weapons as a way to form bonds with people, even though Tahiko never saw the show this power orginated from.
    Additional Info: None.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme

    Harold stared at Patroklos with a unyielding stare. "Get in line, I already got a Dark Lord wanting to kill me along with his little groupie squad of Death Eaters, trust me you won't be the last person in line to threaten me." He said and continued. "Sword of Godric, heed my call." He said as the Sword of Godric Gryffindor magically appeared in his hand and he kept it at his side.

    "Now, I will ask one more time, stop this senseless fighting inside Hogwarts, anywhere else is fine, but not in here." He said calmly.

    ~New Boss Battle?~

    Aoi gasped and ducked from the wild scythe swinging from the deranged man and brought his sword up to hold the weapon at bay. "What did I ever do to tick you off?!" He grunted and pushed Hidan back and he jumped back, giving him more space. "Because I really don't know who you are, are you like some mini-boss before the climax of this dungeon level?" He asked him.

    ~Takuya, Aqua and Ven~

    Takuya along with Ventus looked at the small boy who appeared before them. "No way... Tommy?" He asked in surprise.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme


    Harold looked at Gilgamesh who called out to him for daring to interupting the King, whatever he meant by that, harold was clueless, one thign was for certain, he wasn't about to allow a bloodbath to occur in Hogwart's halls between all thsee fighters. "I do dare in fact, and don't get all arrogant and think you're entitled to this, This place is actually a school for Witches and Wizards to learn, if this school goes back with blood splattered walsl or signs of a huge battle going on, people would think a powerful Dark Lord came in here and wouldn't feel safe enough, already we had a bad enough near school closure from the Basilisk, would you all dare to interfre with children's futures by closing this school because of your desire to kill one another?" he asked Gilgamesh and the Saber's present.

    "Because if you do choose to continue, I as the current Heir to this castle won't hesitate to use force to remove you from this school, so Merlin help me to ensure young and old genreations of this school continue their education." he said with very neutral tone, arms crossed at his chest, his green and yellow eyes radiaiting a defiance and magical power behind them.


    Aoi nodded and followed Blanc into the tube

    ~Libarary of Lowee~

    Books were left aroudn the place, some left open as Johnny Five was reading through them ata bizarre rate, already he learnt of CPU's Landmasses, Monsters to his wealth of knowledge, his desire for input literally out of control, he even learn how stock markets or any other things worked, if one coudl see the mess right now, they'd think some burglar ransacked the place.


    BM eyed the female, Morrigan her name was. she certainly had a ...seductive appealling look to her. "Sweet Sin, I can see her cleavage!" He thought joyously to himself, life was good now but he brought hismelf back to reality sadly. "Black Mage Evilwizardington, Murderur, man of explosions, offering innocent lives to wonderful Deity, Chaos for more power, oh and I'm single as a....staff." he introduced himself.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme

    ~Hogwrats, the Duel~

    The big castle doors opened upon the sight of the Servant's all out rumble as Marevlous and harold stood from outside and saw the...rumble as Marvelous spoke. "It's all here isn't it Potter?" he asked him as Harold nodded and gave a deep breath and walked in alongside the Captain. "Then let's stop this, last thing the Minsirty of old Dumbles needs is a ruined school." Harold said and from his under hsi cloak, a wand appeared and put it to his throat. "Sonorus." he said and nwo his voice was a resounding megaphone and he spoke. "In the name of Godric Gryffindor and Hogwarts, I, Harold James Potter-Peverell-Gryffindor, heir to this castle order you all to cease this fight immediately!" he called out as his voice echoed along the halsl and a clap fop thunder occured above the combatants to emphaize the point.

    ~Lowee Forest~

    AOi looked at blanc. "Well, you know where you are right now Blanc? because I don't, plus it's cold as well... a tundra here." He asked the Lowee CPU.


    Yuri looked at the woman, he felt the monster's souls stir inside him, almost perhaps....revelling to see such a being but he felt the God of Wrath inside him and the Seraphic Radiance remain quiet which was unusual, but then again, he enve rpersonally commuicated with his Fusions.


    Black mage looked at the Female. "Are you another one of those peopel working for the fisherman?" he asked her, refering to Narutaki.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 31, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme
    Plus the Manga takes a long amount of months to be created and then produced.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 31, 2012 in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. StardustXtreme
    Humanity’s Judgement

    Story: Meet the one who judges all, Gamore and is very intrigued by humanity’s ideas, such as animation, video games and books and wonders what may happen if these humans were worthy to be granted the power to do what their heroes could do and adapt to the reality of the situation, so he selects a group of youths to partake in a fight against minor dark forces from various realities in a separate world while informing them the Earth hangs in the balance to motivate them to win when really, it wasn’t at stake.

    But Gamore is not so unkind as to let powerless humans be killed off so easily, so he grants each of them one power/ability from their video games, anime or books to use as their own.

    Little did they know, another being, Void is descending upon this battle who believes anything he deems worthless in his eye shouldn’t exist such as petty, weak humans and decides to actually summon villains from various titles to eliminate the summoned youths after they entered the battlefield, especially since these villains can now command the minor forces now, the battle can’t be stopped until one side wins, if the youths win, Earth can exist and carry on as it should but if Void wins, Humanity will cease to exist.

    Will you take up the courage to defend your home and live on or will you let it fall to ruin and cease to be what it once was?


    Number 1: No godmodding, the heroes and villains are still prone to exhaustion while both parties are capable of hitting one another at some point, the more tired you get, the less reaction time you’d have to defend yourself and more likely to get hurt.

    Number 2: No overpowered characters, let’s say for example, a character gains Goku’s powers for the fight and is able to fire the Kamehameha Wave or go Super Saiyan but after the transformation cancels after a set amount of time and give exhaustion or makes your character dizzy.

    Number 3: Romance is allowed but please keep things at PG-13, kissing and hugging is acceptable but anything further than that is not okay.

    Number 4: Post at least a minimum of 10 words for all posts.

    Number 5: Waiting, everyone gets a turn to post at least once instead of mostly talking back and forth between two people’s characters.

    Number 6: Please go to OOC Thread for Character or Plot development instead of posting in the RP Thread.

    Number 7: Yes, Villains from any title you can think of will partake in this fight, of course, they won’t be as overpowered from their original shows but still pose a serious threat.


    Username: Your KH-Vid’s name obviously!
    Character of Choice: The name of your character
    Age: Your character’s age.
    Personality: Your characters attitude etc.
    Picture/Appearance: You may use any images, description or use GaiaAvatar to create your own personal characters.
    The Character’s Power is from: The one power/ability from an Anime, Video Game, Books, etc.
    Backstory: What your character’s story so far is about.
    Additional Info: Any extra pieces you want to add.

    ~Character List~
    Character of Choice: Keel Striker
    Age: 17

    Picture/Appearance: [​IMG]
    The Character’s Power is from: Tasha Godspell
    Backstory: Born an mercenary he spends most of his time wandering from place to place looking for something to do.
    Additional Info: While he has acess to multiple guns, he only uses the stronger who if needed.

    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Character of Choice: Xross Hex
    Age: 18
    Personality: As someone who can come off cold, he’s really a nice guy if you get to know him.
    Picture/Appearance: [​IMG]
    The Character’s Power is from: Jin Kisaragi

    Backstory: Given his swords by his father, he was raised to believe that the blades chose him to be their wielder. Since then he’s become a vigilante, helping those who he sees needs it.

    Additional Info: Only one of the blades had Yukianesa’s powers

    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Character of Choice: Ren Yuuki
    Age: 18
    Personality: In a few words, Ren is a loner. He rarely works with others and will reject others help most of the time.
    Picture/Appearance: [​IMG]
    The Character’s Power is from: Allen Walker
    Backstory: Born with a cursed arm Ren was labeled an outsider by everyone around him. It came to the point where he started shutting people out himself. He would stay far away from groups of people and do things on his own.
    Additional Info: He lost his left eye in a fight
    Character of Choice: Luna
    Age: 17
    Personality: Cheery, nice, funny, but serious in a battle.
    Picture/Appearance: [​IMG]
    The Character’s Power is from: Lucario from pokemon. Can manipulate Aura and use it to fight
    Backstory: Luna is pretty much addicted to Pokemon, but she's played in quite a few tournaments and won. Her favorite Pokemon is Lucario
    Additional Info: Any extra pieces you want to add.

    Username: StardustXtreme
    Character of Choice: Tahiko
    Age: 17
    Personality: A calm-headed youth who just keeps his distance from forming relationships, afraid of being hurt by others but when he forges a relationship with that person, he will go to any lengths to ensure their survival.
    Picture/Appearance: [​IMG]
    The Character’s Power is from: Guilty Crown (The Power of using People's hearts as a weapon)
    Backstory: A quiet iindividual who is afraid of forming bonds with people but he just keeps a fair distance from others, before he was brought into this starnge world, Gamore decided to gift with the power to use People's Hearts as weapons as a way to form bonds with people, even though Tahiko never saw the show this power orginated from.
    Additional Info: None.

    Character of Choice: Sakuya
    Age: 18
    Personality: A bit of a shy but adventrous spirit who is also very intelligence. Sakuya tries to make friends with everyone but she is too quiet to be heard. Her adventrous side is only shown when she feels brave enough, which tends to be very rare at times.
    Picture/Appearance: [​IMG]
    The Character’s Power is from: Kamen Rider OOO (changes into any of the Combos with the OOO Driver ad Scanner)
    Backstory: Sakuya is a girl who tries to make friends with others, but usually too quiet when she tries. She tends to mutter some things to herself and often hides her eyes behind the goggles she wears, which is a gift from her very first friend, who taught her most of her interests. When she came to the strange world, Sakuya chose to be like her favorite character and obtained the OOO Driver, Scanner, and all the Core Medals without a certain aftereffect.
    Additional Info: Has a notebook hidden in her coat, which contains most of her knowledge.

    Username: Myst
    Character of Choice: Dan
    Age: 19
    Personality: Mysterious, Unsocial, Quiet
    Picture: [​IMG]
    The Character's Powers Are From: The Pokemon known as Darkrai.
    Backstory: A boy that lives on his own. He invested a great deal of money from the death of his parents. With this he bought himself video games when he came across a Pokemon Game known as Diamond. He found an event which included his favorite Pokemon. He lives by himself not letting anyone get close to him.

    Username Myst
    Character of Choice: Kim
    Age: 17
    Personality: Happy, has a temper, shy
    The character's Power's are from: Kirby, so basically absorption and manipulation
    Backstory: A normal girl who loves to dress up in anything comfortable. She has a secret that many don't know and that is she is a Nintendo gamer. Specifically a lover of Kirby. Nothing really wrong happens to her. She has a peaceful life, as of now that is.

    Username: KHGrl15
    Character of Choice: Katrina
    Age: 17
    Personality: She's brave and courageous.She can be silly at times but when it gets down to it, she can be serious when she has to be. Katrina is a kind, supportive, and caring girl.
    Picture/Appearance: [​IMG]
    The character's power is from: Zero no Tsukaima
    Backstory: Katrina was a royal knight in charge of protecting the one of the royal family members. Back then, she was sometimes mean and cold hearted. Over time, her heart melted a chunk of the ice she had inside her. One day she was sent to the royal dungeon for high treason against the royal family. She managed to escape with the help of a young man who was also locked in the dungeon. She went into hiding for a year and still is in hiding.
    Username: Roxam
    Character of Choice: Omar
    Age: 21
    Personality: Shy, yet very nice individual. Can get hot-tempered at times though.
    Picture/Appearance: [​IMG]
    The Character’s Power is from: A combination between the abilities of Altair, Ezio, and Connor from the Assassin's Creed series
    Backstory: Omar doesn't never had many friends. But he certainly valued the ones he did have. A fan of many things, including Assassin's Creed and Kingdom Hearts. Omar lives a rather boring life until one day, he was sucked in to some sort of game...
    Additional Info: Being a big Assassin's Creed fan, Omar crafted a tomahawk modeled after Connor's from Assassin's Creed 3, as well as equipping himself with a hidden blade in his left hand.

    Username: starseeker3
    Character of Choice: Shay
    Age: 25
    Personality: Kind, kinda shy, but a huge power in battle.
    Picture/Appearance: [​IMG]
    The Character’s Power is from: Kingdom Hearts
    Backstory: In the human world, he was a strong human. He was placed within the top five marshal artist bracket in his town. Being one of the strongest didn't go to his head, however. He continued to train, and it was the time of the next tournament when they were transported to this world. He normally did not fight with a weapon, but he obtained his sword in this world along with his powers, Seeing as his favorite weapon was the sword, as well as they were an extension of them. Acting like a wand. His powers are of nothingness, and it draws from his life force, as well as only being able to use them for twenty minutes, or it will cause him to die.
    Additional Info: He didn't look like he dose now before he received his powers. He looked more average, and kinda boring and unnoticeable in a crowd. Even with his wings he is still unnoticeable.


    Xenmas (Kingdom Hearts) (Played bu Aragorns)
    Ghetsis (Pokemon Black/White) (Played by Hero of Time)
    Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) (Played by StardustXtreme)
    Ryuhwan (Witch Hunter) (Played by Master of Keyblades)
    Zeikfried (Wild Arms) (Played by Smashfan)
    Kuja (Final Fantasy IX) (Played by WhiteRose-Aki)
    Majin Buu (DragonBall Z (Played by Myst)
    Discord (MLP:FiM) (Played by Roxam)
    Haytham Kenway (Assassin's Creed III) (Played by Roxam)
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Dec 31, 2012, 47 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme
    Eiji Hino/Kamen Rider OOO (Kamen Rider OOO)
    Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
    Captain Marvelous/GokaiRed (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade (Kamen Rider Decade)
    Noel Kriess (Final Fantasy XIII-2)
    Dean Stark (Wild Arms 5)
    Black Mage (8-Bit Theatre)
    Ventus (Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep)
    Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX/Dissida/Duodecim 012)
    Tidus (Final Fantasy X/Dissida/Duodecim 012)
    Shotaro Hidari & Phillip/Kamen RiderDouble (Kamen Rider Double)
    Tsunayoshi Sawada (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)Takuya Kanbara (Digimon Frontier)Narutaki (Kamen Rider Decade)
    Harold Potter (Alternate Universe Harry Potter)Gentaro Kisaragi/Kamen Rider Fourze (Kamen Rider Fourze)
    Haruto Souma/Kamen Rider Wizard (Kamen Rider Wizard)
    Yuri Hyuga (Shadow Hearts/Covenant)
    Aoi/CPU Blue Heart (Hyperdimension Neptunia OC)
    Johnny Five (Short Circuit 1 & 2)
    Yu Narukami (Persona 4: the Animation/Golden)
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 31, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme

    ~Lowee Forest~

    Aoi blinked at Neptune's words as his hand was shakened by her and such as Blanc asked the more appriorate question. "Guess Arforie's magic made Gamindustri forget about my landmass since it was sealed in a cut off dimension... Castfield is a landmass that existed probably teh same time Planeptune, Lastation, Lowee and Leanbox respectively, perhaps the previous CPU's of your landmasses knew them or tiem has passed by so much it was just forgotten." he said honestly.

    "And if you don't believe me Lady Purple Heart, I could transform here and now." he suggested to her
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme
    It was the second round of the tournament of the match-ups and it seemed their opponents were not any of the notable fights so far, masaru had to recall the two they'll be facing, they seemed to be nervous, probably because they saw him and Star partake in Round 1's First Match and managed to outdo Kuroi and Ittoki, or maybe it was because of their known titles, Star was a Beater and he was just a Soloer who was known pretty much on the front lines.

    "Guess we'll just to just clear this one and perhaps after that, grab a bite to eat." he suggested to Star as he approached the field with her, the two NPC's looked liek they were shaking from nerves.

    "Sorry, we're just following the rules." he said and withdrawn Dream Eater and one of them cried out. "We forfeit!" as Masaru blinked a few times to comprehend this. "...Guess that's that, how annoying." he muttered, sheathing Dream Eater, he was expecting the two NPC's to enjoy the fight like everyone else, maybe they just were so imitated by them.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme


    Harold gave Vexen a glance. "Haven't been updated due to focusing on warding the Galleon, but I can try to commuicate with Hogwarts." he said and closed his eyes, remaining silent for perhaps 5 minutes. "SHe's not happy to say the least, seems some people are fighting within her halls and she'd rather not have anyone fight in them." He muttered and drunk down the rest of the tea.

    "Better go and stop the bloodshed before anything else happens, last thing we need is potenial allies dying on us." he said and got up and Yuri stared at him. "You don't even know what to expect in there kid." he pointed out as Harold was about to descend the steps. "Hogwarts isn't so docile as to stand by, I'd rather not tick off a castle who is aware what happens inside her, besides, I'm an heir of Hogwarts, have to sort out this mess since our 'kind' headmaster is not in this world from what I can tell." he said and descended the steps as Marvelous was intrigued.

    "Kid's got guts, I like that, I'm going along with him." he said and followed Harold.


    Gentaro was moaning, he was all alone and somehow, ended up, in the forest and Tsukasa paused for a moment, holding up a hand as gentaro stumbled through bushes, looking worse for wear.
    "Gentaro-san!" Eiji said in surprise as Shotaro looked at the newcomer. "You look like you been through alot, is it just you?" He asked his fellow Rider, Eiji along with SHotaro and Phillip knew this person as they fought alongside one another against Lem Kkannagi of Foundation X as Gentaro was surprised. "it's you guys!" And Tsukasa was looked at the man.

    "And this is?" He asked as Phillip explained. "Kisaragi Gentaro, Kamen Rider Fourze." as Tsukasa stared at the youth and recalled his memeories, he did recall a space-suited Rider fighting against the Dai-Zanygack Empire where he and Marvelous coperated togetehr to bring them down along with all the Riders and Super Sentai.

    "So he's the latest Rider?" He asked Phillip and the man nodded as Gentaro pointed at him. "I am Kisaragi Gentaro and I will be Buddies with everyone I see!" he said with a rather determined tone and Tsukasa rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme

    Harold took the black tea and sipped it, finding it tasting wonderful actually. "Needed this alone more than you know." He said rather gratefully to Ahim and relaxed in the chair as if it was the best comfort possible.
    ~Lowee Forest~

    Aoi blinked and was surprised these two were two of the CPU's of Gamindustri, then again, do you usually see a purple haired hair with D-Clips? Not really but he actually believed them, plus this Vert and Noire most were Green and Black Hearts, but man was Blanc a foul mouthed woman when it could of been possible he didn't know her existence? Man was Arfoire a cruel woman to seal Castfield and his landmass into a sealed dimension.

    "Aoi, CPU of Castfield and Lord Blue Heart." He said rather politely to his...well I suppose Sisters?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme
    There's like one Natsuki I can recall.

    Natsuki Jinnouchi (Summer Wars)
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme

    ~Lastation, the Mage and the...Floating Cleavge?~

    Black Mage looekd at the odd sight that was approaching him, it was a woman... floating above the ground that was clearly defying the laws of gravity and BM's eyes widened a considerble amoutn at this revelation, but it was the Wizard Rider that narutaki shown him, perhaps she was one of those NPC's in a town that talked complete utter nonsense like those guards at Corneila.

    "Gotta seriously learn how to do that, then I'll be even more badass than before!" He thought to himself until registering the fact the woman was withina few footsteps in front of him. "Hubba...wubba...." His thoughts trailed off.

    ~Lowee Forest~

    Aoi caught their names and sat up, shaking off whatever snow he gotten on his person. "We're lost in these woods and all you can think of is food? What kind of person are you?" He said and shifted off more snow, notably mroe colder now his clothes were soaked from the ice. "Anyway, do you two have any idea where the Basilcom is? I need to visit Lady White Heart." He asked the two girls, unknownest to him, he was talking with the said person he was looking for with Planetune's CPU.

    ~Gokai Galleon~

    Marvelous had Harold apply the finishing touchings of the Fidelius Charm upon the Galleon and Marvelous himself was the Secret Keeper, the occuphants of the Galleon known the Secret so they weren't forcibily ejected from the premises as Harodl agve a sigh, wiping sweat of his brow.

    "Tough work kiddo?" Yuri asked him and harold sat in oen of the chairs offered. "Fidelius is one of the mroe complex and pwoerful forms of Charms, getting it done in that amount of tiem is no small feat, but thanks to em emmorizing notes and books I've studied, I can adapt on the fly, but now, Marvelous can only divulge the Secret directly to others, but it cna be found otu fi it's verbally spoken or written , so it's msot lieky I'll be putting more Defensive Wards on the Galleon to provide more protection." He said to him.

    "May have to do Blood Wards at some point, even if it may be classified as Dark Magic, I swear I'll need a good holiday after all this is over... maybe a nice warm place is a idea." He mumbled
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme

    ~Lowee, somewhere in the plaza~
    Ichigo Kurosaki and Dean Stark were walking among the streets, in a attempt to find the CPU's and figure out their next move, of course, Ichigo didn't have enough strength to summon Spiritual RIbbons to locate Vert or anyone else.

    ~Kamen Riders~

    A silvery veil of mist appeared overhead and swallowed Black Mage without warning as Tsukasa's eyes were wary. "Looks like Narutaki saw it fit to take him for whatever plan he's cooking up this time." He duly noted.

    ~Veil of Dimensions~

    Narutaki moved his arm as he called a veil of misty silver to cover Black Mage where the Riders are and the Mage stared at him. "Okay Fisherman, I thank you for getting me away from those goodie-two shoes, but why take me? I swear if you're a Sarda-ripoff, I'll Hadoken your ass and let's be honest, your screams of agony will be music to my ears." He said as Narutaki spoke.

    "I require your help in defeating the latest Rider, if we kill him here, there won't be a successor." He said and shown Black Mage Haruto through a viewing screen who was wandering Lastation.

    "You want me to take down another Spandex-wearing warrior when your nemesis Decade easily handled that cat." He grumbled. "He's called Kamen Rider Wizard." He explained and Black Mage held a hand up to stop him.

    "A Wizard? Next you'll be telling me teenage girls in sailor uniforms fighting evil forces are natural too." He said and Narutaki's expression turned wel... into a confused one. "Never mind that, can you handle Wizard or can't you?" He asked and BM looked at him. "It's only one guy, can't be that hard, do I get to kill the villagers of that place?"

    Narutaki nodded. "It's mainly filled with blank slated NPC's." he approved and BM's eyes were happy. "That's wonderful~ I need to get my daily doses of killing people to offer to the great god of destruction, Chaos." He said merrily and Narutaki sent him on his way.

    ~Within Lowee's Basilcom, in a unknown room~

    Lights were blinking on and off wih various coloured buttons as the flashing effect stopped, revealing....a robotic machine with tank tracks as legs, this was unusual to have one in Lowee and he spoke.... yes the robot actually spoke. "Ben...? Fred....? Guys?" He asked aloud, he was in New York City and just finsihed makign little minatures verisons of himself for the night until something taken him and landed him here, this was Johnny Five, a robot that was well...alive.

    "Maybe they are outside?" He asked and moved to the door to open it, and being in the Basilcom's Hallway as his metal eyelids rose up. "Toto, I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore." he said, his voice changing to a certain female's and appraoched one of it's consoles, pressing a button as words came up. "Input!" he said and soon, he was pressing buttons left and right, his eyes moving left to right in a fast process to absorb infomation.

    ~Gokai galleon@

    Harold brought Draco and Maria to the Galleon.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. StardustXtreme

    Stardust Radiance Dragon
    1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
    Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can target 1 face-up card on the field; once during this turn, it cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects.

    Anicent Fairy Dragon
    1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
    During your turn, when a Field Spell Card is activated: Draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Ancient Fairy Dragon" once per turn. Once per turn, if there is a face-up Field Spell Card on the field: You can target 1 face-up Attack Position monster on the field; destroy it.

    Power Mecha Tool Dragon
    1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
    During your turn, when an Equip Spell Card is equipped to this card: You can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Power Tool Mecha Dragon" once per turn. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can target 1 face-up Equip Card on the field that can be equipped to this card; equip it to this card.

    Manga Duel Dragon Cards
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. StardustXtreme
    he said to them.

    ~Forests of Lowee~

    Aoi was trudgign through the snow, shivering. "Oh how I wish I packed warmer clothes..." he grumbled to himself, he was cold, wet and miserable, he woudl transform and get to Lowee but his SP was low annoyingly enough, thanks to those Ebon blades or whatever they were classified as, little did eh know, two humanoid projects were flaling from the sky and he just stopped, noting the out of placeness and then, thump , the two girls actually crashed into him at the same time , makign him fall into th esnow with appreantly teh purple ahired girl on top fo him and the white clothed oen on top of her, forming a small mountain, and why was this a bad thing?

    Numebr one, SNow and Aoi was nearly buried in it had it not been deep and he did groan and gasp for air, if he didn't know any better, this was a pre-planned event and CG image of thsi was undoubtly going to be in a gallery.

    "By Arforie, this is like some bad eroge dvelopment." he thought to himself, praying his two...droppers were still...aware of their situation.


    Harold looekd at Draco. "ANd that's all she is, now come on, back tot he ship, Marvelous wants to get away as quickly as possible."
    ~Meanwhile, thousands of miles away!~

    BM gave out the msot bloodcurlign scream imagaible. "Godamnit! Will those guys ever notice I'm not with them!?" he cried out inwardly as Eiji looked at him. "Is he alright?" he asked White Mage as Tsukasa watched in mere amusement of Black Mage's Suffering.

    A young youth was eating a donut as steam rose from the houses, he mainly wore red and black but on his rigth middle finger was a oversized red ring fashioned after some helmet. "Now where am I?" he asked hismelf.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme

    Harold looked at Basco. "And you didn't bother saving the girl? Some caring person you are." He said and went to check up onthe Headmaster's off from the Galleon and to the Headmaster's offic,e eh felt like the school was telling him to go there adn teh agrgoyle shifted and he went up the spiral elevating staircase and opened the door, seeing Umbridge who had soemhow infiltrated the office and scaring a girl.

    "Just how in Merlin's name did you get in here?" he muttered lowly to himself and crossed hsi arms. "If you're trying to find any discriminating evidence for Dumbles, don't bother, he proabaly sealed those very well in the desk for no-one eyes but his, but I have no interest in that old codger's things." He said sarcastically. "Let me guess, you want to take over Hogwarts, good luck with that cause this school is alive and chooses who becomes Headmaster if the current one passes away or leaves willingly, plus the Ministry of Magic doesn't exist in this world so the Statue of Serecy won't affect any wizard's or witches here." he saidn and looked at the girl, she was in gryffindor it seemed but he didn't register her at all at hsi time in the dorms.

    ~Battles of...whaetver at Lowee?~

    CPu Blue heart slain the last of the monsters and reverted to to his normal state, as he felt the coldness settl ein and he breathed, seeing hsi breath. "Still as cold as ever... Need to find a hotel or something and then check with the Basilcom." he said in a shiver and paced towards the main captail.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme
    Most strangest/awesome reserve ever.

    Johnny 5 (Short Circuit 1 & 2)
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme
    Masaru put his hand to his chin as he thought abotu what Star told him, most likely this trip was a Blacksmith-Only Event to get the special ore since it was only monthly, it was probably fair to lend her assistance to get this ore since she did give him the entire set without any hesitation, plus he didn't know many other Blacksmiths personally apart from Star herself, plus the fact there are two High-Level monsters were there to spawn, it was understandable as he imagined Star never Soloed so much as to focus on her Blacksmith Skills.

    "Sounds reasonable enough, I'm free on that day." He said to her witha nod and opened the Menu up to equip the Silver Lion Armor, dragginign the approiate items to his person, his casul clothing disappearing under the armour (minus helmet and twin swords) and he moved around a bit, it felt pretty light enough and very durable, it'll last a while to say the least, he moved one more thing to his person from his Item Storage, a blue cape merely for decoration to be attache dto the back, he didn't know why but it felt like a good choice as he saw the end of the round for Shiina's team against their opponents.

    "A desperation attempt by Hayden and would of most likely worked if someone didn't intercept it, but if that hit the ground, the sword would become pixels." He thought to himself, if something went beyond the Player's hands after touching it, the system would regioster this as a useless item, now it was Mya and Masamune's turn it seemed.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Dec 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home