Tsukasa noted Rainbow Dash's question and waited for Minato to answer, he wanted to confirm his knowledge of the subject before accepting it, then again, he always had infomation on things about worlds he never came from, like Fangires from Kiva's World, Mirror World from Ryuki and the Time Travelling Train, DenLiner from Den-O's world depsite never orginally hailing from those worlds. "What's a Kamen Rider?" kirito's question came from otu of nowhere as Tsukasa took a moment to think as to how to answer that question. "I suppose you can call them heroes of Justice born to fight evil forces that plague the world." he said and kirito raised an eyebrow. "Is there more than one of you?" he asked confused as Tsukasa continued. "There are many Riders, but as to why I came to this world without the Hikari Studio is beyond me." he said and got another mroe confused look from Kirito. "I travel through alternate realities of Rider Worlds as it's my journey, some call the Devil, some call me the Destroyer, a Prophet called narutaki tells the other Riders I'm a Destroyer of Worlds, honestly though, I cannot defend myself agianst that claim nor can I prove it because I don't remember anything." he answered.[/quote]
Unno I edited it to go normal but it no like me.
~Common Room~ Harold listened to Ahim's question and he put his hands together. "There's no need to move this place, sure it's a 'second' home to me but no one can really enter this castle as it's ward's protected ever sicne it's time of creation, to anyone els,e this will be just a plot of land that you see out of the corner of your eye and no-one will register it's existence, besides, Hogwarts is usually empty for the Summer and it's cared for by the House Elves who work here." He said and continued. "Not to mention Hogwarts is built upon one of the ley-lines of the world and gives it access to almost a unlimited resources of magic, but it's mos tlikely I'll see if Marvelous will accept the Fidelius Charm placed upon the Galleon and he'll be the Secret-Keeper for it, I'd rather not risk another betrayal like Peter Pettigrew." he said, his tone turning a bit cold at the name of the man he just said. ~Kamen Riders~ Eiji was about to run to Michal to save him but with Pumyra holding the claws close to hsi face, it could be a bad idea as Tsukasa looked at teh cat. "You're looking for me? Just what is Narutaki?" he mumbled the last few words, he didn't know what narutaki's true goals were or what he really was and he brought out the Decadriver. "If a kitty wants to play with me, I'll be more than happy to oblige, I'll handle him." he said and placed the Decadriver at his waist as a belt wrapped around it and he brought out a magenta bordered card with a Rider on it. "Henshin." he said and slid it into the open slot on the belt and hit the sides, turning the belt. "Kamen Ride: Decade!" The belt said as as the transformaton took place Spoiler "Come on." Decade said, dusting his hands together.
~Common Room~ "Wlel, I pretty much assume every Dorm in this castle has beds that comfortable." He said, trailing off, he never personally seen it but only other Common Room he been other then Gryffindor was Slytherin's but that place was modeled after the dungeons as he spoke. "Of course, I never seen it for myself, but I think we won't stay in Hogwarts any longer as much as the Fidelius Charm protects us from those alien monsters of carnage, we can't just stay hiding in the dark, otherwise, this world will probabaly be...no more." He said with a sigh. ~Car~ Ichigo noted Sai's attemptof reaching out to him from the rather... comprimising position he was in, maybe he was bring crushed under all the girls weight, well, there wa sthat newcomer comign in and beign on top of Vert, come to think of it, it was amazing the car was moving at all with so many people in it, if it were a van, that'd be a different story.
Well, I did CHECK your list on page 1.
I shall also Reserve Cecil Harvey from FFIV/Dissidia, yup another Yuri Lowenthal voiced character!
One of my characters will die but he'll be revived by the most unusual method thought possible.
Best translation ever.
~Beach~ Kirito didn't complan about transport at the moment, why should he when SAO relied on walking and the occasional teleport to a floor or town as tsukasa merely steepe din stride, obivously not the bit surprised of the rag-tag group they had formed together, and for some reason, he knew what Minato used to locate a person as Chakra despite never hearing about it before, then again the infomation he never knew about always came to him and helped him udnerstand teh workings of a different World he'd pass through. "That guy did say us Kamen Riders were annoying, could he be a part of Dai-Shocker then?" Tsukasa's thoughts wandered, it was a a evil syndicate bent on rulling the world with an iron fist and destroying Kamen Riders who always got in their way and their forces were a not a joke to laugh at either as they were ale to use the power of travellign through worlds to recruit more to their cause. ~Sanvannah~ Edward merely nodded as did Jaden, although, Lee's euthusim was a welcome addition to their morale. ~RUined City~ Marvelous walked with the Doctors, Rose and lea to CLoud City, keeping his guard at his surroundings.
It's called Sword Art Online Infinity Moment.
I'm online early lol
~Common Room~ Harold took a moment to compose hismelf and he slouche din the comfy chair. "It was very much needed, and yourself?" He asked her. ~Somewhere~ Takuya strenched with Ventus after they shared a room in a bandoned inn, Aqua having one to herself and Takuya breathed teh fresh air in. "Much better!" He said and Ventus nodded. "We shoudl probabaly train whiel we travel, so we cna know what the other can do." he suggested. ~Gentaro~ Gentaro awakened on the grassy field with his companions such as Rikku, Tears etc. "Yosha, let's go at this day with our all!" ~Eiji~ Eiji looked at ANkh and the others, thinking as Tsukasa fiddled with hsi camera. "Would be ncie fi we had some form of a fight or something." Tsukasa thought to himself.
~Luffy, Naruto etc~ Kirito nodded as did Tsukasa. "Then we need a heading." he said to them. ~Forbidden Fortress~ Lambda looked at Harry's attempts of protecting the girl amusing as Daido wasn't interested. "Amusing how you plan on defending yourself against us all when we clearly outmatch you." he said and Daido spoke. "How true."
Masaru gave a light chuckle before his expression turned serious. "What do I want? To clear this game and I'm not going to just risk my life as a Soloer, so I figure it best to party up and work together, we all share the same goal, complete SAO and get back home." he said to Kuroi and looked at Mya. "Many I imagine, this is the Floor Dungeon to advance to the next Floor, I'll help out anyway that I can and there's no need to pay me in Col or such things either." he said in a rather friendly tone. "So, will you guys have my help?" He asked all three of them.
You're gonna need to get some ideas for what Voids Shu gets out from people, unless, you plan on having Inori be his partner.
~Car driven by IF~ Ichigo was broken out of his stupor of kissing and he now taken note fo how many people occupied the transport and and a new arrivla laying on top of Blanc and Vert and all Neptune could say was perky boobs. "Somehow, I'm getting surrounded by alot of women." He muttered to himself. ~Hogwarts~ Morning came soon and Harodl got up and out, rubbing his messy hair which was stcking up everywhere and he was in the common room, wearing only a t-shirt and red boxers as he sat down in a chair but unfortnately for him, he had a visitor, AHim practically who was comign down from the Girl's Dorm and thankfully, she wore a pink nightgown that didn't...reveal her figure much and what did Harold do? Blush and turn his head.