That's acceptable. Accepted. Nope it isn't, you're very welcome to join.
Underpowered? Everyone else here is underpowered, Luna plays Pokemon and doesn't have any training at all, Sakuya's pretty much the same except being more intelligent, my character is a quiet person who never really interacts with people. Most people here are like... background characters who lead ordinary lives that some people live and Gamore picked them not because of their strengths or weaknesses but to observe what humanity would do if they were granted a chance to have a power from any anime, game, or book from watching/reading these and wishing it could happen.
A town is as close as I'll allow.
Not in the world. Hometown is fine or a local town, but not seriously world championships.
You're in, but tone down your character to be a Black Belt at least, he can't be the top martial artist in his hometown or something among those lines, being a world champion at 15 is kinda...over the top.
Nothingness is kinda already taken by Xenmas being in this world, and how does wings make someone not noticeable? I think their be pretty much a sight anyone would notice, after all, Luna has blue hair and even that's gonna attract attention A huge power in battle? That's being Overpowered off the bat, everyone in the RP has powers that could be but are instead, toned down as everyone is naturally human and being given such unusual powers gives a drawback, such as Aura from Lucario and requires energy and obtained his sword and powers in this world? Gamore summoned these youths from the real world and gave them different abilites based on what their heart's desired.
Masaru nodded at Star's words, like he was going to let himself be killed here and now when his family was waiting for him to come back from this prison of a game and receivied something rather unexpected from Star as he was kissed rather lightly on the cheek, all he could do was turn his face red light as he touched the spot briefly and heard her words. "Yeah, we'll go with Plan A for now, I'll call out the other plans when they are needed." He said and walked out to the battlefield, hearing rather loudly, crowd cheers chanting his and Star's name. "People certainly change their tune when it's either a Pker or a Beater facing off, how cruel this world is..." He couldn't very well blame them for that fault, he was mainly on the Front-Lines almost constantly who focused on grinding and levelling up his skills to gain a rather distinct advantage on the Boss DUngeons and other monsters, so perhaps the crowd thought he'd be the one to put a Beater and PKer in their places. "We're ready for you." he said, withdrawing Dream Eater from it's sheath on his back and let it hang by his side.
Link to OOC Thread and a chance to join alogn with rules and characters used. ~~ The landscape was full of vast greenery of swaying grass, a tall tree and large lake nearby as the wind was blowing ever so gently, most notably, within the clearing were a group of seven youths scattered, this were in fact, representatives of Gamore who granted these youth’s powers from shows he made them choose of their free will to test how far humanity would adapt to such an experience as an experiment but unfortunately, what was meant to be a fun experience, fighting everyday minor henchmen of games, anime or books without their lives being at dangerous risks changed drastically. A being named Void found anything that gets in his way deserves to return to nothing and found humans such weak pathetic creatures and decided to partake in this experiment by changing the rules entirely by forcing these youth to represent humanity if they want their world to remain and summoning a few villains from the fantasy games, books or anime they love so much as a test, nto to mentions aid villains taken control of the minor creatures to sue effectively. Gamore summoned the youth to this landscape without so much as a warning and one of the youths wearing mainly black and a scarf surveyed the area, this was Tahiko, one of the summoned youths who had a unusual power, the power to touch people’s hearts and withdraw them into weapons provided he makes eye contact with that person, if one could compare him with the other powers the others received, his would be the most unlikely choice. “Where…am I?” he asked himself in his thoughts, all he remembered was meeting Gamore on his own and given him a power to utilize and he didn’t exactly voice it so the god gave him one that would change the way he saw things.
Okay, I would of gone easy on you anyway.
Currently on DN now.
Masaru watched the fights and heard Scarlet's annoucement of it being down to him and Star against Masamune and Mya, which was unexpected to say the least, but could they plan to do? He did have to reveal his Unique SKill, Absorption Slash in the first Round against kouri and ittoki and the second fight, the opponent's forfeited, but thsi actually gave him and Star time to watch masamune and Mya's fight to have some strategies ready such as he'd take on Masamune while Star handled Mya from a distance again, that was Plan A. Plan B was to rely on Switching tactics frequently to force them to defend against the onslaught of attacks and there was a Plan C which he had to ask Star to trust in him on that one which invovled something he mastered out in the Front-Lines and finally Plan D was a small surprise as he asked her to hand him Dagger or two to use in his inventory to throw them off balance and finally, Plan E which was to focus on distraction to grab the ribbons in case he and Masamune were perhaps equally skilled in conbat, but no-one would know fo these ideas since it was relayed through a private conversation. "Guess we're up, ready for this Star?" he asked her as he tied his ribbion to his wrist.
-Takuya, Aqua, and Ven- Takuya gave a smile before looking at his youngest friend. "But how did you end up here? Have you found anyone else?" he asked Tommy, he latter question would most likely not be answered since Tommy never came with anyone else, and something in this world was scrambling commuications with the D-Tectors. ~Hogwarts, Hallway~ Harold took Red Saber's gare rather well, he dealt with the Dursley's glares all his life along with Severus Snape's, it was up there with them though and he spoke. "Then you're no better than Death Eaters and Snakeface, innocent bystanders have nothing to do with your conflict." he asnwered to her as Saber Lily stood to defend him on the young woman's orders to stop her. "Thank Merlin, there's someone with common sense." He spoke, nodding towards Sakura. "Now, me and my allies will be departing from this school to search for more help to conbat a common foe that threatens to destroy this world, I offer this same option to you all, will you join us? I ask of nothing in return and you may freely leave the group if you so desire, but frankly, I prefer not to hide in this Castle until the storm blows over." He said to them all. "The more the merrier as you humans say, but like this kid said, We're giving you the chance to strive towards a common goal and then after that, do whaetver you want without any interuptions." Marvelous spoke, arms crossed. ~Lowee, Five and mini-me~ Johnny Five looked down, noting a box shaped form of...himself? no it was superiorly different to him and his metal eyebrow platings raised up in question, he didn't notice a S.A.I.N.T logo or from Nova industries on the small robot and it didn't have a laser weapon either, but it seemed alive as much as hima nd humming a tune, obivously from a human show perhaps? "Excuse me, but who are you?" He asked the smaller model despite the askew piel fo books laid around in a mess. ~Lastation~ Haruto come upon the most unsuual sight, a robed mage with a pointy hat talking with woman with green hair as BM noted him. "Oh it's you, my target." he said in a pmassive tone and Haruto was confused. "Sorry but who are you?" he asked holding his bag of Plain Sugar Donuts and bit onto one as BM pulled out a magazine entitled the Book of Heroes/Villians Currently. "Haruto Souma, lover of Plain Sugar Donuts, a Wizard/Kamen Rider, currently airing in the year 2013." he said and closed it and Haruto was amazed. "Didn't answer my question strange...person?" He asked again. "Black Mage Evilwizardington at your service, fellow caster of spells to defeat monsters, yadda yadda, look I gotta kill you, nothing personal, some Fisherman guy named Narutaki wants me to eliminate you." he said rather casually as if this was being talked over dinner a she conjuried a Fire ball in his hands. "Fire-3!" he thrown it at haruto who quicly dived to the side and the WIzarDriver appeared on his waist as he placed the donuts down. "Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! Shabadoobi Touch Henshin!" The Driver called out as he turned the red ring on his left finger, it forming a face of a strange head. "Henshin." He placed his hand over the Hand-shaped buckle and opened his arm wide to the left as a red Magic Circle formed and the betl was in a rhythming tone. "Flame Please! Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi~!" the Magic Circle passed ove rhim from left to right, forming a new and unque armour. "Saa, it's showtime."
To all RPers that have their OC's, I wish for you do me a favour, my character's power bestows him the power to reach inside another person's heart to extract and materialize a weapon or item from it named a 'Void' which is the physical form of the personality of a person and is unique to the individual. Eye contact is necessary to extract a Void. However, it is possible to extract a void by making a person believe that there is eye contact. The person from whom the Void is extracted remembers nothing of the incident due to shock and the Void is returned to the original owner after use. And before you ask, Gamore bestowed these powers/abilites to everyone before Void arrived.
@Smash That's better, your character cannot use the attacks in quick succession, like is aid, energy-based attacks are meant to help tire or exhaust your character out, do it enough times and you'll adapt to the strain and such quickly. @MoK Accepted there
These are youths from the REAL world, thus there are no demons or energy swords on Earth, everyone is literally, a powerless human with normal everday lives until gamore summoend said youths.
Two at most., it's better to not have so many characters.
I'll give you a chance, follow the rules and don't talk abotu havign your characters overpowered or get power-ups early, if I consdier your...
There are workable ways around low-powered HEROes, like take Knopse for exaple, fdirect attacks and gaisn 100 ATk, btu equip him a United we Stand, he can become a beater.
While D-Heroes do focus on card effects for a adtavntage, E-Heroes gaina slightly advantage with Fusion Summon since it counts as Special Summon and allowes you a wide varierty to combat with while D-heroes only have 1 Fusion to support them
Accepted~ Also, I wish to ask all who your villians shall be to control the minor forces and also, to serve an a enemy to our heroes?