*hugs* BTW, I like the new part in your sig! ^^
Ling sighed and sank lower into the water.
:cheers: CONGRADULATIONS!!!!! I am so happy for you! ^^ *holds up non-alcoholic drink*
OOC: bye BIC: Ling laughed. "You are correct. I have more than 20 brothers and more than 20 sisters. We don't like each other too much, either."
Xandor felt bad. Nicole left so quick. He wanted her to stay. Why? He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep... Philippe saw that Xandor was sleeping. He went out of his room and into the hallway. He walked downstairs. It is so quiet in here....Where is everyone? -Edit- Does anyone notice that we have more than 3000 posts? Or more than 300 pages? YAY ^^
"It is nice that you two are so close." He laughed, "I have never been close to my brothers and sisters."
*sits down and smiles* This is so wonderful! *dabs eyes with tissue*
Xandor smiled, "You want to be my age? Why?" He then frowned, "I don't think I can help you right now." He said looking at Philippe. Xandor yawned again, "I am tired." His eyes half closed, he whispered, "Maybe later..." He sank into his bed, pulling the covers up to his chin. "I will help you, though, if I can."
Yay, a wedding! And for the beautiful and kind CTR, nonetheless! ^^ (is there cookies?? ...JK)
OOC: knowing Ed, it would annoy him that everyone is relaxing, or he would secretly jealous that Winry is there with Ling and the other girls. Ed is like that. ^^ BIC: Ling sighed, "I haven't relaxed like this since before the Emperor became ill. Never relaxed at all since I met Ed and Al."
Philippe smiled. Xandor is so young, but he has a good heart. He turned to the others, "He is doing better, but still needs a lot of sleep to get back all the energy he lost." Philippe looked at Xandor, "That means no unneccasary activities, okay?" Xandor sighed, "Okay." He sat up when he saw Nicole. A smile lit up his face, "You are okay! I am glad." His face turned surious, "What can i help you with?" He glanced at Philippe, then looked back at her, "As long as it is not too tiring. Philippe over there would kill me if I make myself sick." Right after he said that, he yawned.
Ling shook his head and smiled. If only Ed saw this.... "I guess I could hop in." He took off his jacket, shoes, and shirt. Then he hopped in after them.
*eats many cookies* Mmmm....never get tired of cookies :p *stomach growls* More cookies please! ^^
Yay Cookies! ^^
Philippe carefully listened to what Xandor told him, "So, you healed Nicole by giving her most of your energy. It will take you days to recover and she might not even be fully healed, either." He looked at Xandor, "I am grateful you did it, but I have one question. Why? Why did you do it?" Xandor looked at him. "I-I don't really know. I saw her lying there. She was so pale. Natalie looked worried. Nicole was hardly breathing. I-I guess it scared me. I didn't know what else to do."
Hiya, everyone ^^
He smirked, "You are right. What do you want to do, then?"
There is a manga for Warriors?!
OOC: Vexen is freaking me out! Though, it seems you are very good at playing him, Cloaked-Schemer ^^ BIC: Zexion followed Saix into the mansion. "Where should we start looking?" He frowned, "This place is big."
"Interesting..." Lync shook his head, "I do not know where other hackers would be, sorry."