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  1. Zexion13

    I will work on the forms. Won't take long.
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Zexion13

    I am back from Vacation! How is everyone? ! I just finished reading the ending of the first one. WOW!!

    Okay, um, can Philippe and Xandor be in the sequel? I hope most of the other characters come back, too, like Nicole, Natalie, and Darkeon.

    Oooh, Questions!

    1: Do I have to do a new character form-thing for my characters?

    2: In the character form, you put "demon or slayer", but at the ending of the first one, it seemed the war ended between demons and humans. Is that true?

    3: Have you pmed everyone from the first one to see if they wanted to join this one?
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Zexion13
    That is what CTR said. I have no idea what happened while I was gone.

    I am soooo lucky nobody spoiled Harry Potter for me, though the epilogue left gaps.

    lol, kk
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Zexion13
    I missed a lot....who were the Family fights involving? How many new members? Most importantly, Can I have a ANOTHER cookie??????

    ^^I have a great tan now! I have to catch up on sleep, though. Finished many books! YAY! (including Harry Potter, but I won't mention anything because some people may not have finished it yet)
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Zexion13
    HI EVERBODY! I AM BACK! YAY FOR ME!!!!^^'s been happening?
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Zexion13
    OOC: Sorry guys, I have been away a couple weeks. I just finished reading the new section. A lot has happened without me so I am just gonna jump in. Okay?

    BIC: Zexion followed Saix through the portal to Radiant Gardens. He breathed in deeply. This used to be such a nice place to live in.. He stopped himself. I have to stay focussed. Zexion crossed his arms, "Where do you think the next piece will be?"
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Zexion13
    OOC: Hi Everyone! I have been away for a while. Hopefully this thread has not died. Did it? Helllloo?
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Zexion13
    OOC: Is this thread still going? I've been away a couple weeks so I don't know...

    BIC: Zexion gave a start, then said distainfully, "Why does that thing want to eat me?"
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Zexion13
    OOC: Is this thread still going? I've been away for a while...

    BIC: Lync, without looking away, replied, "Ah, I've been the real world I was always busy and never had time to sit and relax. Here, though, it's different. I think maybe that is what originally lured people to this world."
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Zexion13
    Is this thread still going?

    I've been away, so if it isn't, can someone pm me?
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Zexion13
    Hiya, everyone! ^^

    Like it says in my sig, I am going to be away for a week, starting today. I may be gone two weeks because I go to camp for a week right after I go to Kelowna, so I may not get on for the couple days inbetween.
    Post by: Zexion13, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Zexion13
    "Okay, then, lets go!" Ling was back to his normal, cheery dispostion. (Sp?)

    OOC: Sorry, gotta go, Bye ^^

    Post by: Zexion13, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Zexion13
    ^^hope you win!

    ooooooooh...I have to go now....

    lol, bye :)

    Post by: Zexion13, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Zexion13
    Ling got up and put on his shirt and jacket. He fixed his hair and put on his shoes. He strapped on his sword. "Why a-a well?"
    Post by: Zexion13, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Zexion13
    Lync watched the virtual setting sun. I never watched the Sun set when I was in the real world, this is kind of nice.
    Post by: Zexion13, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Zexion13
    Ling sighed. "Though this is relaxing, I think we should get going." He frowned, "To where, I don't know, but I think we need to find out why we were sent here."
    Post by: Zexion13, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Zexion13
    Lync felt very sleepy. I had a busy day. He smiled.
    Post by: Zexion13, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Zexion13
    I have to go soon, but no yet! :)

    Ooooh...the Sora Song ^^
    Post by: Zexion13, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Zexion13

    .....I think that everyone else is gone......
    Post by: Zexion13, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Zexion13
    OOC: okay^^

    BIC: Ling turned to look at her, "Hey, don't cry. Can't you see her again?" He gave her a comforting smile.
    Post by: Zexion13, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home