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  1. Zexion13
    OOC: Well, I was gone for two weeks and when I came back, this rp slowed down considerably. So maybe they are on vacation.
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Zexion13
    Xandor looked taken aback. He regained control and sneered, "What? Am I not good enough for you?"
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Zexion13
    Xandor, not noticing Nicole, bared his teeth at Cloudroth, "Never." He portalled right in front of Cloudroth. He raised his sword. "You will die before that happens."

    Philippe picked up his sword and looked lover at Xandor and Cloudroth. He started towards them, but noticed Nicole. He blinked in surprise. "Nicole? What are you doing here?"
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Zexion13
    Well, I am glad you didn't miss anything important in the game.

    Cuz if you did, it wouldn't be as funny.^^
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Zexion13

    lol, that is just funny.

    Were you late for the game?
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Zexion13
    LOL! :roll:

    Seriously? Not meaning to laugh at you, but, OMG, that is hilarious!
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Zexion13
    Philippe didn't dodge in time and he felt Jecht crash into him. His sword flew out of his hand. As he fell, he twisted his body from under Jecht. He landed face down in the dirt.

    Xandor saw Philippe on the ground and walked over to him, "Philippe are you okay?" He gave a start. What am I doing? I should be fighting. He turned to look at Cloudroth. "You give demons everywhere a bad name, you know." He lifted his sword into offensive position.

    Philippe slowly got up. Ow. He swore again and absently touched the scar on his face as he went to pick up his sword.
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Zexion13
    Really? Do you get to ride in one occationally(sp?)?
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Zexion13
    OOC: Sorry! Thanks for telling me anyways......

    BIC: Philippe and Xandor stood beside each other. They turned towards one another and were thinking the same thing: How is Cloudroth alive?

    Philippe saw Cloudroth go after Jecht, "Hey! Jecht! Watch out!" He lifted his sword and went after Cloudroth.
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Zexion13
    I really like the idea. I love how you describe the characters, but there surroundings could be described more. I also think the parents were a little easy on Sora, Kairi, and Riku because Sora and Riku were gone for two years without explanation. I think it is a little odd to send them to summer camp, but I guess if they didn't, then there would be no story. I still REALLY enjoy reading this story and I hope you coninue with it. I can't wait to read what happens next!^^
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Archives
  11. Zexion13
    I like the cover. Did you draw it?

    I also like the idea. Can't wait to find out what happens!^^
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Zexion13
    OOC: ??? Are you not going to block my attacks? I mean, you let Jecht hit Cloudroth, but there is nothing about Philippe and Xandor's attacks. I am just wondering if the hit or not so I can continue accordingly.
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Zexion13
    Well, I just remebered that yesterday, my birthday, I got to ride in a HUGE limo! It was SO AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Zexion13
    Philippe swore loudly drew his sword and ran at Cloudroth. At the last second he crouched down, slid to the left and then he thrust his sword upwards.

    Xandor's shocked eyes looked at Cloudroth, "You were dead!" He swore just as loud as Philippe did, then unsheathed his sword as well. He came in behind Philippe, but as Philippe went left, he went right, slashing with his sword as he went.
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Zexion13
    Philippe's eyes widened. "How did you get those? They are, uh, big."

    Xandor rolled his eyes at Philippe. Sometimes he wondered who was the older one. "Very descriptive, Philippe." He looked at Jecht, "They are beautiful. I wish I had wings, though I guess I woulden't need them."
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Zexion13
    I am doing good....nothing much is up.

    How about you?
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Zexion13
    OOC: That is okay, I was just wondering. As for him being behind Philippe and Xandor, oops....didn't know that. Sorry!

    BIC: Philippe blinked. "Jecht? You are here too?" He smiled, "I guess the more the merrier."

    Xandor smiled, but it faded, "Hey, Jecht, you know you have wings, right?"
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Zexion13
    Yay, cookies!^^

    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Zexion13
    I totally agree with you!

    (Sadly, I am also that short)
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  20. Zexion13
    Hiya, everyone!^^
    Post by: Zexion13, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Forum Families