Lol. :) Off Topic: When I read that chapter, it reminded me of this video:
Zexion opened his eyes. "What?" He got up and opened the door. Lexaeus was there. He jumped back. "Uh, hi Lexaeus."
Lync looked at her, "Huh?" OOC: Bed time for me!!
Ling looked at her, "Another world that uses Alchemy?" He felt sleepy. Before she could answer his question, he was sound asleep. OOC: sorry, gotta go to bed, see later ^^
Xandor was happy that Natalie was okay. He smiled, until he looked at Nicole. He placed one hand on her forehead and one on her stomach. He groaned, "She is not good at all." I have to heal her, but it will take most of my energy. He looked at Natalie. "Catch me if I fall." He placed both hands on Nicole, just above her chest and gave her his energy to heal. He could feel himself grow weak, but he kept going. He closed his eyes and didn't stop healing Nicole until he felt her breathing again. Good. He felt his legs give away. OOC: Gotta go, good night :)
"Vahn? He is over there somewhere, but I think he is preoccupied at the moment." Lync changed his program into a bow. He shot three at one program. It kept coming at him. "Can't you be nice and die already?" He yelled at it as the program sped up and started to run at Lync.
Before Xandor could follow, Natalie was gone into the storm. He totally freaked out. After calming down he looked out the window, but lightning flashed, scaring him. He fell back onto the floor. He curled up and closed his eyes. Natalie, be careful....He knew she couldn't hear what he thought. Not like Ceri could, but he still wanted her to be safe, "Be careful Natalie," He whispered.
"So you know Alchemy. Do you come from our world?" He smiled. "The alchemy world." He looked at her, "Actually, I come from Xing. I came across the desert in looking for immortality. That is when I met the Elric brothers. FullMetal Shorty and Alphonse are the Elrics, if you didn't know that. We were having quite an adventure, but then we woke up here. I still don't know why we are here."
Xandor was horrified. "Y-You can't go into that storm by yourself!" He didn't want to be left alone, and he also didn't want Natalie to do into that storm, but he didn't want to go out there either..."I-I want to help find Nicole too."
OOC: Lync was talking to Xet, meh.. BIC: Lync looked at Sam. "That is a little long. Maybe you should talk with Vahn. he is a good hacker." He ran at two programs and stood in between them. As they ran at him he crouched. right before they got him, he rolled out of the way. The two programs collided. One was crushed, but the other stood up, one arm missing. Lync laughed, "So, we have a Mr. Tough Guy, huh?" He dodged as the program swung at him with it's remaining arm. Lync was enjoying this. Vahn may be an expert hacker, but this is where I belong. He slashed at the program's legs. He didn't hurt it too bad, but caused it to trip. He stabbed his blade into it and looked around for more to kill.
He looked over at Tara beside him, "So, where are you from?"
OOC: Yup! ^^ BIC: Xandor's ears twitched. "I-I don't think Demon Nicole w-would hurt Human Nicole because Demon Nicole w-would probably want to be wh-hole again, right? I know I-I would. Human Nicole will b-be alright for n-now." He sat down beside her and curled up. Poor Nicole. Poor whoever is out in that storm. He was terrified of storms. He didn't know why. "W-Well, she will be okay a-as long as she isn't ou-out in th-that storm."
I know exactly how you feel.....
Ling smiled and laid down on the shore line, his hands behind his head. "This place is strange, but beautiful."
Xandor was startled, "Nicole! We must get her back!" Thunder boomed loudly. "A-After the storm p-passes." OOC: Swordser2, do you realize how many rp games we are in together?
OOC: Ya, that was part of the storyline. BIC: Lync looked over at the stranger battling a huge program. "Need some help?"
Ling didn't really know what to say to her, "Uh, ya, those fish are sure annoying." He smiled.
Lync was surprised. He smiled. Oooh...Vahn would like those blueprints. He could figure an easier way of stopping these programs. "Well, okay, I believe you, since my dad was a nutcase so-" He was interrupted by a program chargeing at him. He jumped up, swinging his legs up. He put his hands on top of it's head and swung his legs over, completing the flip over the program. He switched his program to a sword and stabbed it through it's upper back. He pulled down, making a larged rip. The program swung it's arm around. Lync ducked then stabbed his sword into it's belly. It finally collapsed onto the ground. He went back to Sam, "Uh, all-in-all, I believe you, so I think I should go back to trying not to get pummeled."
Ling was drying himself off on the shore, beside her. He stopped when he heard what she had said about Al. "Well, you see, he is not inside the suit of armor. He is the suit."